Tuesday 28 April 2015

Day 7380

Rosie update: o.o I have also written an email to Eva o.o  Made passive aggressively awesome by a lovely friend o.o but yes o.o

Dear Eva,
I am writing this letter as I wish to formally express my continued concern about the marking scheme which pertains to cartoon animation. A predominant aspect of my concern is centred on how it was introduced to students, that being a month before the hand in. I am also concerned about the relevance of the "diary". I and many on the course are greatly frustrated over this issue and I fear that a great portion of my time and work has been potentially wasted.
Any clarity you could shed over these issues would be greatly appreciated. I am sure you are aware and appreciate from reading the email from Angie that my views are not isolated as the email details the student’s opposition towards the aforementioned changes and lack of clarity. However, I felt it was appropriate to send this email and to detail my own account of concerns as one of those students, too help you further understand the reasoning for our queries. They are as follows:

1) The time frame of a month before hand-in, in my opinion is unreasonable. Admittedly the deadline was pushed, but we are now in the same situation as before with under a month to go and still no clear mark scheme for this subject. It is not that we do not wish to work or excel in this subject, but feel we are not being given the appropriate time or information to do so. It unfortunately also appears to us as students who are purchasing the commodity of the higher education and the facilities that you provide, that the lack of transparency over this issue stems from either an ineffective planning of this module or worse stems from a lack of organisational competency. This as you can understand would be an issue that could not be solved adequately within the course and would indeed rather be an issue appropriately dealt with through external parties within the university.

 2) The "notes" we have been asked to provide were originally intended for our own personal studies. It was never suggested that they would be marked. Could you perhaps provide us with their relevance for marking and explain why this is a featured change you have made so close to the hand in date?

3) The marking scheme that we seem to be currently marked against is based on a Unit that differs to the work we've actually been completing. Is the structure of this marking criteria transferrable in a pragmatic sense, and how would you suggest we associate or draw links to it in relation to our own work?

 4) There has also been a general sense of inconsistency and lack of forethought during the course of this module, aside from the marking scheme. For example being told that all the work we would do with Vincent would be in class, being told by Vincent that pre-Christmas work wouldn’t be marked, and then Vincent being the primary marker with things done on a weekly basis. These issues, not being the fault of Vincent, bring me onto the final point I wish to make. Could we as an academic and paying student body receive some sense of reassurance that if we choose to enter our third year on your course that the issues we are raising will remain an error of this year. We are paying a great deal of money per year and feel that this year has not been a positive reflection of our investments.

 Please would you clarify the exact mark scheme in detail as soon as is possible and have it emailed out to everyone concerned? As a student I would appreciate being able to use my time more efficiently and can only imagine how regrettable you must feel for these unfortunate findings. I appreciate your efforts to help us do our work better and I look forward to your response.


Roseanna Warr
(The original angry one that was not sent is below for any humans interested~)

Dear Eva,

I wish to express my concern regarding the mark scheme in regards to cartoon animation and further call it to your attention. Specifically about how it was introduced to students a month before the hand in and the relevance of the "diary". I feel this has caused us as students much personal frustration and a fair amount of wasted time. So can you please help by giving clarity on the issue.
I am sure you have read in Angies emails that contain the relevant information and details of the students opposition towards this whole issue. However I would like to detail my own points.

1) Telling us a month before hand in was ridiculous - Admittedly the deadline was pushed, but we are now in the same situation as before with under a month to go and still no clear mark scheme for this subject. Overall the level of organisational competency is not to a satisfactory level.

 2) The "notes" were for our own personal studies. It was never said they would be marked on. So this sudden expectation is unfounded and unfair.

3) The mark scheme that we seem to be currently marked against is based on a Unit that was completely different to what we've actually done. So I'd like an explanation/justification as to why we are being marked against it.

 4) There has never been a clear mark scheme for this unit until now. And even now it's pretty unclear. ((With you originally saying that all the work we would do with Vincent would be in class (when we were bogged down with group project). Then Vincent saying pre Christmas work wouldn't be marked. Then Vincent being the primary marker with things done on a weekly basis etc.)) I would like to clarify I do not blame Vincent on this matter, but am just illustrating the constant uncertainty we have had throughout this course.

 5) And finally what I feel is most important is we as the students paying to be on this course, should have an apology of some kind and an assurance that this level of service and poor organisation won't be happening in Third year.  Let me assure you that a dismissive two-line apology with not satisfy me. As I find it a little sickening that we are paying so much money for an overall poor service.
Please would you clarify the exact mark scheme in detail ASAP? And have it emailed out to everyone concerned.  As a student I would appreciate being able to use my time more efficiently. I appreciate your efforts to help us do our work better and I look forward to your response.


Roseanna Warr

Casual update on all the shenanigans a week or so after all of this.

Evas reply....

 I will be there tomorrow and next week I will be dealing with cartoon unit on Wedns with your reps If you want to talk to me about it I will have time on Monday or Tuesday after 1 Let me know if you would like to meet me
Regards Eva

She didn't even spell my name correctly O.O Was so pissed off, didn't address any of my points and was just ill considered overall.

