Monday 1 January 2018

Day 8359

Happy new year! 

Here is too 2018 being an awesome one! I've a gut feeling that it's going to be great, and either way I'ma make it be so!

2017 was mostly a year of working, saving, tv shows and sleeping.  I had 5 goals for 2017 and only finished 1, with that said my 2018 goals are going to be very similar, just planned out a lot better.


1) Learn to drive
2) "Don't trust Larry" Completed and out on Steam
3) Dragon Dynasty chapters 1-3
4) Timmy the Reaper episode 1 all prep ready for future years animation (2020)
5) Complete who can find the unicorn with group 1

Let's break it down~
12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days! 5 goals >:3
So 73 days to each of the goals, roughly 10 weeks each! I've started making a planner I can print off and work on but sadly haven't finished and got it printed. So some time in the near future going to do that shenanigan ~ but for now, let's do it here! A very loose break down at least :)

I started learning in February 2017, so let's see if I can get this done by Feb 2018! We'll be moving early February and that's when the real work on the game begins, but there is an intensive driving course for one week, so hopefully will pass that and get it out of the way.

I mean this is going to need its own blog post really, to fully summarize the to-do list that is this game. The building concepts are "done" and Larry and a few outfit concepts are "done"... Jeeze feels like I did nothing in 2017... One thing that is now sorted is an established art style, in 2D at least, still, need to see how it translates into 3D! Moving in Feb, then plan to get it up and running within 3-5 months will just see how much goes wrong as to how long it takes.

Dropped from 6 chapters to 3, as whilst this and the wing shop are comics that I want to make in my lifetime they are not priorities for this year. That energy goes to DTL.
Step 1 - Flesh out the chapters. Step 2 - Flesh out the characters. Step 3 - Thumbnail the chapters. Step 4 - Draw!!! Step 5 - Final tweaks to make everything consistent and pretty :3
2 weeks for each? Realistically step 1 won't take more than a few days so that extra time will no doubt go to Step 4~

Similar to DD the amount has dropped in workload, perhaps shall actually get things done ^^. 
Step 1 - Script. Step 2 - Characters. Step 3 - Storyboard. Step 4 - Animatic. Step 5 - VFX.
This one's a little harder to break down effectively as some of this is done, half done or has been done incorrectly and needs completely reworking. I essentially want to get this to the point that I can just go for it when it comes to animating in 2020, I'm thinking of making them 5-minute short episodes, created in flash, probably going to really heavily on the voice acting. Step 1, and 3 won't take too long, Step 4 will probably be what I spend the most time on as it will somewhat become the storyboard as well. But Step 2 and 5 are going to be the most fun, so shall try and steal some extra time for those :D

Who can find the unicorn?
Similar to reaching gold in comp last year this one is all about the fun ^^ I've been running a post by post RP based on journey of the rat king but with some fantastical quirks, I keep going through phases of not wanting to talk to people :< So I'ma save my social energy and spend it on seeing these guys and girls through the campaign! If that is to their death or to them completing the area who knows~ But something to do week by week, maybe every Friday? Or Monday might be better as that's the first day I'll have off of work. Little by little, we shall get there :)


Subgoals for the year are moving out, getting a job in industry and establishing my own freelance business, joining an animation course, learn basic Japanese, French and Korean, maybe a drawing every 10 days? I got lots of things I'd like to do, but honestly, DTL is the main thing this year, not going to let other things be too much of a distraction :)


Okay so for January!

- Book the driving course, pay the deposit, work enough to actually pay for the course!
- Get the concepts from "Done" to Done :D! Need to add ducks and icons for the stores so they are recognisable and create the street asset concepts. If I have time for duck turnarounds that will be nice but as I'm still working as much as I can for money that may have to wait.
- Let's get chapter 2 fleshed out this month. Maybe chapter 3 if I'm on a roll ;)
- I'ma leave TtR for now and have a more in-depth focus coming months!
- Unicorns? I shall start with every 10 days, that's 3 days of social interaction and plenty of time for humans to respond :)

Monday 17 July 2017

Day 8191

10,000 Hours

Ever since I start developing a real interest in drawing, I've always said that I want to be able to draw at the level I imagine. Creating interesting characters and worlds and throwing them into stories soon became another big drive for me.  But as of late I've not done a lot.

