Monday 17 July 2017

Day 8191

10,000 Hours

Ever since I start developing a real interest in drawing, I've always said that I want to be able to draw at the level I imagine. Creating interesting characters and worlds and throwing them into stories soon became another big drive for me.  But as of late I've not done a lot.

2017 Goals Update

I started this year with trying to pick up one good habit a month, working out, drinking more water, picking up a new language, heck brushing my teeth twice a day was the first months.   And until the 6month mark this seemed to be working okay, but then I was unsure what to add next. The habits started to slip. But even though they've slipped, I think it's working. It's just a little slower going now.
  • Learn to drive - I can now parallel park! It's slow learning but by the end of the year I shall have my licence, I may not have money to get a car, but at least I can drive one. 
  • Don't trust Larry -  Such slow going, I've not been super hyped about this, but now I've started posting on social media every other day so I've a more solid commitment "deadline" if you will. 

  • Dragon dynasty/Timmy the reaper - both untouched, I've a feeling this will be something I pick up at the 9-month mark when the end of the year starts feeling closer and I'm more determined. Also, should have finished driving by then! 
  • Reach gold in competitive and stay there - I'm high plat right now, so very close to reaching diamond, so this is 100% achieved. Mostly by playing a healer, though I've been picking up the tanks a little when needed also. 

Back to my first point, whilst health and overall goals are on their way I've not had an invested direction or goal that I want to take my artist drive in. That's partly because there are so many areas I have an interest, partially because I've no deadlines or direct goals to strive for aside from "get better" which is just a tad to wishy washy, but mostly because I've not thought about it.  So this is me...Thinking about it?

Main Motivations

So from what I can see my 4 main drives... Learning/Challenge, Social Recognition, Money, and Impact. Also satisfaction at my own skills but I've a feeling I'll never quite make it to 10/10 on that, as there will always be something else, and I'll simply not live long enough.

  • Learning/Challenge, I enjoy being stretched, learning new things, almost as much as I enjoy listening to a great book or watching an awesome new series. I think part of this will come from studying books/watching YouTube channels and possibly from doing some paid online courses, but for now there is a lot of free self motivated things I can be doing.

    Animator island, daily sketches, weekly studies, 11 second club, anatomy, inktober, character design challenge, emotions, master studies, colour studies, acting, body language,composition. I'll start with drawing for now and move onto directed studies once I can see how it's going. 
  • Social recognition. Each like on facebook, retweet and comment saying nice work! Gives me a little bit of happiness, admittedly not an awful lot, unless a post does really well, but I think what is really well is rather subjective, as each time something does amazing that's setting a new bar. I think by Christmas I'd like to have an active presence on each of these. Right now it's just Twitter and somewhat DA. Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/DA/Reddit. 
  • Money. It's kinda a shame how much money is a motivator for me, it's easier to just get on with it, similar to deadlines it's a much more solid "must do" instead of "should do" in my mind.

    Tip jar, Patreon and freelance work, for now, I'm not looking to get a job in the industry. I mean if one appeared that would be great! But I'd like to get a solid showreel and a few personal projects under my belt before looking for that. But that is definatly going to be a goal for next year.
  • Impact, less easy to measure but it's nice knowing when you make a postaive impact. I'm thinking feedback, tutorials and intersting stories?

So easy to write about it and plan it, but if the first 6 months have shown me anything it's that the motivation definatly doesn't last and I'ma need to be in the right mind set to keep going. One step at a time...

Okay, So! Action Plan...

  • Open a Facebook page, and work towards 10,000 hours. Which would be 420days(416) non stop work. So... 840 for 12 hours, 1680 for 6 hours = 4.6 years 3360 for 3hours = 9 years. Or! 1 hour a day which would take 27.4 years.
  • Start getting more involved in online communities, maybe even see about some real life ones around here as well, seeing how much time I spend on each and what is a constisant and fun amount.
  • Create a buisness bank account/Website/Paypal/Patreon...Perhaps a goal for next year? Make £1000 from freelance work. £50 would be 20 humans. Go to a couple conventions as a seller, Timmy the reaper, and dragon dynstay out, and then getting a Job in industry. Well that's next year planned. I'll come back to this nearer next year and see what's what/

Summary: 10,000hours for 2030!  Before my 35th birthday :) 

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