So under Elliotts guidance I wrote a response...To the union, ccing her, her boss, and the head of CT into it, and our course reps, directly below is my letter and then below that is the one El re wrote including all the details :

Dear Kayleigh,
Since myself and fellow classmates are currently struggling with communicating our points to teachers and receiving a valid, helpful response. I am turning to you as a last resort. I have seen in your manifesto that you have pledged to improve communication between lecturers, helping deadline clashes and miscommunications and would like to ask for your help on the matter at hand.
For one of our units "Cartoon animation" a month before the deadline we were told that a production diary should also be handed in. We were never informed to do this and the teachers tried to say that our "notes" would count. More worryingly however it has brought to our attention that we are being marked against the brief from last year. Following a replacement teacher for this unit we have learnt different things than the original brief and were under the impression we would be marked accordingly. This has become a point of concern as we have not learnt the information needed for last years version of the unit and have received insufficient response from the moderators of the unit. As the content of last years Cartoon animation and this years are completely different. I have also attached an image dated 25.11.14 that states there would be a new brief uploaded onto moodle in the next week however this never came to pass.
Below is the email I recently sent Eva who is in charge of the animation course and also her reply. I am strongly dissatisfied with her response as, not only did she spell my name incorrectly, but failed to address a single point presented. Furthermore in her email, the suggested meet up dates of next week are ill considered as we have a deadline on the Tuesday and I feel this is a matter that should be dealt with ASAP not pushed to 19 days before the deadline. I feel the lack of attention and dismissive nature of her response are simply disappointing and make me feel that this is not being addressed as importantly as it should be. I have come to believe that the union is our representation and on this matter we need representation.
This is a problem that has been on-going throughout the course and everyone taking cartoon animation the unit in question is dissatisfied with the level of competency being shown in the running of this unit. And are disgusted that we the students so close to deadlines are having to chase information that should have been readily available months in advance.
Both of the course reps have been following up this issue since it was first presented a month before the original hand in and I have included Angies email below also, that has not been responded to in the last 10days. I would also like to address that two of the three lessons that Vincent was meant to teach have been cancelled due to his prolonged illness. One of which was rescheduled but again cancelled. We have to date received no clarification as to what/how exactly we are meant to hand this in. Our Moodle page which contained the unit brief for the cartoon unit was unavailable from the beginning of April and only today has been made available again. The brief has clearly not been touched/updated as it says the hand in date is still April 2014 and it is clear to see that we have not been taught the necessary information for the credits needed in this unit.
The money we pay the university isn't for a set number of lessons, but for the facilities and the capacity to complete the course in regards to credit. We haven't had the information presented until a month before the hand to get this credit. It also has to be done through a formal complaint so the law of consumer rights is on our side and within 20 days of the end of the academic year. This is my understanding so far of refund system. As such I was wondering if you could inform me further about the refund policy's of the university for failing to provide the information needed for the credits and how to make the formal complaint if needed. I trust you will look into this and see that proper action is taken and I will gladly do what I can to be of assistance.Sincerely,Roseanna Warr. 

(I included angie's letter and the other things attached.) 

Which Elliott made awesomes for me and you can read the full thing below

Dear Kayleigh,
My name is Roseanna Warr and I am a second year undergraduate student of Animation here at the university. I have for the most part enjoyed my course, the university and city of Portsmouth. Regrettably, issues with a module on the course I am studying are now causing me and fellow students a great deal of grievance.
I am turning to you, on behalf of our class, as a last resort and in an effort to make a formal complaint. I have seen in your manifesto that you pledged to ‘improve communication between lecturers, help with deadline clashes and miscommunications’ and would like to ask for your help on the matter at hand. The unit in question is "Cartoon Animation".
A month before the deadline we were told that a production diary should also be handed in along with our finished work. Due to the long process and nature of our practical assignment we were shocked to find this out so late and were surprised that we were never informed to do this previously. More worryingly however, it has also been brought to our attention that we are being marked against the brief from last year, which was an entirely separate project.
This was all brought to light following the introduction of a replacement teacher for this unit. This teacher has revealed to us new information, different to that which we had learnt from the original brief and some of the new information means that we will be marked very differently to how we perceived we would at the start of this project.
Using the process of student representation a collectively drawn email was sent to the moderators of the unit by a student rep on our course. The main concerns we faced as a collective student body were that there was a great lacking in operational competency, no clear or objective standard for us to complete our work by and lastly, that those responsible on the course for considering and understanding our complaints were not particularly bothered by our concerns. This email received no response.
I have also attached an image dated 25.11.14 that states there would be a new brief uploaded onto moodle in a week a so from that date. As this was never achieved it highlights the organisational incompetency of people managing this module and draws attention to the fact that there is still no credible marking criteria for our project, which is a substantial mark for this module and year two. Having been frustrated by the lack of response and inconsistency, and having felt that I had exhausted the appropriate representation I decided to email Eva who is in charge of the Animation course. This is the email:

My own email.
> On 28 Apr 2015, at 17:31, Roseanna Warr <roseanna.warr@myport.ac.uk> wrote: > >
Dear Eva,
I am writing this letter as I wish to formally express my continued concern about the marking scheme which pertains to cartoon animation. A predominant aspect of my concern is centred on how it was introduced to students, that being a month before the hand in. I am also concerned about the relevance of the "diary". I and many on the course are greatly frustrated over this issue and I fear that a great portion of my time and work has been potentially wasted.
Any clarity you could shed over these issues would be greatly appreciated. I am sure you are aware and appreciate from reading the email from Angie that my views are not isolated as the email details the student’s opposition towards the aforementioned changes and lack of clarity. However, I felt it was appropriate to send this email and to detail my own account of concerns as one of those students, too help you further understand the reasoning for our queries. They are as follows:
1) The time frame of a month before hand-in, in my opinion is unreasonable. Admittedly the deadline was pushed, but we are now in the same situation as before with under a month to go and still no clear mark scheme for this subject. It is not that we do not wish to work or excel in this subject, but feel we are not being given the appropriate time or information to do so. It unfortunately also appears to us as students who are purchasing the commodity of the higher education and the facilities that you provide, that the lack of transparency over this issue stems from either an ineffective planning of this module or worse stems from a lack of organisational competency. This as you can understand would be an issue that could not be solved adequately within the course and would indeed rather be an issue appropriately dealt with through external parties within the university.
2) The "notes" we have been asked to provide were originally intended for our own personal studies. It was never suggested that they would be marked. Could you perhaps provide us with their relevance for marking and explain why this is a featured change you have made so close to the hand in date?
3) The marking scheme that we seem to be currently marked against is based on a Unit that differs to the work we've actually been completing. Is the structure of this marking criteria transferrable in a pragmatic sense, and how would you suggest we associate or draw links to it in relation to our own work?
4) There has also been a general sense of inconsistency and lack of forethought during the course of this module, aside from the marking scheme. For example being told that all the work we would do with Vincent would be in class, being told by Vincent that pre-Christmas work wouldn’t be marked, and then Vincent being the primary marker with things done on a weekly basis. These issues, not being the fault of Vincent, bring me onto the final point I wish to make. Could we as an academic and paying student body receive some sense of reassurance that if we choose to enter our third year on your course that the issues we are raising will remain an error of this year. We are paying a great deal of money per year and feel that this year has not been a positive reflection of our investments.
Please would you clarify the exact mark scheme in detail as soon as is possible and have it emailed out to everyone concerned? As a student I would appreciate being able to use my time more efficiently and can only imagine how regrettable you must feel for these unfortunate findings. I appreciate your efforts to help us do our work better and I look forward to your response.
Roseanna Warr

