Sunday 23 August 2020

Day 9324

Next Tuesday, all the blonde is coming off. I'm hoping if I cut it now by the time I'm 30 it will grow back to this length 🤞 Super short hair here I come! 

Good year? Bad year?

It's been a pretty hectic last couple of months. 
  • Middle of a pandemic.
  • Find out my father has cancer. 
  • My job contract ends and they legally can't renew it.
  • Start trying to find a job whilst working on Locomotion marketing in free time.
    (Dipping my toes in and learning about marketing was an amazing rabbit hole of a journey.)

    Two months later 
  • Locomotion comes out on switch! Sells 333 copies during launch week/pre-order <3
  • 40+ job applications later, three job offers along at the same time!  
  • Now working as QA with VR games! 
  • Dad had an operation,  cut out cancer, check-up says now it's all good!!!

  • For the new job I'm leaving the house at 5am and getting back at 8pm. 
  • Our lease was running out so we decided to move: closer to work and has a car parking space.
  • House falls through because I'm on a 0 hours contract and they don't accept a guarantor. 
  • Decided to renew where we are. 
  • Now working from home for the short term because of the pandemic. 
  • Next step is getting a car to help with that commute. 
  • Still have a few more Locomotion marketing posts to make. 
  • Then onto Isolated Incident and I suspect this time next year back onto Don't Trust Larry. 

    Currently typing from my new office. When we originally moved into this flat I envisioned it as each of the bedrooms being a study for my partner and I, then using the main room as a sort of studio. In the end, we had a bedroom and living room in the two bedrooms and used the main room as a large study/ VR space with a dining table tucked away.
    As we aren't moving we still decided to do a bit of a clear-out and change around.
    Long story short I'm excited to have my own space.  

This year really has been a rollercoaster news-wise, it definitely feels like a disaster movie is happening in slow motion each time I look at the news. But in reality, everything has been nothing more than a slight inconvenience for me personally, and I'm honestly so grateful for that. If anything being able to work from home has been a wonderful change of pace, and because I live with my partner and talk to most of my friends and family over the phone/online anyway it's been pretty much the same. 
Either way here's hoping 2020 settles down a bit over the next few months. 

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Day 9089

A write up from my 2019 diary. Here's to 2020! and tomorrow I'll be 9090, maybe I should bring cake into work ;)


Get Sh*t Done. 

Motivation. Dedication. Discipline.

Koala in space. Mehndi planets and stars. Planet per goal.  Galaxy background that slowly shifts over the year (timelapse)

Sun bottom centre of the screen is the home main menu button and takes you to a more traditional diary. 5 rings coming out each with their own planet. Each planet can be clicked on to take you into its goals breakdown.

UI Prompts: 
Up to 5 planets with 52 growing stages and 12 key developments.
Goals - x 10 you got this year
Monthly - x 10 reason
Weekly - x 52 Small tip / good wish
Day - Happy, Sad, Bored, Sleepy, Excited, Star

Small space flower with the date top-right, small spin wheel to get accessories for your planets, both rocks and space things floating in the orbits of planets also.

Monthly and weekly push notifications to remind you about the app, if it's not been opened in 3 weeks one last notification to say turning them off for now.

Know it, apply it, turn simple things into a habit.

  1. Plan. Big steeps planned so you have the clarity to change. See the competition and know where you are going. Break down into 5 major steps, start at your goal and work your way backwards reverse engineer.
    30 MIN break the day into 30 min intervals and plan it out, use Sunday nights to plan the overall week and each day the night before.
    Discipline = freedom 
    Procrastination is a habit to keep you safe. This is all about creating habits, what is the vision behind the vision? Plan it out. What are you scared of?
    No clarity. No change.
  2. Productive environment. Create an inspiring place to work in. Plants, Sunlight, A clean mental environment. Tidy = more productive organisation.
    Reticular activator - clear mental space.
    Brain dump all the things your brain is nagging at you. 
  3. Get shit done buddy. Speak it. Share it. Stick to it. 40% more change (citation needed?)
    Don't say anything to naysayers, say to people who care about your success and will hold you accountable.
  4. Say NO! Literally taking time from the goals you want to do. Protect your energy. Each day 3 things that would happy to do. At least 3 things that are moving you forward in life.
    One life + One of you.
  5. Choose long term>Short term
    Wake up 1 hour earlier / stay up 1 hour alter/ give up 1-hour tv/sleep a day.
    365 hours (366 for 2020) buy giving up one of the above. basically getting a whole extra month each year. (That said sleep is very important, for health, memory). Remove yourself from addictive things. 
    Stay focussed. Let people know when you need to be distraction-free. Pomodoro 25/30min do the thing then stretch, breathe, repeat. Set a timer if needed.
  6. Heart hustle. If you're feeling a little uncomfortable push through. Show up for yourself. Determined, desired, intention.  Goal to wake up at 5am. Start by waking up 10 minutes earlier, then 15, then 20. Wake up a little earlier each day and inch towards that goal.
  7. Generate energy. Listen to yourself. Exercise, food, supplements. Things that help your brain get focussed, use tools for production and make sure to drink water. Figure out if you are naturally a morning or night person and work with your energy flow.
    If you can afford to get a cleaner /doing an online shop getting other to do admin, outsource and get help where you can don't need to do everything. Be efficient and effective.
  8. Celebrate not berate. Flip the switch on what you've done/ 3 things to do and get them done and actually do them! what have you done? Not what you haven't. Let the negative go. Have rewards, on a birthday / Celebration level.
  9. White space. Leave empty space in your plans for you to do whatever you want in. Some time for you to meditate/yoga etc, chill, watch tv. Plan week on Sunday and have fun on Sunday. Divine downloads your brain will help you get the answers.
  10. Be a badass. Visualise and affirm what you are about to do. Choose to be disciplined. You live one life this is not a dress rehearsal. 