2017 Goals Update

I started this year with trying to pick up one good habit a month, working out, drinking more water, picking up a new language, heck brushing my teeth twice a day was the first months.   And until the 6month mark this seemed to be working okay, but then I was unsure what to add next. The habits started to slip. But even though they've slipped, I think it's working. It's just a little slower going now.
  • Learn to drive - I can now parallel park! It's slow learning but by the end of the year I shall have my licence, I may not have money to get a car, but at least I can drive one. 
  • Don't trust Larry -  Such slow going, I've not been super hyped about this, but now I've started posting on social media every other day so I've a more solid commitment "deadline" if you will. 

  • Dragon dynasty/Timmy the reaper - both untouched, I've a feeling this will be something I pick up at the 9-month mark when the end of the year starts feeling closer and I'm more determined. Also, should have finished driving by then! 
  • Reach gold in competitive and stay there - I'm high plat right now, so very close to reaching diamond, so this is 100% achieved. Mostly by playing a healer, though I've been picking up the tanks a little when needed also. 

Back to my first point, whilst health and overall goals are on their way I've not had an invested direction or goal that I want to take my artist drive in. That's partly because there are so many areas I have an interest, partially because I've no deadlines or direct goals to strive for aside from "get better" which is just a tad to wishy washy, but mostly because I've not thought about it.  So this is me...Thinking about it?

Main Motivations

So from what I can see my 4 main drives... Learning/Challenge, Social Recognition, Money, and Impact. Also satisfaction at my own skills but I've a feeling I'll never quite make it to 10/10 on that, as there will always be something else, and I'll simply not live long enough.

  • Learning/Challenge, I enjoy being stretched, learning new things, almost as much as I enjoy listening to a great book or watching an awesome new series. I think part of this will come from studying books/watching YouTube channels and possibly from doing some paid online courses, but for now there is a lot of free self motivated things I can be doing.

    Animator island, daily sketches, weekly studies, 11 second club, anatomy, inktober, character design challenge, emotions, master studies, colour studies, acting, body language,composition. I'll start with drawing for now and move onto directed studies once I can see how it's going. 
  • Social recognition. Each like on facebook, retweet and comment saying nice work! Gives me a little bit of happiness, admittedly not an awful lot, unless a post does really well, but I think what is really well is rather subjective, as each time something does amazing that's setting a new bar. I think by Christmas I'd like to have an active presence on each of these. Right now it's just Twitter and somewhat DA. Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/DA/Reddit. 
  • Money. It's kinda a shame how much money is a motivator for me, it's easier to just get on with it, similar to deadlines it's a much more solid "must do" instead of "should do" in my mind.

    Tip jar, Patreon and freelance work, for now, I'm not looking to get a job in the industry. I mean if one appeared that would be great! But I'd like to get a solid showreel and a few personal projects under my belt before looking for that. But that is definatly going to be a goal for next year.
  • Impact, less easy to measure but it's nice knowing when you make a postaive impact. I'm thinking feedback, tutorials and intersting stories?

So easy to write about it and plan it, but if the first 6 months have shown me anything it's that the motivation definatly doesn't last and I'ma need to be in the right mind set to keep going. One step at a time...

Okay, So! Action Plan...

  • Open a Facebook page, and work towards 10,000 hours. Which would be 420days(416) non stop work. So... 840 for 12 hours, 1680 for 6 hours = 4.6 years 3360 for 3hours = 9 years. Or! 1 hour a day which would take 27.4 years.
  • Start getting more involved in online communities, maybe even see about some real life ones around here as well, seeing how much time I spend on each and what is a constisant and fun amount.
  • Create a buisness bank account/Website/Paypal/Patreon...Perhaps a goal for next year? Make £1000 from freelance work. £50 would be 20 humans. Go to a couple conventions as a seller, Timmy the reaper, and dragon dynstay out, and then getting a Job in industry. Well that's next year planned. I'll come back to this nearer next year and see what's what/

Summary: 10,000hours for 2030!  Before my 35th birthday :) 

Sunday 16 July 2017

Day 8190

Final fantasy 12 HD remaster review, a trip down memory lane~

So! FF12 Remaster is out on PS4, it came out July 11th, so a couple days ago now, and I've been playing it whilst things are rendering on my computer/after work.