I believe it is fair to state that although my email is direct, the nature of it is not overtly standoffish and within the considered lack of organisation and concern expressed by Eva and other responsible parties, the email is incredibly well-mannered. This is her unfortunate response.

From: Eva Palacios <eva.palacios@port.ac.uk> Date: 28 April 2015 at 19:06 Subject: Re: Cartoon animation. To: Roseanna Warr <roseanna.warr@myport.ac.uk>
Roseannea I will be there tomorrow and next week I will be dealing with cartoon unit on Wedns with your reps If you want to talk to me about it I will have time on Monday or Tuesday after 1 Let me know if you would like to meet me
Regards Eva  
Sent from my iPhone

Ignoring the evident incompetency in not even spelling my name correctly, I feel this email is substandard at addressing the very legitimate concerns in my email. Furthermore in Eva’s email, the suggested meet-up dates of next week are ill considered as we have a deadline on the Tuesday and I feel this is a matter that should be dealt with ASAP and not be pushed even further to 19 days before the deadline.
I feel the lack of attention and dismissive nature of Eva’s response are simply unacceptable. It seems to be the case that for whatever reason either through intention or imprudence, not that this is particularly apropos, our concerns are not being legitimised. I have come to believe that the union is our representation and on this matter we need representation. This is a problem that has been on-going throughout the course and everyone taking the cartoon animation unit in question is dissatisfied with the level of aptitude being displayed by those running it.

It is horrible that we the students, so close to deadlines, are having to chase basic information that should have been readily available at the beginning of this module. Both of the course reps have been following up this issue since it was first presented a month before the original hand in and I have included Angies email below also, that has not been responded to in the last 10days.

I would also like to address that two of the three lessons that Vincent was meant to teach have been cancelled due to his prolonged illness. One of which was rescheduled but cancelled again. We do not blame Vincent for this understandably, rather the people responsible for organisation.

To date we have received no clarification as to what/how we are meant to be handing in for marking. Our Moodle page which contained the unit brief for the cartoon unit was unavailable from the beginning of April and only today has been made available again. The brief has clearly not been touched/updated as it says the hand in date is still April 2014 and it is clear to see that we have not been taught the necessary information for the credits needed in this unit. The money we pay the university I’m sure is not for a set number of lessons, but for the facilities and the capacity to complete the course in regards to achieving the credits and there is a systematic failure on the part of the university on this matter and we require your help urgently!

We are now in an observable process of making a legitimate and formal complaint as is required by the law of consumer rights. If it is the case that we are purchasing the commodity of education then that education must be reflective of what we were promised and what is typical of an equivalent course elsewhere. As such I was wondering if you could inform me further about the refund policy of the University in the event that it is required in a future event, and how to continue the formal complaint process if needed. I trust you will look into this and see that proper action is taken and I will do what I can to be of assistance. I have cc’d Eva, her management superiors as well as the student reps for our course and year.
Kind regards
Roseanna Warr

