Monday 1 January 2018

Day 8359

Happy new year! 

Here is too 2018 being an awesome one! I've a gut feeling that it's going to be great, and either way I'ma make it be so!

2017 was mostly a year of working, saving, tv shows and sleeping.  I had 5 goals for 2017 and only finished 1, with that said my 2018 goals are going to be very similar, just planned out a lot better.


1) Learn to drive
2) "Don't trust Larry" Completed and out on Steam
3) Dragon Dynasty chapters 1-3
4) Timmy the Reaper episode 1 all prep ready for future years animation (2020)
5) Complete who can find the unicorn with group 1

Let's break it down~
12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days! 5 goals >:3
So 73 days to each of the goals, roughly 10 weeks each! I've started making a planner I can print off and work on but sadly haven't finished and got it printed. So some time in the near future going to do that shenanigan ~ but for now, let's do it here! A very loose break down at least :)

I started learning in February 2017, so let's see if I can get this done by Feb 2018! We'll be moving early February and that's when the real work on the game begins, but there is an intensive driving course for one week, so hopefully will pass that and get it out of the way.

I mean this is going to need its own blog post really, to fully summarize the to-do list that is this game. The building concepts are "done" and Larry and a few outfit concepts are "done"... Jeeze feels like I did nothing in 2017... One thing that is now sorted is an established art style, in 2D at least, still, need to see how it translates into 3D! Moving in Feb, then plan to get it up and running within 3-5 months will just see how much goes wrong as to how long it takes.

Dropped from 6 chapters to 3, as whilst this and the wing shop are comics that I want to make in my lifetime they are not priorities for this year. That energy goes to DTL.
Step 1 - Flesh out the chapters. Step 2 - Flesh out the characters. Step 3 - Thumbnail the chapters. Step 4 - Draw!!! Step 5 - Final tweaks to make everything consistent and pretty :3
2 weeks for each? Realistically step 1 won't take more than a few days so that extra time will no doubt go to Step 4~

Similar to DD the amount has dropped in workload, perhaps shall actually get things done ^^. 
Step 1 - Script. Step 2 - Characters. Step 3 - Storyboard. Step 4 - Animatic. Step 5 - VFX.
This one's a little harder to break down effectively as some of this is done, half done or has been done incorrectly and needs completely reworking. I essentially want to get this to the point that I can just go for it when it comes to animating in 2020, I'm thinking of making them 5-minute short episodes, created in flash, probably going to really heavily on the voice acting. Step 1, and 3 won't take too long, Step 4 will probably be what I spend the most time on as it will somewhat become the storyboard as well. But Step 2 and 5 are going to be the most fun, so shall try and steal some extra time for those :D

Who can find the unicorn?
Similar to reaching gold in comp last year this one is all about the fun ^^ I've been running a post by post RP based on journey of the rat king but with some fantastical quirks, I keep going through phases of not wanting to talk to people :< So I'ma save my social energy and spend it on seeing these guys and girls through the campaign! If that is to their death or to them completing the area who knows~ But something to do week by week, maybe every Friday? Or Monday might be better as that's the first day I'll have off of work. Little by little, we shall get there :)


Subgoals for the year are moving out, getting a job in industry and establishing my own freelance business, joining an animation course, learn basic Japanese, French and Korean, maybe a drawing every 10 days? I got lots of things I'd like to do, but honestly, DTL is the main thing this year, not going to let other things be too much of a distraction :)


Okay so for January!

- Book the driving course, pay the deposit, work enough to actually pay for the course!
- Get the concepts from "Done" to Done :D! Need to add ducks and icons for the stores so they are recognisable and create the street asset concepts. If I have time for duck turnarounds that will be nice but as I'm still working as much as I can for money that may have to wait.
- Let's get chapter 2 fleshed out this month. Maybe chapter 3 if I'm on a roll ;)
- I'ma leave TtR for now and have a more in-depth focus coming months!
- Unicorns? I shall start with every 10 days, that's 3 days of social interaction and plenty of time for humans to respond :)

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