Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 7269

So, not last night but the night before... I had a headache before going to sleep, and I thought it was because of lack of sleep, or not drinking enough, or leaving it too long to eat dinner or a combination of the lot and that I would be able to sleep it off.

So from 9-12 I was asleep and it was all good but then when Isaac came to bed I woke up and then my head just got worse and worse it was after 20 or so minutes of realizing I wasn't going to be getting back to sleep with this pain that I took ibuprofen, it was then another hour or so of having gone up and downstairs searching for somewhere comfy and having spasmodic crying fits that I took paracetamol in an attempt to stop my head from hurting so much. And then I felt sick , then I was sick (Partially through my nose as well o.o...Which has never happened before :/), then I curled up with Isaac and stroked my head and soothed me. And eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up yesterday with the same pain I'd had around midnight and ended up skipping all the lessons. Luckily Jess also missed yesterday so I have someone to be in a group with, which is nice. My boots also arrived very late in the day so I have my new boots on now! Which is also nice. But whilst ibuprofen is now working I still have a headache...So whatever is causing the pain is still a problem, but at least I can deal with it now.

I wonder whether it was a migraine or not, it defiantly wasn't the same as the ones I used to get. In those the more I moved the more it hurt, I was also much more sensitive to smells and of course was waking up with them going at full force.

But yes so, first headache/migraine thing of 2015 and also one for almost a year if not over a year.
First week has been relatively eventful I'd say.

Monday 5 January 2015

Day 7267

I have been very productive; Presentation check! 1000 Word essay check! Hand slam animation check! Pancake mixture for the morning check! Room tidy check! Bag and clothes sorted for tomorrow check! Good nights sleep?...Well no ones perfect.

I got a red lipstick from my grandparents over Christmas! It stays on really really well o.o The only problem is telling if I've got it off or not as when I remove it my lips go really red (as you can see above.)

 I've decided to wait till Saturday to get the final book of the trilogy I want to read out as then it won't distract me from my work (Fingers crossed)

Am looking forward to going back to uni, less so for the new 9am Monday starts but finding out the new briefs and seeing everyone again will be cool. New hair, soon to be new boots and phone cover, new dresses and leggings and tights. Not a reinvention of myself but still, a fresh start to the year.

I think my two goals of 2015 are to be more productive work wise and to be more outwardly forgiving. I think over the last year I've gone from being a very passive forgiving human no matter what others have done for the most part to one that's very... Begrudging perhaps? Either way I think somewhere in the middle would be good so I'm not being taken advantage of but am still being kind and caring to other humans.
Oh and to play more games :D It's all very good reading lots and watching loads of things but if I want to work in the gaming industry or make my own game I think this will be essential and with "no mans sky" coming out soon.... I mean I'll just have to research it....And stuff XD

Thing of today: (Though found last year)

It's so pretty and amazing and low poly and beautiful and not low poly all in one and, and you can explore like...Everywhere....Which is what I love about games and this shows animation in such an amazing light and yes. So there you go non existent people this is the game to play in my mind XD Can you imagine it with an Oculus?! Isaac is a little disappointed in the style of music they went for, like, I do agree it could have had more of an "Epic" feel to it but overall, it's just...It's amazing o3o so yaaas~

Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 7265

Is like Seeker White and Seeker Black :3

Isaac came back to the house today! And everyone else is coming back Saturday/Sunday and then back to uni on Monday 9am start!

Isaac did this awesomes dye for me :) The blonde came out a little brassier than I would have liked but I think that's just how my hair is with blonde hair dye.

He also deboned a whole chicken which was...Interesting o.o A little disturbing as well.

I caught the mouse last night, rather brutally, I found it between a massive art folder that I had and the wall so I squished it with the art folder and... I didn't want to kill it but I was prepared to, but at the same time I wasn't really, so whilst I was deciding on how I could possibly get it into a box I squished it a bit too much and it's nose bled :/

I think if I was going to kill it, then it would have needed to be quick not half hearted being squished.....EITHER WAY. It survived, I managed to get it into a box, and put it in a biscuit container with the lid replaced by paper with holes in and gave it water, biscuits, toilet roll etc.

Scratch (as named for scratching at the carpet) survived the night and I released him with Isaac onto a green kinda area near Asda in Portsmouth it jumped out super quick and all so... Considering he survived being squished, and survived a stressful night captive he'll probably be okay out in the grass.

I think if I'd stayed calmer it would have been less of an ordeal for both myself and the mouse.

Hey, ho that's the start to this year!

Friday 2 January 2015

Day 7263

Happy new year!
There's a mouse in my room!
It was on my desk chewing!
But not to worry, wasn't my paperwork...Mostly...
But a packet of previously unopened biscuits!
Everything is in boxes now :D !!!!

Meal plans o.o I think my plan is to just go for it and then price/change as I go.... o.o We shall see :D Hmmm £2 a day basically o.o

Also planning on dying my hair o3o
And planning my life.... Food...Clothes... Basically turning everything into routine so I don't have to think about it and can spend the small brain bits that I have on stories o.o

Friday 26 December 2014

Day 7257

New labeeeeeeeel Food!
Working on a budget of £15> a week for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner... Ideally costing as little as possible.

Things to consider
I'ma rate the recipes scale of 1-10 for most things, 10 being good 1 being bad ...


