Sunday 5 May 2013

Day 6657

A continuation from yesterday's post I guess. BUT FIRST I shall complain...

Not that I particularly want to be male or anything...  I think a plant wouldn't be too bad, just soak up the sun, enjoy the rain... I mean bugs could be a problem..And frost... and strong winds -.-.... Yeah okay maybe not.

But seriously so many of my pants have been ruined and it's just irritating. Yes okay it's part of being female, I'm 18 I should be used to it by now. First world problems and all that.

On another note Damascus is in the news! For bad reasons... However isn't it amazing Damascus is a real place? It's probably only me that feels that way, to be fair. My geography is... very lacking to put it nicely, and my knowledge of Damascus was it's a place in the game Final Fantasy 12. So when I found out ( rather recently)   it was a real place, well, I found it exceedingly interesting and cool. Yeah...


To get the job and skills I want, I need to go to university.
To have a stronger chance with learning Japanese, Portsmouth university is the best place to go to.
To go to Portsmouth I need 3 B's
To get three B's I need to complete all my art work and, revise so I get a B in my media exam.

Learn my case studies inside out
Improve and increase my vocab and structuring
Learn and memorise the theorists and their theories.

Complete all TtR stuff
All artist research
Current project fine art stuff

Sooooo..... I'll make another post with my list of things for today and tomorrow... And I'll timestamp it. Let's see how much I can get done and how much time it takes.

P.s This anime is insane and random and just O.O I keeps doing what I thinks its not going to do, like in my mind it can't go there... for the story to continue but it does anyway.... If you're under 15 or adverse to gore and such I probably wouldn't recommend it to you.

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