Angies emails with the most recent at the top.
Von: "Angelika Waigand" <angelika.waigand@myport.ac.uk>
Datum: 19.04.2015 16:19
An: "Eva Palacios" <eva.palacios@port.ac.uk>
Hello Eva,
sorry, I am incredibly busy and your email kind of drowned within all of the other ones I have received.
I am currently trying to find out the general consensus within the class and trying to collect feedback from everyone so I can pass that on to you and tell you what we all think and want done. I really want to make sure that I am not just speaking for a few people but for everyone in the class, which is difficult with the Easter break and thus not being able to meet up with everyone and talk it out.
Just to make this clear once more, we are not blaming Vincent at all. We know he took over as a tutor and that the organisation of the unit as such is not just up to him but also up to you and the faculty. We are very happy with him as a tutor and he has done an amazing job and taught us incredibly valuable lessons.
As I mentioned, I'm still collecting opinions, but I can tell you this:
It wasn't a misunderstanding, no one ever mentioned to us to do a diary for our assessment up until one month before the deadline, which is absolutely unacceptable. So please don't make it out as such. It wasn't a misunderstanding, we were simply never told.
The unit has completely changed from the brief. Which is completely fine as such. We got told there would be a new brief in December and that we would be assessed on our animations only.
But - we never got a new brief and it was never mentioned again.
I am now questioning: Why is there suddenly a need to fit and squeeze in more things (short-notice!) into the assessment that are not based on the information we received and rather based on the unit as it was taught last year?
We are not worried about it being a difficult task to fulfill at all. The problem and the point is, that we were never told to do this at any point in this academic year up until the beginning of April.
Yes, Vincent told us to make notes. But they were for our own personal studies! The sudden expectation of them being marked is unfounded and unfair, if you understand what I mean.
So, for now, my question to you is, why is there a sudden need for a diary in our submission in the first place? Is it really necessary? If yes, for what valid reasons?
Why can't we spend the last three classes with Vincent focusing on teaching us many more valuable lessons which we would seriously REALLY enjoy(!!) Instead of desperately trying to cover and squeeze in topics so we can submit a hastily made "diary" of some sort?
On 2 April 2015 at 22:09, Eva Palacios <eva.palacios@port.ac.uk> wrote:
I agree with you Angelika,
The running of this unit has not been smooth at all and there was a misunderstanding of the outcomes.
However Vincent will come for 3 more weeks to help you with the diaries and you have more than a month to finish them so I can see that It will be possible to achieve the outcomes with no much struggle
What is the other option you suggest ?
I might be able to do something with your suggestion
If you want to give me a call and discuss it you can my number is 07880501960
I am off on Tuesday so after the 7th it will be difficult to catch me
My point of view is that to update the dairies will make you learn more and refresh what you did with no much stress to deliver but if you have another suggestion I will try to do something about it.
On 1 April 2015 at 16:46, Angelika Waigand <angelika.waigand@myport.ac.uk> wrote:
Hello Eva,
let me clarify the confusion:
Yes, we got told to write notes - for our own records and learning. But none of us recall we ever got told we would get assessed on them??
We got told in November or December that we would be assessed weekly on our weekly exercises and that we would receive a new unit brief on moodle. Then we got told two weeks ago or so we had to submit these weekly exercises so a second tutor could asses them as well.
Which is still fine, you know.
Firstly: We never received an official new unit brief.
Secondly: Suddenly telling us one month before the deadline about something we didn't know about is not okay nor reasonable.
There has been a lot of changes going on the whole year, we get a new one in every single week lately and it's upsetting us.
I know we will have a meeting with you, Evan and me after the holidays and talk about this but I still think it is worth noting and telling you - especially as a course rep - that a lot of us don't feel the recent change/notification is fair on us at all and that we don't think it is acceptable.

Evas reply 8mins later o.o

Dear Roseanna
I will be available to discuss the best solution for your class regarding this unit tomorrow thurds.
I will arrange a meeting with all of you tomorrow at 2 o'clock and I will be happy to talk to you individually to make sure you don't have any further stress regarding this unit
Eva Palacios

Sam 30mins later

Hi Angelika, Roseanna and all other students on CT5CART
Many thanks for your emails concerning the CT5CART unit and the concerns you have with the assessment and delivery of the unit.
I have spoken with Eva and it is clear that there are a number of issues in the emails which urgently need addressing
Can I suggest that we all meet to discuss this unit at 13:00 tomorrow (Thursday 30th April)?
I have booked Eldon ELW1.09 and look forward to finding some solutions tomorrow.
Best wishes
Sam Llyons

My response o.o (Stealing Els words about the best solution)

Dear Eva and Sam,
I will be attending a portrait anatomy class tomorrow and will not know until then if I will be able to make it on time. However I feel the best solution in this situation would be for you to provide us with a well constructed marking criteria that is achievable based on our working projections and targets through the information we have been provided this year. And possibly extend the hand in further. However for the meeting tomorrow I would like to ask Kayleigh if you would also be able to attend and I have also put a post up in our Facebook group to see who is available to attend tomorrow for your suggested time of 1pm to which the response so far has been positive.

Thank you both for replying so swiftly, kind regards,

Roseanna Warr

We had a meeting the next day, they dropped the hole diary bs and gave us a generic mark scheme for this unit. They have assured us that the markers will be aware of the situation and Sam gave a verbal apology and they gave us a verbal assurance this kinda thing won't be happening next year.  They also explained there excuse which were:
  1. Tony dropped out the day before we were meant to start this unit meaning they had to find a new human.
  2. They found Vincent and to make up for the 6 weeks no teaching doubled the teaching hours for the remaining time.
  3. Before the start of each academic year all the teachers gather together and discuss deadlines and such, because Vincent came in later this never happened and his deadlines were not addressed.
  4. Because this was Vincent's first year teaching he was making it up as he went along week by week and so we didn't have a clear brief as there wasn't a set curriculum we were following. 
  5. Which is why this whole fiasco was left so late
  6. Vincent was ill for the following two lessons (as he was sick) so, they didn't update him because he was ill and they were planning on telling him that they were going to drop the diary when he got back before the lesson...(Which means that lesson he'd have presumably planned around the diary and fitting it in would have been kinda useless) Eva was also not aware that he had been sick... which is why we weren't told
  7. Ultimately it's Vincent's unit and so he should have a say on it
  8. The reason they took over was because it was left so late and we kicked up such a fuss. 

Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 7370

My hair has been extended :3 for only £3~

But yeas my greasy hairy face for you :L

Good day? Bad day?

Good! I mean I got to lie in, probably a little too much (1 oclock <.<....) But I've been leaving for uni at 9ish everyday so it's been a nice change aha. It's incredibly sunny which I'm not sad about per say just still adjusting. Isaac isn't here :< but he'll be back on Tuesday so I'm sure I'll survive and yeah o.o  Life of Rosie is pretty good atm.

Health - 10/10 Okay sooo I need to eat and drink more but I''m aware of this and shall rectify the lack of food intake soon.

