Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 6656

Because, why not?

- Jobless, homeless
- Mold/unwanted guests in my room
- Dreadlocks from matted hair...
- Die before 27 
- Gain tons of weight 
- Go down in my drawing skill 
- Self harm // depression
- Losing family and, good friends ( and maybe some of the not so good ones :L ) 
- For my teeth to rot V.V 
- To live in partial pain 
- Become a genuine insomniac 

- Learn Japanese go to Japan - live for a year
- Learn conversational French go to France - live for 6 months
- Learn conversational Korean go to Korea  - live for a month
- Draw at the level I imagine
- Animate "the wind on fire"
- Write and animate my own story
- Create Timmy the reaper series 1 to a good standard
- Go to university get degree have a fun experience
- Go to Disney's animation course, Year 2 of Uni
- Go to Japan on a work placement Year 2 of Uni
- Have my work become famous and send people into worlds of fantasy with it
- Also create a piece that after viewing people will feel like waking up from a nightmare
- Being rich would also be good, then I could eat tasty sweet things <3 and have an even awesomer bed o3o
- To be married to a guy that genuinely loves me, even in the morning. When I'm like...24+
- To get three B's this year so I can go to Portsmouth uni.
- To have a tissue box, pen and notepad in EVERY room. At the place I call home, once I move out
- To drive a cream,red or dark blue beetle with a black hatchback or a yellow motorbike, >.>''

First steps
1)Finnish watching Vikings
2)Tidy my room ( Half done finish in the morning )
3) Create more steps in the morning

So, my anonymous non existent readers, what are your ambitions and fears?

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