Draw Cats With Eyes Closed 

Fun, Pun, Cat, Party 

Pastels and cute, you open the game to see a cat with buttons on its tummy that take you into the main game. 
Main sections: 
Menu / Gallery / Settings / Play 

The animation UI style is elastic and squishy
Cat stretching loading animation chasing a ball. When you interact with a folder in the gallery section little cat paws poke out, an ear twitches, a tail flicks out, small hints of squishy cats appear. When scored for your drawing (out of 5 stars) they briiing into existence, like flashy jelly.  Words describing your drawing pop up
Smushed cat face for the app store icon.

Different "Cat-egorys" 
Cat / Octopus / Girafe / Koala / Sloth / Mountain goat / Duck / Whale / Turtle / Rabbit
Random each time you unlock, change colour of the background for differnt animals. 

But for cat-related ones, puns to critique your drawing/rate it.
Clawful. Apawful. Catastrophe. Furmidible. Unfurtunate. Purrfect. Clawver. Purrty. Pawsome. Cattitude.

Click play -> pop up category -> 3,2,1 -> Timer 1:30 - 10sec timer (Player can change but default is 30sec) -> images share of players session -> Rate drawings (No names, thumbnail gallery) Rate out of 5 -> Reveal~ see who drew what and see all side by side, save pictures into folder if wanted.

The closing game screen blinks closed to black, cat's eyes open

Colours to draw with, player cap, Add free

Game Story notes from February with Colin:

Don't Trust Larry 

(marketing imgur DTL 35 second gif, game food transition to real food, less than a second intro and outro. Make the 3D food in real life. White duck icon comes out at the end)
- Ducks have an aggression meter
- Narrator "you take care of the ducks well being they'll look after your well being" all calm and nice
- Larry becomes more aggressive trying to eat bread, you have to try hard not to feed him
- Narrator "oh, I've given one duck a name, here is Germima, who's actually a duck. Not Larry, because Larry, is not a duck"
- Non-sequential random order lines to flesh out pre bush Larry and after bush Larry.

- "You can smell what the rock is smashing"
Rock Johnson
Rebel Rubble

Shop - Each time you go back to a shop the character gets more annoyed for different reasons
- Narrator translating the duck squawking noises "I don't know if you speak duck but they are not happy" "oh dear, no need for that language"

- Ammo slots for different weapons
- Drake Canaveral

A1 - Tower bridge boss
A2 - Tunnel boss
A3 - Train boss

Gun - Cycle through ammo left and right hand. After each area boss, there is a gun upgrade.

(A) Security guard zoo. Police on the streets. Scientist ducks (gun upgrade). Cowboy duck (level boss).
(B) Museum security. Ninja ducks (gun upgrade, makes bread bigger). Right-hand man (level boss).

- Suck larry into gun then feed him to make him big again?

Big and small bread Larry.
Normal uck size at duck pond smashes through gates then starts to shrink to "waist height"
Some food makes him grow some makes him shrink, takes less effort to maintain "normal size/waist height". Each food has it's own value +/- to time wheel depending on the food.

Size management: food, growth value + time value that stack on top of themselves.


Koala game

Level based or never ending?
I quite like the princess drop style with 10 "levels" in a row but very hard to reach level 10. (Although I did find it very frustrating as much as I did fun) 

Maybe fall from the tree, or gets eaten? Or the koala starves to death? In some way a sad death for the koala.  If there is water intake, koala slowly dehydrating from sun/need to collect water for the tea.