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Papermache owl and cat mask ( am I an artist now ¬.¬?)
2) Crayon melting green boats
3) Washing~ Deary me this is not as bad as it used to be but by no means fun
- Play
1) Crayon melting lipgloss (we shall see how this goes aha)
2) Probably going to watch some daredevil~

Thing of today:

This is what I'm currently listening to, to save my brain from utter boredom. It's like in animation when you have to think it's super fun but when you're doing basically the same thing x 80 it's... Mind numbing. But luckily audio books and Comedians and now DnD is saving the brain cells inside me from shriveling up.  But these guys are all so, so awesome! They think and describe beautifully and create such interesting visual images and in character voices that it's just super entertaining. I've got to half way through session 3 at the moment and they are doing a live session 7 on Monday (At 1.30 am o...o Yay for time difference!) But I hope to power through and be able to listen up to date on Monday. Whilst rendering all my beautiful Maya work.... T_T

It also means because it's like 2 hours long that I only have to listen to the conservatives video once every two hours! So annoying it's like every advert has been designated for them on youtube. I don't like their policies which is basically every human for themselves and I really don't like the fact I've had to repeatedly listen to their drivel over and over and over. Guess we know who googles backing// who has the most money to spend on advertisement.

Whilst we are on this oh so wonderful subject of Politics (Please note heavy sarcasm) Green party have quite a cool idea where everyone gets a minimum amount (like £70) a week and I think that's a really good idea. I would personally take it a step further and instead of giving money give tokens to spend on certain things, regulating it further so people couldn't spend it on unnecessary things but obviously that would be a lot harder and possibly less efficient to implement, but yeah I think it's a nice idea that could benefit our society really well.

To do list.....
1) All my uni work~
2) Seeds to plant ( I got lots of seeds o3o)
3) Work out which system I'll use for my summer DnD game :3 I'll be running a steam punk game based in my comic world of Rythum - That way I get to develop the world for the comic characters in a way that's super fun :3
4) Tea party handover.... Going to be so late at this rate T_T

Second of thing of today is Super coool~! But I can't share the video so I'll just show the link :)

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 7352

(Something like Eden of the East I guess)

Set on a desk, with a piece of paper/book in front of you that animates and comes to life in the 360 world
Paper people by Harry Baker

I like people.
words appear as paper goes up, person pops up inside the hole. 
Big book pages open,
I’d like some paper people.
Paper people onto the page - word people made out of paper http://www.dafont.com/humancapital.font?text=people (100%free)
They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people.
Paper people onto the page, scribble purple, then 3D pop up - fast forwarded real time slow camera unwind (showing the real life work behind it)
Proper pop-up purple paper people.
“How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?”
Paper people Speech bubble “How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?”
I hear you cry. Well I …
I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people
With a proper pop-up purple people paperclip,
Enter purple paper clip centre screen.....
But I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
A cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped.
- have someone who was walking slip and fall off screen
Because I could build a pop-up metropolis.
GoT style buildings start to grow out of the paper behind the paper people- see it grow from sitting down person
But I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
Parliament house - People in different coloured ties all offering a hand to help the person up
Paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
Change camera angle - Camera view swap to show the thinness of the paper
Broken promises without appropriate apologies.
Flatter it down~ - character holds hand and they disappear turn from being cut out stand up to a hole in the paper and the person falls in o.o

There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you.
Human pop up, pull up another human - two people falling in blackness
And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view.
- land on sofa and have a TV - clicks the button

We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package
Sweet wrapper, rapping about the sweets they contained 
Or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper.
Zoom out show A4, spin it as it spins it transitions into next scene
There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,
And then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Paper gets ripped
Because the paper propaganda propagates the people’s prejudices,
Papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists.
- newspapers being piled up one after the other
A little paper me. And a little paper you.
- they take a newspaper and start walking
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too.
people walking in time with words whilst it rained  starts raining so they put the newspaper over their heads
There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
Parliament city starts floating above the rest of the metropolis 
And who ignored the people’s protests about all the paper cuts,
Cut seperates parliament and people, different parts of the city get sliced in half and crumple away (Hospitals, houses, Education, 
Then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces,
Explode and crush 
By the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police.
The explosions fall everywhere, bright bursts of colour streaked with shreds of purple
And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed,
Confetti turns into money falling slow motion 
And the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need,
Pig bankers in suits eating from troff 
Purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
Others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly.
The two sides grow with the "rich" growing more up, the cut deepening and the poor growing wider
A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor,
Humans crushed in the dark shadow created by others 
But while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars.
Page turns 
Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes
From paper paper planes start to rise folding themselves and tearing away from the book 
And we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,
Person in a paper chain of other huamns reaching out, making a bend in a straight line 
But the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same,
Line rebounds and person is cut back into the straight line paper chain
What changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
The paper planes crash into a statue of  a person that rotates into a dfferent person 
They’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
slowly getting closer and closer to their face exploding a bit each time
Because in the end it all comes down to people.
Camera moves down to the paper chain 

I like people.
One person steps away from the chain and as they do everything around them starts to crumple and break
‘Cause even when the situation’s dire,
Person falling into darkness with the world crumpling up around them
It is only ever people who are able to inspire,
Person draws a door onto the page and climbs in through starts to at least
And on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope.
Everything crumples and Everything turns to darkness
But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope,
Person jumps into the book binding and it's all dark their eyes the only thing glowing
And I still hope ’cause I believe in people.
 Veins from hand light up face .Hands come out and support the person
People like my grandparents.
Hands come out and support the person on the shoulders one on either side 
Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing.
Show him growing up (evolution stage) as pages turn, ending on page 7892
People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners.
Hands come out and support the person Back
People who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
Hands come out and support the person butt
People like the persecuted Palestinians
Hands come out and support the person. leggs
People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return.
Hands come out and support the person somewhere 
You see, people have potential to be powerful.
Breaks free back into the main book and popping up 
Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims
People in ties in box's 'miming' 
We don’t need to succumb to that system.
Erase the colours on the tie 
And a paper population is no different.
Person walks away 
There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you.
Person walks then close up as they hold someones hand 
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too,
Pages start to rise up over them and you just see their fingers hands held up together entwined get covered
But even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through.
Pages of the book fall away taken off layer by layer
Because we’re people.
Two people left floating to the ground. 