Here's what I think!


  • The voice audio is shit. Doesn't matter if it's coming out of my speakers or headphones or what volume, Penelo's voice keeps peaking, all of the S's and K's and Ch's... Just...The transience and sibilance of their voices is horrible to listen to. 
  • Gameplay resolution is fine, save for all of the cutscenes. I'll have a black band across the bottom of my screen, not a great thing to open to. 
  • Lip syncing? They. Did. Not. Try. One of those things that's funny to watch but you really have to question who saw it and thought "yep, that's good let's ship it!" 
  • Clipping? Nope they didn't try there either, in gameplay I don't really care to be honest, and I can understand cloth clipping, but when people's feet are swinging through the floor, of a stationary character, in a cut scene, that shows a certain level of laziness. 
  • New music? Sounds really nice
  • Vaans 6pack... Is not amazing, but it's definitely not going to give you nightmares like the original ff12, unfortunately, some of the guys near the Lhusu mines seem to have missed out on that cosmetic upgrade. Or take a sneak peak over at Basch...  
  • Generally, a lot of the clothing textures are very pixelated in a non-stylised way. So whilst yes it looks better than if you go back and look at the ps2 version it's a shame they didn't fix this for the ps4. 

  • New overlay map. This is actually really cool, I use the map a lot and the way it's done I can ignore it when I'm playing but still have it up. So this is a great improvement. 
  • When creating a new save, it automatically goes to "no" in do you want to save? Utterly annoying, if I've clicked on a stone, clicked yes I want to save the game, then surely having it set to yes makes the most sense?
Just saying:
  • Why are the teleport stones in with loot?! It annoyed me in the original game and it's annoying now XD Wish there was a way I could move it into "items" Oh well, at least it's always at the top. 
  • Why is Fran biting an arrow in her victory pose XD?
Currently still very early game, finally unlocked gambits again and Basch, Balthier and Fran <3 have joined the party.

Updates to come as I play~ 

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day 8109

First pots of 2017! Let's kick it off with a selfie....
In reverse order for this year:

  •  Designed a phone case and have now set up a shop on redbubble Have also signed up to flash cc for £20 a month.
  • Also new phone! I ended up getting a One plus 3T as the S6 I got from CEX stopped connecting to my network, then the replacement I got from the same shop had a camera shake...When I tried to take it back I was told it was normal and wouldn't that all phones do this and she wouldn't replace it.
    Utter bs, took it to the nearest Samsung store and they said it's a hardware fault. Deary me, long story short nice people in a different CEX gave me a full refund and I'll never be buying from the Bishops Stortford store again.
  • Started learning to drive! Can change from first to second gear without having to look (most of the time) and can almost get it into reverse in one movement, keep getting it stuck though >.>.... Nice teacher as well so that's good, I trust him not to get us or anyone else killed more than I trust myself, hopefully that will change with time.
  • Have started learning languages! French, Polish and German (am pestering my Polish and German buddies with snap chats and getting feedback) I'm also picking up on the Japanese I learned a while back some really awesome apps out there. No good ones for sign language though, perhaps I'll watch some children's tv shows or something...
  • Had a clear out of all the clothes that don't fit me, I've gotten rather chubby. I've started the 30-day challenge, the plank can go fuck itself, quite frankly it's a hideous creation. Day 1 was 10 seconds and I thought that was bad.... I'm now on day 14 (26 days later....) and it's up to a minute T_T also went running with my partner... In 10 second bursts of hideousness that were kind of jogging and yeah...Sporadic movement is probably the best description :P
  • Haven't done the duck buildings....Haven't even finished the concepts for them :/ Soon.... I'm up to J. If non-existant people would like to see you can check them out here 
  • Stayed at gold in competitive on Overwatch for first 3 months, I've now uninstalled it. Still playing on my partners PC, and around his friends when we go there. Also, started playing the most adorable game called slime rancher! I've currently explored all the maps available and uninstalled that as well, I have been slightly more productive since deleting all the games, until the last 3 days where I've been playing a phone game called the trail, good fun time-consuming hibernation days.
  • Jumping back a bit to the start of the year Biranival 2017 was good fun :D We went to Vienna~ Costly but I got lots of lovely photos and actually got a photo album made. Koalas, butter, selfies and snuggles.  My partner also got me an awesome sauce Symmetra poster :D
  • TV show wise I've been powering through, generally I have them on in the background whilst working (great for the tedious parts) So I'm mostly up to date with the 100, walking dead, I'm also watching Outlander and bates motel. Also started Aot season 2 o3o pretty good so far. 