Top of the tree? Maybe a golden leaf at the top? Quest of the god's style. 

Spiders, Sun, Snakes, Snapping branches, Scoundrel koala...

Power up? 
+1 <3... Probably decide after obstacles and then added, the koala-fications 

Level playtime? 
<10seconds but with high replayability.

Fun features? 
HATS :D Different koala, different hat. 

70% free, can be played 100% for free and not super grindy with everything available but then the option to buy if feeling lazy.  

Pixel art. Center of the tree moves up the middle, branches move off to the left and right, main play area split into three sections [_!_!_] far-left and far-right has empty sky, the camera follows koala that can either jump inside same area or move left/right depending on branches climbed onto.  


Before the launch plan

 100 days before launch~ 
100 images, 100 statues, 100 RTS/tags 
10 gifs, 10 polls, 10 mentions 
1 video, 1 blog, 1 thank you 

200 days before launch 
20 YouTubers
10 bloggers / streamers 
1 website  


Sneaky Slime

Golden chicken (boss drop) 
Cake slices: one slice, half cake, one slice missing, the whole cake 



- A strong line of action: flow, direction, guiding the eye, shows a force 
- Mountain peaks, not all are super exaggerated one big mountain theme of the shot 
- Flip the S curve for dynamic 

Most humans look to the face and "feel" the language of the body 

Use pose to direct to face / important parts. Visual elements used for clean flow to point of interest in the shot. 

Don't force a silhouette - focus on the lines. Clean and flowy poses are key. Can use to flow through multiple points ( travel up a leg / to face, travel up a lifted arm / to something they are pointing at) 

Can use eye line to connect body parts for an added bonus. 
The link between characters use the entire scene, 

*head tilt* this action is human, can add persona and show weight and appeal, it also makes them more accessible.  
Rotate hips and shoulders independently not the head. 

If it's in the shot then use it, use shoulders and briefly show hands to imply gestures but save time.

Try and avoid showing only one eye on the screen (one-eyed Pete), instead have the nose forward with the eyes to the side, this way you can direct with both eyes. 

Think of a human as 3 weights on a line, where the weights lie can help show the personality of the character.  

To show an introvert imagine them inside of a bounding box and they don't move outside of that, lots of open space on the screen.  For an extrovert a lot of space really big bounding box, less empty space on the screen. 



- Mini anticipation to big anticipation will make it flowier (1 + 2 frames) 
- But anticipation into ease in will create popping, avoid! 
- S curve computer-generated in-betweens aren't great, make sure to add the frames in 

Start by blocking the poses/shapes with no timing just the images, then add drag and lip-sync get it all in there so you feel the movement. Then timing away. Wait to spline, the pc may not be your friend.


- Inktober gif
- Animation mentor games gif
- DTL 
- Cat with eyes closed 
- Sneaky slime 
- Koala tea  time 
- 100 vector ladies 
- 11-second club 
- Get shit done koala planner 
- Overwatch healers 
- Profile pic 
- Steff drawing 
- Tom card background 
- Locomotion marketing plan 
- Prize studio 3 commission if they ever get back to me 
- Demon cycle drawing (powerful book series?)
- Dragon dynasty 
- Timmy the reaper 

Sunday 27 October 2019

Day 9023


 exercise. exercise. exercise. 

It keeps coming up. Healthy brain? Exercise. Better quality sleep? Exercise. Feel less tired in the day? Excercise. Want to feel happier by both decreasing cortisol and increasing dopamine? Exercise. Want to learn quicker/retain more info when studying? Exercise.

Cue all of my excuses as to why that's not going to happen:
I currently haven't found a place to put it into my schedule but I think it's the next habit I'd like to start working towards, that and actually doing work outside of work. I'm tired just after that sentence.  Things like Beat Saber and Superhot VR heck even Budget Cuts definitely gets you moving. And I've been seeing a lot about going for a run. Which is both free and can be for as long as I want it to be. There is a gym around the corner that is £30 a month, which on one hand isn't a lot and on the other it really is, but it also has a swimming pool.

I like the idea of waking up early and going for a jog, as long as I warm up properly it should be fine, my partner and I have done this on the random occasions we get the motivation to do so and all in all it worked out fine. There is also a couch to 5k  or varients of it. Perhaps I shall try doing beat sabre for now, as that is both fun and gets me moving and start going for walks in the mornings, where if I feel like running I will, but once it starts hurting I'll stop. There is also less time for me to talk myself out of doing so. And now the clocks have gone back "early" isn't quite so early anymore.