Space (keep the ingredients)
Space (Freezing the foods)

Expiry dates
Ingredients left over
Ingredients distance from house

Time to Prepare
Time to Cook
Time to Clean up

14 Breakfasts
14 Lunches
14 Dinners

So I can cook the same meal twice in a month(4weeks)


  1. Pancakes o
  2. Cereal o
  3. Honey toast  o
  4. Bacon sandwich o
  5. Scrambled egg o
  6. Dippy egg o
  7. Bread, Pesto, Cheese, Tomato o
  8. Waffles 
  9. Croissants and cheese 
  10. Porridge 
  11. Egg in bread
  12. Bread in egg
  13. Full english 
  14. Random 

  1. Ham + Mustard sandwich o
  2. Salmon + Cheese  sandwich o
  3. Cheese + Pickle sandwich o
  4. Pie o
  5. Pasta o
  6. Avocado and cheese salad o
  7. Noodles o
  8. Chicken soup
  9. Tomato soup 
  10. Chicken wrap 
  11. Tuna sweet corn sandwich
  12. Ham + Lettuce  bagel 
  13. Pizza wrap
  14. Random 
  1. Tuna Mayo Jacket potato o
  2. Rainbow pizza o
  3. Grilled chicken salad and new potatoes  o
  4. Shepherds pie o
  5. Salmon with lemon breadcrumb crust and new potatoes  o
  6. Toad in the hole o
  7. Soup o
  8. Macaroni cheese 
  9. Chicken kiev and salad 
  10. Lasagne 
  11. Chicken and mushroom pie 
  12. Stir fry 
  13. Cheesy Baked courgettes 
  14. Burger and chips

Sunday 14 December 2014

Day: 7245

12 Levels of the game, 12 chapters in the comic

  1. City of Wings - Floating steampunk city 
  2. Mechanical forest - Moving across the land 
  3. Center french city -  Many rivers running through it, everything is controlled and pristine "perfect" 
  4. Train - that is super high up and made of glass that travels from area to area 
  5. Kingdom of fire and smoke - everything is long and spindly and covered in ashe/sand
  6. Oasis market - Which you reach through a cloud of mist has lots of waterfalls but the sky is covered from the ashe. Floating embers from the fire and hanging lights provided make it look like night all the time. 
  7. Underground city of towers - Use magic to create impossible buildings that reach through the roof and into the world above 
  8. Silken palace - The highest of the towers but long abandoned hidden under 1000's and 1000's of small crawling black spiders. Pristine and white and ends in covering a large tree with random threads blowing off into the wind very high up in the clouds 
  9. Clouds - insane winds with giant glass birds that fly just out of sight but cast their shadows and refract light like rainbows through the air 
  10. Under world - Great lake, glow in the dark jellyfish like souls that will drag you under if you get caught. Extremely cold and though you can walk on the water every step you take leaves a little fragment of yourself behind as you freeze yourself a path. There is a tower in the center of the lake with frozen bodies making a stairway to the open window in the tower that is letting a sing stream of daylight into the place
  11. Space - Looking down on Rythum it shrinks to the palm of your hand and you gain the title "Ruler of Rythum" 
  12. Space - Same.... 

I think what I'll do is make this concept art on photoshop to use in the comic and what not and then make low poly versions of it to use in the story game thing. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Day 7241

Good day? Bad day? 
Considering it is currently 1 in the morning and all that I have done for the last hour is watch guardians of the galaxy and tuna pasta, pretty good so far.

DnD I got a pet bug :3 that might have disappeared who knows....

Turns out I had done more for one of my projects that I had thought and the deadline for all the impending ones of doom (The tiger and essay) Have been pushed so I have more time to work on them, or rather I have christmas to start on the essay.

Still haven't got my CV or website up to scratch but hopefully that will be coming along by the start of next year. It's a little annoying as most of my work has been the pre production side of things so I don't have much to put on a show reel. 

Another really annoying thing is internships are Pixar, Disney, Area net, Blizzard and Square enix are all in America for 12 months.....I basically  would like 1 year to learn all the programmes and work on my own projects and another year to work with other people on industry projects and try different areas and get a feel for the sort of thing I'd like to focus on. Right now it's gearing towards 3D but that's more because of jobs and games and it's what I'm currently learning.

Health - 7/10 It's been an interesting couple of weeks, I feel like after I recover from one cold I catch another one o..o So much sneezing and coughing and then headaches and then random aches and tiredness and well you get the gist general cold symptoms. But hey, if I'm dying and these are my last words, good bye world it was nice knowing all you guys and you guys know who I love :) 

On a side note my hair keeps getting so matted D:

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Everything is on the blog for my essay hand in
2) Started the animatic though it doesn't need to be in today so I'll do it later when I'm not rushed 

3) Tiger animations....
- Play 
1) Watched Guardians of the Galaxy, good film... A little generic but funny at how the characters comment on that fact. 

2) DnD game - which was awesomes and I've finally made my character :D! I don't have much of a backstory for her but I know what she looks and dresses like so it's all good ^.^
3) My book is soooooo goood! I'm listening to the last mistborn book and I'm like o3o feed me more of this ear porn. It's a really good story, I'm also reading another book for when the computers crashing(flash) and on the bus etc. and it's very interesting, it's fantasy but with a different kind of culture, not perhaps as good as the mistborn one but still rather good.  

Thing of today: 
This is a picture that I did and perhaps one of the few that came out okay from my pre production shenanigans... But hey it's early in the morning who knows this could be replaced rather soon.
To do list:
  1. Wrap christmas presents 
  2. Buy secret santa gift
  3. Start essay
  4. Finish tiger 
  5. Finish "yung luv" 
  6. Finish Rotoscoping for sound and vis 
  7. Finish winter anime 
  8. Disney drawings 
  9. Brush out the matts ^_^ so much FUN!!!!!! D:< 
  10.  -