Saturday 18 May 2013

Day 6670

Man, I missed 6666 :(

So uh, GREAT NEWS. I haven't completely failed art and stuff...
Was working right up until the deadline for art, got a BC which with the CD last year will give me a CC over all... Enough to get into Farnham Uni but not Portsmouth....   Thinking about contacting Portsmouth to explain about how sick I've been and see if it makes a difference, little worried that .. whilst it might make them lower the grades they will also be like, " this is an intense course, if you're sick you won't be able to complete it to a high standard! And we don't want dropouts -.- so no." But yeah.... What's the worse that can happen.

Is wanting to be able to speak a ton of languages really that weird? I mean Portsmouth became my first choice instead of Farnham because they teach Japanese so... I thought that would be amazing. Then go to China on the 5 month course learn conversational Chinese, Korean I would also like to learn, this is just conversationally mind, and French.....  Ah well it can't hurt.

Aside from finishing my art work off I've been reading a lot of amazing manga. I posted on a forum asking for recommendations of strong willed girls vs strong/manipulative guys (not sure why but this kind of conflict really appeals to me) and I've had s many amazing responses o3o Aha.

My Animation for my art project....

Friday 10 May 2013

Day 6662

I got full marks on my media video ( the animation I sent into the competition ) and pretty high marks on the essay that went alongside it so this year I got an A for coursework! Last year I got a C which means to get a B over all in the exam that's coming up and is out of 80 in need to get 60 marks, and if I get 40 then I'd get a C. That's roughly though, I don't think I can get an A over all what with last year being so low.

We know that the exam is going to be on a print feature, so an article/website/billboard picture could be displayed. Yeah.... I've always wondered why we don't cover radio in media :/. I mean it's sound which is a part of media isn't it? And if you could understand the sound as it is then you could apply that knowledge to other forms, aside maybe print but yeah.

And that's where the good scholarly news ends.
I fucked up.
I worked so hard this past week with next to no sleep to try and get all my art done, that said I still have migraines so there was time wasted, and I played sims and still watched all my TV shows. Perhaps saying "I worked so hard" is an overstatement it's more I did art all the time... So when I was watching the shows i was shading or adding to something I'd already done and then when I played sims I was doing other things to go in my book at the same time and stuff.

Anyway it's not finished I'm not allowed to add to it any more well it won't be marked if I do basically and my teacher can't put grades for something that's not there.

So I won't be going to uni. Maybe I can do a gap year in china? Or manage to get into a foundation course perhaps who knows but I can't get in with just a B/C from media and that's that.

Update over and 4 days to go... So next tuesday, the day she's sending in my marks I will be 6666 days old...

Sunday 5 May 2013


- 15:07 Shower + hair + get dressed ect. ate lunch also.
- 15:33 Salon names
- 16:35 Dog salon paper trial
- 17:13 Squirrel toy
- 17:40 Point of view rooms Jhonen style. - hhalf done will continue when i get back
- 18:05 Go clean church for moneys o.o
- 21 40 Draw room close ups for lylahs salon

( the next day)
- 14:55 Orange flowers
- 15:53 LUNCH O.O
- 16:08 Photo doogle
- 16:16 Upload images 
- 17:30 Digital draw images - yay need to restart computer so the tablet works >.<
- 20:28 Scream faces
- 23:04 Inanimate object research
- 00: 59 find something to put water and nail varnish in o.o
- 01:20 draw fallen nail varnish
- 1: 58 ... Sleep go to school say sorry for not doing everything and go finish more tomorrow

Day 6657

A continuation from yesterday's post I guess. BUT FIRST I shall complain...

Not that I particularly want to be male or anything...  I think a plant wouldn't be too bad, just soak up the sun, enjoy the rain... I mean bugs could be a problem..And frost... and strong winds -.-.... Yeah okay maybe not.

But seriously so many of my pants have been ruined and it's just irritating. Yes okay it's part of being female, I'm 18 I should be used to it by now. First world problems and all that.

On another note Damascus is in the news! For bad reasons... However isn't it amazing Damascus is a real place? It's probably only me that feels that way, to be fair. My geography is... very lacking to put it nicely, and my knowledge of Damascus was it's a place in the game Final Fantasy 12. So when I found out ( rather recently)   it was a real place, well, I found it exceedingly interesting and cool. Yeah...


To get the job and skills I want, I need to go to university.
To have a stronger chance with learning Japanese, Portsmouth university is the best place to go to.
To go to Portsmouth I need 3 B's
To get three B's I need to complete all my art work and, revise so I get a B in my media exam.

Learn my case studies inside out
Improve and increase my vocab and structuring
Learn and memorise the theorists and their theories.

Complete all TtR stuff
All artist research
Current project fine art stuff

Sooooo..... I'll make another post with my list of things for today and tomorrow... And I'll timestamp it. Let's see how much I can get done and how much time it takes.

P.s This anime is insane and random and just O.O I keeps doing what I thinks its not going to do, like in my mind it can't go there... for the story to continue but it does anyway.... If you're under 15 or adverse to gore and such I probably wouldn't recommend it to you.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 6656

Because, why not?

