Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day 6687

Welcome to another pointless post! Here I shall simply be tidying my room.... It's kinda boring O.o so I'ma make a list and try and do it quicker. Whilst listening to the radio o.o.. I mean this is a mundane blog and all, did you really expect anything different?

Anyways on with the listing~

Make up
Hair stuff
Pile up art
School stuff
Put away notebooks
Clear desk
Put clothes into red basket
Random paper
File the needed paper
Clothes o..o   I will do it... another day >.>, but that day.... Is not today.
but the rubbish downstairs
take any plates ect down
Misc stuff
Finnish changing the sheets
smile and think now your room is tidy enough and make some tea :)

P.s get rents to vacuum the floor~

Video paused cause I ran outta space D: TAke 2
one hour fast forwarded to one minute, I wonder how the video shall come out using blogger XD. For some reason YouTube keeps crashing on me, stupid syncing stuff -.-. Another time maybe.

Aha, well that quality is.... Uh interesting....>.>....Oh well who cares~
The music used in the video ~o.o~

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