And that's pretty much me these last 4 months o.o 

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Day 7979


1) Environment artist - All projects to complete but with this in mind.

2) Comic artist - Lezhin has a contest ending February, dragon dynasty will have at least 140 panels done by then.

3) All Duck game models done by March 1st.

4) Learn to drive before moving out.


2017 goals

1) Learn to drive

2) "Don't trust Larry" Completed and out on Steam

3) Dragon Dynasty comic to chapter 6

4) Timmy the Reaper episode 1-3 all prep ready for next year animating

5) Reach gold in competitive and stay there :o

Thursday 8 December 2016

Day 7970

- Happy belated Halloween!
- Sombra is out and looks pretty awesome, wasn't too keen on the booping but after seeing everyone else's reaction I now get it.
- Nearly fainted and got all dizzy at work. I think it was going from walking to standing for 30 mins and my body was like oh great time to sleep! Mildly mortifying, I ended up going home, I was fine one moment and the next I started feeling all hot and cold and my back was going wrong and.. ugh life. The second week and already a day off, wonderful start body.
- Fall is here! Everything is so pretty right now. especially the stars, the mornings have such clear skys and when I'm walking back after my shift everything has raindrops on it all looks very beautiful.
- I gave up on NaNoWriMo when I couldn't come up with a good plot, but here are the plans below.
- Have received my Imgur secret Santa and sent it all off! Photos will follow soon once they have received it :D
- A-Z of duck game concepts is slowly underway. Very, very slowly....
November - #NaNoWriMo2106 Story time :D!
Plan is to have main character play the stereotypical old man "teacher" role who just wants to find love, but keeps getting interrupted by all the heroes who need a hand, something a bit silly 50,000 words here we come! Time to google how to actually write something with structure.... Or just 12 romance/hero cliches coming up. I've also just realised that this is what 12,000 words a week which if my dissertations was anything to go by is 3 full days of writing, not including time to correct everything O.O insanity. 4200 per chapter for 12 chapters, so around 9 pages. I'll break each chapter up into a part 1. 2 and 3 I think. 1400 per part.
Heroes journeyOrdinary world - show hero coming for aid
Ignore call to adventure
Ignore supernatural aid
Pass up on the helper
Pass up on the mentor
Ignore temptations and deal with the challenges intelligently
Revelation - Death to all heroes - "Ordeal"
Avoid transformation and remain as self from the start
Start the return to the beginning
Back to the start all aloneHero cliches 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Blood Knight - Anti hero, loves a good fight, solve problems with brute force, wandering martial artist looking to test his skills, defeat means friendship, deliberate disadvantage to himself (not left-handed), attacking a city allows to be scene so that best warriors will be sent.
Challenge Seeker - The more the get beat down the more excited they get, wants to be the very best, plays multiple games at once to save time and challenge himself, despises idleness, adding feathers to cap with "impossible" tasks.
Combat Sadomasochist - Moan in ecstasy, lap up the blood, intense dance like battle, no mercy, sticking fingers in wounds, laugh in the pain, keeps fighting until truly dead, torture as a hobby, scars as rewards, removing pain would upset them greatly.
Death Seeker - Dishonoured, traumatised, criminal, looking for someone to kill them as redemption and final glory, finds a reason to live and then dies, accepts increasingly dangerous missions, capture rape and death of a loved one, resurrected by a necromancer and pulled into a life of servitude
All rounder - The chick, the big guy, the smart guy, they have a balance of skills, main skill leadership to push and pull everyone together (Schizophrenic person?)
Element - Oh so you can work fire? You must wear red and have a hot feisty temper.
