Friday 10 May 2013

Day 6662

I got full marks on my media video ( the animation I sent into the competition ) and pretty high marks on the essay that went alongside it so this year I got an A for coursework! Last year I got a C which means to get a B over all in the exam that's coming up and is out of 80 in need to get 60 marks, and if I get 40 then I'd get a C. That's roughly though, I don't think I can get an A over all what with last year being so low.

We know that the exam is going to be on a print feature, so an article/website/billboard picture could be displayed. Yeah.... I've always wondered why we don't cover radio in media :/. I mean it's sound which is a part of media isn't it? And if you could understand the sound as it is then you could apply that knowledge to other forms, aside maybe print but yeah.

And that's where the good scholarly news ends.
I fucked up.
I worked so hard this past week with next to no sleep to try and get all my art done, that said I still have migraines so there was time wasted, and I played sims and still watched all my TV shows. Perhaps saying "I worked so hard" is an overstatement it's more I did art all the time... So when I was watching the shows i was shading or adding to something I'd already done and then when I played sims I was doing other things to go in my book at the same time and stuff.

Anyway it's not finished I'm not allowed to add to it any more well it won't be marked if I do basically and my teacher can't put grades for something that's not there.

So I won't be going to uni. Maybe I can do a gap year in china? Or manage to get into a foundation course perhaps who knows but I can't get in with just a B/C from media and that's that.

Update over and 4 days to go... So next tuesday, the day she's sending in my marks I will be 6666 days old...

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