Monday 21 October 2019

Day 9017


Pumpkins and snow. 

65 days till Christmas! Halloween hasn't happened yet but the cold has set in and the shops are fully seasoned. Egx is over and my body and brain are slowly returning back to normal, now just to make it through the spot phase and restock the house with food.


A to-do list! Get the house in order 

  1. Set up my desk 
  2. Put away clothes
  3. Wash more clothes 
  4. Change the bedsheets
  5. Put away clean dishes 
  6. Wash dirty dishes 
  7. Make a meal plan for the next two weeks 
  8. Do an online shop for the next two weeks 
  9. Figure out how to make the place warmer 
  10. All of the rubbish outside  


Enjoyed the now and added to the future  

Score on life: 66
Celebrate: Good thing and a bad thing, a friend gave me the most amazing gifts! But I also found out today was their last day... 
Motivated: Get clean and prepped 
Thankful: That right now I am feeling very content. 

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