Next, I feel I need to take a better look into sleep as I'm starting to feel it's less about quantity and more about quality. 


Meal plan!  

Healthy (around 400 calories per meal) Cheap (total spend of £50) Long-lasting (one big shop that will last for 2 weeks). Each meal needs to be £1.20 or less for 2 people. 60p a portion. Taste nice and be filling. Ideally, things that are easy to clean up and quick to make will also be bonus points. Who knows maybe I'll make a mini recipe collection book. We recently got a "men's health" magazine that has a whole bunch of recipes that are only meant to take 15 minutes...Ignoring the 40 minute clean up time from the 100 pans it suggests you use. So we probably won't be following it word for word but we shall be giving it a go :) 

Making time
Shelf life ingredients
Shelf life created
Clean uptime 

MondayB)Cheese on toast with a poached egg£0
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
D)Mini pizza £4.55
TuesdayB)Mushroom and onion omelette£5.85
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £2
D)Chorizo stew£4.45
WednesdayB)Chorizo egg and leek mash £5.25
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £2.85
D)Chorizo paella£2.30
ThursdayB)Banana pop tart £3.75
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
D)Garlic mushroom rigatoni £2.35
FridayB)Banana porridge £1.60
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
Total this week: £35
(Using men's health, the cost is of ingredients we don't already have and based on Sainsburys prices.  We'll also be eating out a fair bit this weekend so that shall be accounted for at the time. My plan is whatever ingredients we have leftover shall go to make next weeks shopping list a touch cheaper) 


Improving the future

Score on life: 79
Celebrate: Getting meal plan done and the online shop! And blitzing new beat saber songs 
Motivated: Roll the dice 
Thankful: I don't have migraines every day

Monday 21 October 2019

Day 9017


Pumpkins and snow. 

65 days till Christmas! Halloween hasn't happened yet but the cold has set in and the shops are fully seasoned. Egx is over and my body and brain are slowly returning back to normal, now just to make it through the spot phase and restock the house with food.


A to-do list! Get the house in order 

  1. Set up my desk 
  2. Put away clothes
  3. Wash more clothes 
  4. Change the bedsheets
  5. Put away clean dishes 
  6. Wash dirty dishes 
  7. Make a meal plan for the next two weeks 
  8. Do an online shop for the next two weeks 
  9. Figure out how to make the place warmer 
  10. All of the rubbish outside  


Enjoyed the now and added to the future  

Score on life: 66
Celebrate: Good thing and a bad thing, a friend gave me the most amazing gifts! But I also found out today was their last day... 
Motivated: Get clean and prepped 
Thankful: That right now I am feeling very content. 

Day 9017

 want to be an animator am an animator.

2020 feels right around the corner. Since graduating university my working life has not gone to plan. Moving from one non-industry job to another has felt like moving sideways away from my creative goals. Working on my own projects has proven to be incredibly enjoyable when I do them, but actually doing them seems not to happen, leading to anxiety, apathy and overall inefficiency.

My current role is a more diagonal step towards the creative industry. The structure, pay, lack of stress and challenges I can complete, coupled with the amazing people, facilities and freedom to listen to what I'd like to, leave it, all in all, to be a job I am enjoying - just not feeling fulfilled in. Long term? No. Midterm? Yes very much so. As I write this I am currently riding the post-event high of EGX coupled with a cold that allows me to appreciate the amazingness of actually being able to breathe. I met absolutely wonderful people there and entrapped them in a random game of roll the d20 because why not. Something I've realised at this event is whilst my limit is really two days and after that, it's not quite as fun and I am socially drained and don't remember people quite as well, I REALLY love meeting new people. Getting to know them, seeing what they are passionate about is super interesting. That the games industry has such wonderful people in, it really does give me hope for the future and has solidified that that is the industry I'd like to work on. I also found I still love VR and it is a very powerful experience although some of the flatter games were just as engaging. And ultimately I think it comes down to telling stories.

I think my main passion isn't just making people feel things, it's not even about making people happy or distracting from reality per se, but more about telling a story. It sounds so obvious, it's what I like about games, films, books, meeting people, it's about finding these amazing stories and experiencing them then moving onto the next one, the novelty factor that builds up onto itself. Not how pretty something looks, or how mechanically sound it is, or about growing as an artist for better self-development absolutely none of that holds any real weight for me experiencing a great story hell yes. Does the consumption translate to creation? It does, but I think that is more related to positive/constructive feedback... Or money.
Koala park studio is going to be an amazing side hustle, I am going to be an amazing animator, I am going to work with an amazing team and we shall make, you guessed it AMAZING games!
Definition of amazing? Causing great surprise or wonder.

