Sunday 27 October 2019

Day 9023


 exercise. exercise. exercise. 

It keeps coming up. Healthy brain? Exercise. Better quality sleep? Exercise. Feel less tired in the day? Excercise. Want to feel happier by both decreasing cortisol and increasing dopamine? Exercise. Want to learn quicker/retain more info when studying? Exercise.

Cue all of my excuses as to why that's not going to happen:
I currently haven't found a place to put it into my schedule but I think it's the next habit I'd like to start working towards, that and actually doing work outside of work. I'm tired just after that sentence.  Things like Beat Saber and Superhot VR heck even Budget Cuts definitely gets you moving. And I've been seeing a lot about going for a run. Which is both free and can be for as long as I want it to be. There is a gym around the corner that is £30 a month, which on one hand isn't a lot and on the other it really is, but it also has a swimming pool.

I like the idea of waking up early and going for a jog, as long as I warm up properly it should be fine, my partner and I have done this on the random occasions we get the motivation to do so and all in all it worked out fine. There is also a couch to 5k  or varients of it. Perhaps I shall try doing beat sabre for now, as that is both fun and gets me moving and start going for walks in the mornings, where if I feel like running I will, but once it starts hurting I'll stop. There is also less time for me to talk myself out of doing so. And now the clocks have gone back "early" isn't quite so early anymore.

Next, I feel I need to take a better look into sleep as I'm starting to feel it's less about quantity and more about quality. 


Meal plan!  

Healthy (around 400 calories per meal) Cheap (total spend of £50) Long-lasting (one big shop that will last for 2 weeks). Each meal needs to be £1.20 or less for 2 people. 60p a portion. Taste nice and be filling. Ideally, things that are easy to clean up and quick to make will also be bonus points. Who knows maybe I'll make a mini recipe collection book. We recently got a "men's health" magazine that has a whole bunch of recipes that are only meant to take 15 minutes...Ignoring the 40 minute clean up time from the 100 pans it suggests you use. So we probably won't be following it word for word but we shall be giving it a go :) 

Making time
Shelf life ingredients
Shelf life created
Clean uptime 

MondayB)Cheese on toast with a poached egg£0
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
D)Mini pizza £4.55
TuesdayB)Mushroom and onion omelette£5.85
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £2
D)Chorizo stew£4.45
WednesdayB)Chorizo egg and leek mash £5.25
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £2.85
D)Chorizo paella£2.30
ThursdayB)Banana pop tart £3.75
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
D)Garlic mushroom rigatoni £2.35
FridayB)Banana porridge £1.60
L)Sandwich/choc/crisps £0
Total this week: £35
(Using men's health, the cost is of ingredients we don't already have and based on Sainsburys prices.  We'll also be eating out a fair bit this weekend so that shall be accounted for at the time. My plan is whatever ingredients we have leftover shall go to make next weeks shopping list a touch cheaper) 


Improving the future

Score on life: 79
Celebrate: Getting meal plan done and the online shop! And blitzing new beat saber songs 
Motivated: Roll the dice 
Thankful: I don't have migraines every day

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