The fool - Does no wrong, receives no pain, the chosen one, siphon good luck from others causing them bad luck, bend over at just the right time, barely knows who enemies are
Science hero - science fiction save the day, genius, photographic memory, for the good of the world, a little bit crazy.
Messiah - Chosen one, true companions, betrayal, persecution of non believers, killed, resurrected, second coming, would die 1000 times to reach goal but would also kill 1000 people to reach goal, charismatic with a little fear to drive it.
Breaking it - By defeating the big bad they start something even worse, saving a princess who is the head of a dictatorship, succeeds at goal but with a very high price, better the devil you know.
Byronic Hero - Vampire, attractive, over thinker, tall dark and snarky, rebellion and superiority, disrespectful or rank or privilege, self-centered, intelligent, brooding.
Fake hero -Romance clichesLove before first sight
Boy meets girl
Just friends
Will they or won't they
Nothing is the same anymore
Relationship upgrade
Your princess is in another castle
Boy looses girl
Boy finds girl
Did not get the girl
They do
Together in death.
Imgur secret santa from last year did not deliver :< Maybe this year will be better! I deleted all my messages because of a phantom message  (^ Chaos) that won't go away, so have it copied here as o.o not sure proof? ~o.o~ 
8:41 pm
Dear imgur user, i am almost ready with your secret santa giftyness (now not so secret oops) but i apologies in advance if it does not get to you in time, recent life issues etc. kind of took my mind away from it but hopefully now i can get it sent. Also apologies if my gifts are not too great, I am 17 on an apprenticeship for minimum wage so i did my best! anyway I hope you have a great Christmas and enjoy what i was able to do for you (hopefully next year you get someone rich and good with timing :p) +1 to you.
December 19, 2015
7:57 pm
Update: I sent it, they sent it back, i sent it again, they have sent it back to me AGAIN. I am so very sorry for this, not sure when it is going to happen now but quite possibly after Christmas. Very sorry for the inconvenience
December 21, 2015
12:20 am
Heya, no worries don't stress! Thank you in advance my wonderful Santa human :) Can I double check the address you have? I might have written in wrong and that's why it's sending back? :< My birthday is in February so if all else fails aim for then :D! Merry Christmas and happy new year! Also super cool with the apprenticeship good luck with that :D
8:21 pm
I don't think it's an address problem, The post service in Coventry is generally really shitty and they constantly mess up and return to sender, first time they told me it wasn't correctly packaged and labelled for it's size but meh, i'm tying!
8:22 pm
oh yeah the address you gave me was: "-removed muhahahaha" 
December 22, 2015
1:56 am
Oh I see I see o.o Mmm that is all correct ~o.o~
January 20, 2016
9:16 am
So here's the crack, I'm through the Christmas stress and your birthday is coming up so expect a late Christmas but hopefully early birthday present from the worlds worst secret santa! very sorry, Hopefully if you do it again you'll get someone much better :p

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day 7926

LIST :D - All of the creative stuff, Let's see how much I can get done by Christmas! :D

  1. Boyfriend Business Cards
  2. Duck models (Model 25% Texture 50% Rigging 75% Animation 100%)
  3. Duck Pond
  4. 10 Reveal animations
  5. 10 Ink drawings
  6. 10 Ink creatures
  7. Dragon dynasty comic plan
  8. Seeker Comic Plan
  9. Chasing the sun 360 animatic
  10. Space 360 animatic
  11. Paper people 360 animatic
  12. Jelsa 360 animatic
  13. Game of Thrones 360 animatic
  14. Dragon dynasty story game in unity (Using Fungus :D)
  15. Dragon dynasty level 1 grey boxing
  16. Timmy the reaper full episode 1 character turnaround sheets
  17. Timmy the reaper episode 1 animatic
  18. Learn to Drive! (Not creative but still in progress)
Kinda sad I haven't got 20....But I'm sure more ideas will appear soon :D