Sunday 13 October 2019

Day 9009

Random thoughts:

Returning from far away

It'd odd that the last time I posted on here (or didn't post as it was left as a draft) was just before an EGX event.  And what dear reader is happening next week? You guessed it EGX!

My life has somewhat changed recently with a new job and a new awareness of my mental health. I think now having the time to think has left me with time to realise the unhappiness I've been smothering and now am facing. The main feeling comes from a lack of creating.

Not that procrastination is a new thing. My lack of discipline and lack of work ethic aren't really new, just things I've put down to being lazy and accepting instead of trying to address. Although I am currently writing this instead of getting on with things... It's a journey, let's go with progress not perfection on this.

I've been researching more into motivation and have come to three solid conclusions.
  1. Healthy lifestyle to allow your brain to have dopamine receptors 
  2. Changing too quickly will send your lizard brain into overdrive
  3. Having fun is just as important as working hard 
Also, all being key components: Drinking water, getting plenty of rest, planning your day into 30-minute chunks, keeping the end goal in mind and celebrating the small steps. 

I'd still like to create a " Get Sh*t Done" digital planner (with a koala mascot), however, for now, I'm using a pen and paper planner, Jiffy, and an Excel sheet that has "sims" stats out of 100. (Currently on 60) Essentially testing it out before making one.

I've started tracking my moods and also how my week has gone all in all. Recently I've been having days of complete apathy which aren't currently affecting my life outside of those days but if they continue I think I shall try and talk to a doctor about them and see what's up.

If only researching and making lists directly led to me following through with them. I'm brilliant at sticking to my plans at the start, but once the novelty has run out so does the motivation to continue. I've yet to find a more consistent way however I find something often becomes novel again after a couple months so can reuse them over time. Currently, I cycle between these things.

List of the day: 

My top 9 novelty motivations 

  1. Waking up early
    5am wake up time with 30 minutes of it being used to actually wake up. I find I will work for at least an hour on a project and feel the same amount of tiredness at the end of the day as if I'd woken up at 7am. Actually waking up at this time however is another step in and of itself. This can also work with staying up super late/ doing an all-nighter, though I have found the quality of this work is often not that good so not worth it. 
  2. Listening to a show/book
    This one is somewhat dependant on finding a good show and can turn into a negative if I become too engrossed in the show to the point that's all I want to do.  
  3. Money
    I do not have a problem with short term commissions or going to work, long term ones, however, I flounder at or working for free I'm also not so great at.  
  4. Entering a competition/Going to an event
    Not one I've used in a while, but having the deadline that is out of my control with a great potential reward is always enticing. 
  5. Only 5 minutes
    This one is when I'm really bad but still, in control, I'll set a timer for 5 minutes and do "the thing" if the timer goes off and I want to stop then that's fine. If I want to keep going that's also fine. Normally once I've started it's all good. 
  6. Take a chance 1-10
    This one is quite fun and I do in a variety of ways, I'll make a list of for example 10 things, with number 10/0 always being something fun. I roll the dice, whatever number it lands on I do for 1 hour. Unlike the 5 minutes one however once that hour is up I stop, save and re-roll. 
  7. 1v1
    Again not one I've used in a while, but when I'm racing/competing with someone else. Trying to match another person either intellectually or skillfully for a short time can be a real motivator. Looking at other peoples work can also be an inspiration and help keep my eye in.  
  8. Change of scenery
    This can be moving my desk from one room to another or sometimes working portably outside of the home in a new place.
  9. Starting a new project
    This doesn't have to be something entirely new. I've found if I break things down but not too much, that starting on a new area of a project can also fall into this, but this is the height of novelty and often only lasts a few days. 

Summary of today: 

Neither enjoyment nor building for the future 

Score on life: 60
Celebrate: Getting food for breakfasts and all of the bed washing done
Motivated: Watch shows and draw
Thankful: Having such an understanding partner and seeing my grandparents, also, seeing how much they've improved since I last saw them.

Day 8460

EGX rezzed 2018 talk notes.

PR for indie games panel talk.

- Keys to PR is to get people to find your game, play your game and buy your game.
- The sooner you start the better, think of PR like sound or graphics
- Ideally you want to get your game on sites that people trust
- Right now the consesns from the panel that at least 60% of their effrors goe's into finging streamers
- Jounralisists and streamers feed off one another, everythones looking for views, more people stream more people want to write about it, more people write more people want to stream etc...
- Keep in mind journalists/streamers are going through 100's of games and maybe only make 10 posts a week tops, you need to target the right people and make sure it's going to reach the right audience
- Plus side to Twitch