Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 7370

My hair has been extended :3 for only £3~

But yeas my greasy hairy face for you :L

Good day? Bad day?

Good! I mean I got to lie in, probably a little too much (1 oclock <.<....) But I've been leaving for uni at 9ish everyday so it's been a nice change aha. It's incredibly sunny which I'm not sad about per say just still adjusting. Isaac isn't here :< but he'll be back on Tuesday so I'm sure I'll survive and yeah o.o  Life of Rosie is pretty good atm.

Health - 10/10 Okay sooo I need to eat and drink more but I''m aware of this and shall rectify the lack of food intake soon.

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Papermache owl and cat mask ( am I an artist now ¬.¬?)
2) Crayon melting green boats
3) Washing~ Deary me this is not as bad as it used to be but by no means fun
- Play
1) Crayon melting lipgloss (we shall see how this goes aha)
2) Probably going to watch some daredevil~

Thing of today:

This is what I'm currently listening to, to save my brain from utter boredom. It's like in animation when you have to think it's super fun but when you're doing basically the same thing x 80 it's... Mind numbing. But luckily audio books and Comedians and now DnD is saving the brain cells inside me from shriveling up.  But these guys are all so, so awesome! They think and describe beautifully and create such interesting visual images and in character voices that it's just super entertaining. I've got to half way through session 3 at the moment and they are doing a live session 7 on Monday (At 1.30 am o...o Yay for time difference!) But I hope to power through and be able to listen up to date on Monday. Whilst rendering all my beautiful Maya work.... T_T

It also means because it's like 2 hours long that I only have to listen to the conservatives video once every two hours! So annoying it's like every advert has been designated for them on youtube. I don't like their policies which is basically every human for themselves and I really don't like the fact I've had to repeatedly listen to their drivel over and over and over. Guess we know who googles backing// who has the most money to spend on advertisement.

Whilst we are on this oh so wonderful subject of Politics (Please note heavy sarcasm) Green party have quite a cool idea where everyone gets a minimum amount (like £70) a week and I think that's a really good idea. I would personally take it a step further and instead of giving money give tokens to spend on certain things, regulating it further so people couldn't spend it on unnecessary things but obviously that would be a lot harder and possibly less efficient to implement, but yeah I think it's a nice idea that could benefit our society really well.

To do list.....
1) All my uni work~
2) Seeds to plant ( I got lots of seeds o3o)
3) Work out which system I'll use for my summer DnD game :3 I'll be running a steam punk game based in my comic world of Rythum - That way I get to develop the world for the comic characters in a way that's super fun :3
4) Tea party handover.... Going to be so late at this rate T_T

Second of thing of today is Super coool~! But I can't share the video so I'll just show the link :)

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