Plan is to storyboard out the key frames from each sentence first then work on the in betweens after. 
  1. I like people.
  2. I like some paper people.
  3. They’d be purple paper people.
  4. Maybe pop up purple paper people.
  5. Proper pop up purple paper people.
  6. ‘How do you prop up pop up purple paper people?’
  7. I hear you cry. Well I…
  8. I’d probably prop up proper pop up purple paper people
  9. with a proper pop up purple people paperclip,
  10. but I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
  11. a cheeky pack of blu tack just in case the paper slipped.
  12. I could build a pop up metropolis.
  13. but i wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
  14. paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
  15. broken promises without appropriate apologies.
  16. there’d be a little paper me, and a little paper you,
  17. and we’d watch paper TV and it would all be paper view.
  18. we’d watch the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package
  19. or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4.
  20. There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,
  21. and then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the paper ripper.
  22. cause the paper propaganda propagates the peoples prejudices,
  23. papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists.
  24. There’d be a little paper me, and a little paper you,
  25. but in a pop up population people’s problems pop up too.
  26. there’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
  27. and who ignored the peoples protests about all the paper cuts,
  28. then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces,
  29. by the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police.
  30. and there’s still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed,
  31. and the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need.
  32. purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
  33. while others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly,
  34. a proper poor economy where so many are proper poor,
  35. but while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars,
  36. funding origami armies building paper planes
  37. while we remain imprisoned by our own paper chains,
  38. and the greater shame, is that we always seem to stay the same,
  39. what changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
  40. they’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
  41. cause in the end it all comes down to people.
  42. I like people. cause even when the situation’s dire,
  43. it is only ever people who are able to inspire,
  44. and on paper – it’s hard to see how we all cope,
  45. but in the bottom of pandora’s box there’s still hope,
  46. and i still hope cause i believe in people.
  47. People like my Grandparents. who every single day since i was born have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
  48. that’s 7433 days straight of someone checking i’m okay and that’s amazing.
  49. people like my aunt who puts on plays for prisoners.
  50. people who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
  51. people who go out of their way to make your life better and expect nothing in return.
  52. people have potential to be powerful.
  53. and just because the people in power tend to pretend to be different, we don’t all need to succumb to the system.
  54. a paper population is no different.
  55. there’s be a little paper me and a little paper you,
  56. and we could watch paper TV and it would all be paper view,
  57. and in a pop up population peoples problems pop up too
  58. but even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through
  59. because we’re people.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Day 7297

Show reel... Website... Placement... Next year plans.

Show reel

Animations I could use because they have parts that are okay?

Koala blobs
3D Timmy

Lost my name, textures, models, animation.
Man who mistook his wife for a hat - Animation, after effects,
Owl and pussy cat - some of the tests...Maybe
Glark waking up/walking
3D Narrator lip sync
Afx - after effects/ possibly animation
Eva indent
Vince - Walk/ Perspective, hand slap...

Woodland game scene - model, animation, texture
Intra Venus - Some of the edits
Game - background + concept work
Tedx - Fish,
Rains of Castamere
Jelsa - Models, animation, effects,
TtR - Character turn around
Cold case - Bits with the lines that went okay.
Tea party - Intro video (after effects)
Comic - character  +background

So... Animation, design and modelling.


Animations - Show reel
Gallery - Concept work for above and pre production
About - Gif of explosive dancing


To find.... T_T Show reel first then will go from there. http://www.animatedjobs.com/animationjobs/applying-to-animation-studios/ reel tips... Find someone's work I like and aim to be as good or better than them o.o... Yes...

Studios to email and hopefully get feedback...// A few days to check them out// could make tea.. or clean >.>...

  • Climax studio - Portsmouth - assassins creed china, working with oculus , ghost rider o3o , motion capture/hand animation/ 3d http://www.climaxstudios.com/
    No email have to contact online.
  • Firefly - London - Strategy games >.>...with castles o3o ... they want to stay a very small company some really pretty environments mudbox/3D/seems kind of realistic on cloths and textures and that  http://www.fireflyworlds.com/
    nick@fireflyworlds.com though also twitter twitter.com/fireflyworlds 
  • Frontier - Cambridge - Zoo tycoon o3o, next gen stuffs, lost winds (iphone very pretty bg) http://www.frontier.co.uk
    enquiriesx@frontier.co.uk (cover sheet with questions to answer on it)
  • Jagex - Cambridge - Runescape - Flash animations/advertisement (Adam) Tea drinker (Sadie/Ryan :3) Photoshop, 3D modelling (mark) ... but they don't like people emailing out of no where :< shall keep an eye on there website http://www.jagex.com/
  • Ninja theory - Cambridge - Devil may cry/Heavenly sword - 3D, motion capture really really good show reel they do offer internships but none are available at the moment http://www.ninjatheory.com/wp/?page_id=182 

Monday 26 January 2015

Day 7288

Demoralization by lack of participation update followed by a bitch about another group project. (Warning it's long and tedious and literally just me venting) 

So, 30 seconds (as the initial group is now called) is actually going super, super well! I was honest about my lack of interest and worries about the project and so we changed it. It's still portsmouth in a day but now it's got a super awesome storyline behind it! :D We are on target AND the characters we will be animating are awesomes :3 I feel like I won't be able to put over much of it into my showreel as I'll be in charge of cleanup but that I'll be happier working in this group all around. Am also getting better in effects and techniques in after effects and premier so that's cool. But yeah, so that's all amazing. 

Sound and vis on the other hand. I have two very rude, very immature group members or rather, one is the ring leader and the other just goes along with it. Considering he has both children and an extra year at university I expect more from him quite frankly and what's worse is they've talked to the teacher of that project first so she hasn't heard anything save what they've said. 

