Monday 20 May 2013

Day 6672

Man my life sucks... Okay it could be a lot worse,a lot worse... and in truth it's only certain aspects of it that suck, which I'm sure is the same for a lot of people really. Anyway the feature off this moaning blog post... Thing. Is none other than my head and how much I detest the pain that it gives me so often. It's like I just want to  rip my brain out and then put it back in when it's stopped messing up, carrying on with my life pain free there after.

Obviously that would be rather debilitating even if it were possible to remove and reinsert the brain without causing any damage, way, way into the future your body would still be in a shell like state whilst there was a lack of brain. Which sleeping drugs/chloroform could provide for a fraction of the price. Aha, I'm waffling now.

So when I'm in this amount of pain, aside from trying to distract myself by thinking of all the messed up ways I could die/stop it hurting - These are just passing fancies and I don't give them that much thought, so no, I'm not into self harm. The other thing I do is concentrate on my breathing/heart beat/ the clock that ticks, all at the same time. Now for all the stereotyping that women can multi task I find that concentrating on these three things incredibly hard aha, though it calms me, stops me from thinking or focusing on the pain to much and ultimately sends me to sleep. Ah the beauty of sleep <3 painless and yet still entertaining with dreams.

One of these dreams I can partially remember and shall now write down, more for personal reference and planning than actual entertainment for any of you non existent readers~

So the setting is like a cross between a tribal jungle with huts and vines and a post apocalyptic world where the cars are abandoned and there are charred and crumbling skyscrapers in the background.
Then theres this kid who is a boy with black hair, and he wants to go out with a girl who is in like a group with two other girls. So he goes over asks the one he likes out then a cake appears O.o  and they all offer him some and as he's about to take a slice the three girls each take a slice completely eating the cake before saying "no cake for you " (the fact I remembered any speech is a wonder...) Then they walk off leaving him there.
Scene change the girl that the guy liked is hanging from a vine that drops into a ravine below, it looks like she's caught on the vine and can't escape and just to add that element of urgency the vine is starting to break. So just to power phrase she falls, she dies. So two things that I know and you won't because it ...Wasn't your dream O.o.... 1) She was only pretending as her and the three friends decided to see how brave the boy was and if he'd come save her. 2) there are teese centipede things and the more transparent they are the more deadly the poison.

So basically from the top of the vine these creatures appear the most transparent ones that only show up when they glint in the sunlight appear. And in a frenzied struggle she manages to untangle herself from the vine, though this rips the vine more and a few of the creatures fall off. Then she falls from the vine as one of the creatures gets like inches from her hand ( she'd rather die a sudden death than through the poison) but the boy that fancied her jumps from one side of the ravine, pushes her across to the other side, and then he manages to half land half fall onto the other side with her but the rocks slide out from beneath him. And then I woke up o.o.....

On another note how awesome is this O.O

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