- Jobless, homeless
- Mold/unwanted guests in my room
- Dreadlocks from matted hair...
- Die before 27 
- Gain tons of weight 
- Go down in my drawing skill 
- Self harm // depression
- Losing family and, good friends ( and maybe some of the not so good ones :L ) 
- For my teeth to rot V.V 
- To live in partial pain 
- Become a genuine insomniac 

- Learn Japanese go to Japan - live for a year
- Learn conversational French go to France - live for 6 months
- Learn conversational Korean go to Korea  - live for a month
- Draw at the level I imagine
- Animate "the wind on fire"
- Write and animate my own story
- Create Timmy the reaper series 1 to a good standard
- Go to university get degree have a fun experience
- Go to Disney's animation course, Year 2 of Uni
- Go to Japan on a work placement Year 2 of Uni
- Have my work become famous and send people into worlds of fantasy with it
- Also create a piece that after viewing people will feel like waking up from a nightmare
- Being rich would also be good, then I could eat tasty sweet things <3 and have an even awesomer bed o3o
- To be married to a guy that genuinely loves me, even in the morning. When I'm like...24+
- To get three B's this year so I can go to Portsmouth uni.
- To have a tissue box, pen and notepad in EVERY room. At the place I call home, once I move out
- To drive a cream,red or dark blue beetle with a black hatchback or a yellow motorbike, >.>''

First steps
1)Finnish watching Vikings
2)Tidy my room ( Half done finish in the morning )
3) Create more steps in the morning

So, my anonymous non existent readers, what are your ambitions and fears?

Thursday 2 May 2013

Day 6654

I'ma do it O.O! And make it somehow fit with art at the same time aha. 

1. Chibi
2. Moe
3. Lolita Fashion
4. Harujuku Girls
5. Magical Girl
6. Catboy/Catgirl
7. Ninja
8. Samurai
9. Nurse
10. Witch/Wizard
11. Alien
12. Mecha
13. Cyborg (someone like Edward or Alita NOT a Gundam)
14. Maid/Butler
15. Royalty (Prince, Princess, King or Queen)
16. Cowboy/Cowgirl
17. Pirate
18. Harem
19. Mascot (ex/Kon, Moogles, Mokona, etc)
20. Superstar
21. Elf/Fairy
22. Thief/Assassin
23. Knight/Warrior
24. Werewolf/Vampire
25. Ghost/Zombie
26. Angel
27. Demon
28. Historical
29. Steam Punk
30. Victorian
31. Kimono
32. Japanese Style Painting
33. Toy: Plush Doll/Figurine
34. Pet (real pet, monster or other)
35. Gender Bender (male dressed like female or vice versa)
36. Magical Beast (dragon, griffon, unicorn, etc)
37. Mythology (any god or goddess, not necessarily Greek in origin)
38. Fairy Tale (any one; Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty & the Beast, etc)
39. 7 Deadly Sins (any one)
40. Video Game (any)
41. Tarot (any)
42. Zodiac (any one)
43. At School/Going to School
44. School Festival
45. Festival (any others that is NOT school related)
46. Cherry Blossom
47. Onsen (Spa)/Public Baths
48. Exotic/Out of this World
49. At a Temple
50. At the Beach
51. Wedding
52. Music/Concert
53. Dancing/At a Ball
54. Kiss
55. Formal Wear/An Evening Out
56. Cooking/Alchemy
57. Post Apocalyptic World
58. Asleep/Pajama Time
59. Mischief
60. Relaxing/A Day Off
61. Versus
62. Cool/Bad-Ass
63. Gun Fight
64. The Chase is On!
65. BFF's (Best Friends Forever)
66. Color: Psychedelic (think 70s)
67. Color: Pastels
68. Color: Warm Colors (Red, Orange, Yellow) – use one or all
69. Color: Cool Colors (Blue, Green, Purple) – use one or all
70. Color: Pink (may use other color but must predominantly be pink)
71. Element: Fire/Water/Earth/Air (choose one– must not be the same as other Element choice)
72. Element: Fire/Water/Earth/Air (choose one – must not be the same as other Element choice)
73. Emotion: Anger
74. Emotion: Jealousy
75. Emotion: Embarrassment
76. Emotion: Love
77. Season: Spring
78. Season: Summer
79. Season: Autumn
80. Season: Winter
81. Landscape
82. Cityscape
83. Café/Bakery/Patisserie
84. Vacation (or Holiday as some may call it)
85. Genre: Martial Arts
86. Genre: Mystery
87. Genre: Horror
88. Genre: Sports
89. Genre: Fantasy
90. Genre: Sci-Fi
91. Genre: Comedy
92. Genre: Romance
93. Airship
94. Spaceship
95. Love Triangle
96. Alice in Wonderland
97. Masked
98. Still Life
99. Self-Portrait
100. Ghibli (create an artwork either inspired by Ghibli or a fan art)

Updates for when tis done. 

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Day 6653

Almost day 6654, man, imagine if I'd kept this since I could write... let's say I could do it well enough since I was... 5? That makes it the year 2000. 4827 days , I'd now be 13.... Damn.... The difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old sure is a lot... 23 an 28... Hmmm we shall see. 
And that rather boring dribble is in place of a picture! Muhahaha... Though I have no spots right now so I may continue my vanity pics in future posts. 


Good day? Bad day?
I'm motivated to do work! Cause I have only a few days left to do it... Yes I'm such a worthwhile aspect of human society and not lacking in worth at all.... >.>.... Not such a great day but oh well. Took the dog for a walk though, his third one. As my mother put it " he must think today is his birthday".. I realise now quotes are normally meant to be insightful or amusing, but well this is a mundane blog, what else would you expect?

Health - 7/10  I'm alive o...o 

Work vs Play 
 - Work
1) Dog walk 
2) Cleaning 
3) artstuff...
 - Play 
1) Anime Innocent Venus ep1 
2) Watched "awkward" and "new girl" updates.....

Thing of today

So I wanted to post this But its not on YouTube so without clicking the link it can not be seen..... 

So here have these paper bags instead.

To do list
1) Art just art, that's all, just get all art done.