Monday the 19th The beginning.
So it starts with the guy saying he's going to start on the editing, I had about 15 of the scenes done and Jess had less animation done there was still a lot of animation to do. So I said no, you're going to be picking up on the animation that needs to be done. It has been listed on my blog as unassigned from the start and he didn't have the initiative to look and think, oh that needs doing. He also hadn't finished his one single piece of animation that he needed to do. He had done the 6/7 low poly models and he had textured (and by textured I mean assigned a colour)  2/3 of them. But after using Maya I realise how easy that is and it shouldn't have taken more than an evenings work potentially a day if you take searching for references into account possibly 2 if Maya keeps crashing. But that's it. He also has a years extra experience and is possibly the most skilled in Maya in my animation class. So...Keeping that in mind for a little bit. 
We were looking through the amount of time we had left and I said that we could potentially animate up until Wednesday the 28th.To which the dude says, "No it needs to be done for Monday(26th((Today)), Eva said it needs to be done for Monday" To which I replied something along the lines of, "Yes we shall aim for Monday but if worst comes to worst we can work until the Wednesday" And I explained how much time the rotoscoping was taking to which he replied "No it has to be done for Monday and to simply work faster". The audacity!!! So at this point I had done arguably double the amount of work they had and triple the effort and time and of course I was working as fast as I could. And if I didn't have any other subjects then sure it would have been finished last year but I do and so it's a balancing act and I think I've done pretty damn well.  I had been working on this project in bulk attacks starting at 9/10am and then working on till 8pm or 5pm on Fridays as the University shuts earlier then. 

I was pissed. I was upset. I left the room and went to work in the Library. This was before the teacher came in, she was late, how late I don't know but she was there at 20 past I know for sure as a friend texted me then asking if I was okay and saying about how he was bitching about me to the teacher. He said that I was absent and had run off after he said for me to do work. Which is not what happened. At least not from my point of view or my friends. I left because there is nothing forcing me to stay in an environment where I feel uncomfortable or around a person that has just insulted me.The thing that pissed me off the most, you see, is that by emphasising that it has to be done for Monday he is saying that I am not going to put the effort in. And as I said earlier I had at this point put far, far more work and effort into the project. 

So then it comes to today 
Monday the 26th Murder on the horizon. 
I worked, got all the animations done by Friday, and finished the rotoscoping Sunday in the library, drawing with a mouse. All save 30 frames which I was going to finish in todays lesson. I didn't work on it during the day as I have a lecture 9-11 and then work on my 30sec group project till the 4-6 lesson which is when I planned on working on it. 

So the start of this morning the girl was saying about skipping this lesson and going to tomorrows one instead. And doing Vincents work during this lesson and then the final animations tomorrow. I disagreed then the guy came in on it and agreed with her. I sent a facebook message shortly after saying (I'm shouting at the mirror T_T I looked away to get the exact facebook message and started looking through the work parts... So annoying....)  Anyway. So are you two planning on doing vincents work tonight and finishing sound and vis animation tomorrow? They both saw it in the hour and neither replied before the lesson so from 12-4 ,nothing, rude right?
When I went down to sound and vis (at roughly 3 minutes past the start of the lesson as I was saving work) they were already there and had talked to the teacher.  I don't remember word for word how this went, but the teacher commented on my not being there for the last two lessons, last weeks is explained above and I sent her an apology for the absence and also said I could come to the lesson the next day or send her the files. She never replied to that email. The week before that I quite simply, no bullshit, could not be bothered. I felt that going to the lesson would achieve nothing, as on the first week back we had discussed what needed to be done and I had no final products to show her or anything that she could teach me at this stage, so there was no point.

The mistake I made when talking to her was that I said the after effects work would only take a day. To which she replied that A) That's what we were being marked on and B) if it only took a day it wasn't going to look very good. My logic is as follows, 3 people, 30 seconds each, that's roughly 9 scenes each. So max of perhaps 12 effects per person. Working from 10 - 8 with a 2 hour break where that be taken in one go or spread out through fag breaks that means you'll be working 8 hours. Or 9-7 same thing. So thats 8 hours work. for 10 scenes, learning potentially 12 effects. Youtube tutorials take roughly 6-7 minutes but I'll make it 10, that plus and 20 to go through the tutorial and apply it to what you're doing. So 30 minutes per effect. 2 Effects an hour... in 8 hours you'd have 16 effects ready to go. That's not including something going wrong, the programme crashing but these I feel get evened out by the fact that most of the effects would be repeated more than once and in actual fact it would be 2/3 that are being used. So really the main amount of time will be getting footage to go in the background. So if things did go wrong, and taking into account the lack of experience both of my group members have then taking 3/4 days would still be acceptable. 

Either way I didn't get my points across very well as I didn't make them and then she moved on. Instead of explaining the irritating facebook convo that happened I'm simply going to copy and paste 

Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
So are you two planning on doing vincents work tonight and finishing sound and vis animation tomorrow?
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Please link me to the folder when you have made it
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
You make your self
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
I can't make a folder, or upload for that matter
you need to make a folder and then allow other people to access and upload to it, alternatively if any of you have a usb you can come get the files
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
There made you a folder with the videos called final parts
Make sure u export them in png sequence
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Cos we need a transparent background if you do it in JPEG they will be filled
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
No you just key it out
Jess Knights
Jess Knights
Have you been saving it as a jpeg?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Jess Knights
Jess Knights
what file format have you been saving it?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
have u do it yet
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
have u got them yet
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Yes why are they movs
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
They just are that's how flash exports and you can play them with quicktime, if it's for whatever reason not working in premier then take it into media encoder and change them to mp4
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Don't worry they work fine
Sorry just double checked it and it's not working they need to be png sequence
Which is a series of images not a video
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
How is it not working?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Don't worry again Eva has fixed it just finish the rest
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
And Mike   "If you start at some point today give me a message about the colors you're using and the general background image, other wise if you're doing it tomorrow then I'll just show you what I've done and you can blend them"  That's what I said, I didn't tell you to work tomorrow you decided too, and that was before something came up. What I've done is animated it in a certain zig zag explosion way and then I'll be adding a music sheet textured background. Color wise its pretty open as we can just add a colour mask/texture.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
When you've put the premier/after effects footage together please upload it into that folder.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
And before you both leave I want to go through who is doing what editing wise.  So either wait until 6 or come up here before then.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Want me to come down?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
All are the videos are uploaded. 
Quick link to the animated animatic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvfl_hCyUrk   
Quick link to the green screen animatic: 
And the blog that has all the details: 
Get the animation finished by Wednesday. As soon as you finish start your 30seconds. If you're stuck there are lots of YouTube tutorials, the lessons that eva taught us and digital tutors has some things as well though it will take a little longer learning from there in my experience. 
Aim to get your 30seconds done and exported by the end of Friday, meaning we can put it all together Saturday/Sunday 
Worst comes to worst one of you can simply put it altogether on Monday morning. As all it should be is dragging them all together. 
Don't forget to upload the sections that you've done onto the blogs. Good luck with your 30sec.
Play Video
animatic 1
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Whole animatic with my parts on top correctly timed:
Sound and Vis> Final parts> Background/Green (Download all that you need)> Altogether green screen animatic and files> I have uploaded the Premier file with the background video and my animations on top as for some reason 3frames seems to have been taken off of.   So this has the correct timings for the whole animatic. 
You can also view it here. 
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Rosie file

Seen by everyone
o.o yup it's more than a little confusing but there it is.

Oh and there names are out.... Well whatever not that it makes any difference to you non existent humans.

I sent this to Jess seen at 20:19 
Can you please upload link me to
38-40: Music sheet lines dripping (actual lines and notes)
54-56: Music surrounding, flowing around the room almost hugging it.
And this to Mike seen at 18:28 
Can you please upload and link me to:

45-48: Chaos walls starting to merge, 3D bathroom just about to touch go to top view (1 sec) Solid bathroom floor just bathroom walls moving, bath, toilet, sink, in 3D he's on back wall.
54-56: bathroom isolated in black space
56-57: Splashes water on his face and stands up straight - Water masks as another layer
Neither have replied. Neither have uploaded the files I need. Neither have finished their work today. And (I'm going out on a limb, but I'm pretty sure) Neither have looked at after effects/Premier in there own time for the entirety of this project and perhaps not even much at all since lessons in year 1. 
Where as I have been working on Tedx, Jelsa, Watch this bitch, and Cold case. 4 projects, all including premier and after effects.

It is also important to note that between this week and last week I had forgiven Mike, not to the point of letting it go but to a degree where I simply didn't care so long as the work was being done.

It is also probably more important to note that my wonderful said about explaining what was happening to the teacher last week so as they couldn't blame it all on me. He also brought me cookies today <3  and my lovely friend who had been in a similar situation with these two said about making sure to explain to the teacher before them. And much to my regret, I didn't listen to either of them I felt like I wasn't in the wrong and shouldn't have to explain myself and that they had no case against me. Wrong course of action, duly noted.

On the flip side its amazing motivation to show how well you can do and how crap someone else has been doing all along. I've also had the pleasure of several very good audio books so theres that as well. 

Monday 12 January 2015

Day 7274

Demoralization by lack of participation.

Last Thursday we had to give presentations on our ideas for a 30 second film festival indent. 4 of our ideas where chosen and mine was among them. Yay....:/

In my honest opinion mine, Should. Not. Have. Been. Chosen. - So much emphasis...-

The only reason I pitched it was because I didn't have any other ideas. It wasn't the weakest in the class and my pitch/presentation were relatively good considering how rushed I was.  But the actual concept, the idea, it's pretty weak there were definitely stronger ones. I mean it's passable, but it's nothing exceptional nothing you haven't seen before nothing that will stand out in the waves of other people.

And I wouldn't mind that if it had a good message or left an impression but it doesn't. The concept - as it currently stands- is simply something nice to look at for 30 seconds.... And even that is only relatively okay. Yes, it draws your attention and fits the brief in that sense. But show reel quality work? Stretching abilities? Learning to be a better animator?... It's a stifling idea. And I feel like...Whilst I'm at uni and there aren't real clients and I don't have to worry too much about money and I have access to all this AMAZING software, tutors and resources  that its such a waist. I only have so much time to spend on my own projects and I would be much happier if I could incorporate what/how I'm learning with them into my course....

But I think the main thing that has me down, aside from lack of sleep and lack of food... Is that out of the 15 people who have seen my post in the Facebook group...Asking who wants to be in my team... Only one has said they want to work on this with me. So whoever I end up working with in the group aside from her are people who didn't want to work on this idea and ultimately didn't want to work with me. And I understand. The other ideas are narratively stronger and because of the leaders they will be visually as well. I get that...Doesn't make it suck any less...

Enough of the complaining will work with whoever on Thursday and deal with it all then. Got my CV done...Well, another draft done but I have high hopes for this one.  Main thing I'm working on for sound and vis is just tracing atm o.o It's soooo boring. But I have a very good audio book called the Name of the wind :3! Really enjoying it, I was worried that after finishing the Mistborn series I wasn't going to be able to enjoy another audio book for a while but I've been proven wrong which is good~
I'm also on the last book of the painted man series which again is a very good story. And then anime wise studio Ghibli have created one which is beautifully done. So narrative and visually I am currently surrounded by all these awesome ideas <3

And last night I took part in a super fun DnD game where we all dressed up and ate lots of yummy food ^3^ and fought and drank and watched the holy grail.

I think I have spent to much this past week so for the next two I'll be spending a lot less.
And wall of text over~