Wednesday 10 December 2014

Day 7241

Good day? Bad day? 
Considering it is currently 1 in the morning and all that I have done for the last hour is watch guardians of the galaxy and tuna pasta, pretty good so far.

DnD I got a pet bug :3 that might have disappeared who knows....

Turns out I had done more for one of my projects that I had thought and the deadline for all the impending ones of doom (The tiger and essay) Have been pushed so I have more time to work on them, or rather I have christmas to start on the essay.

Still haven't got my CV or website up to scratch but hopefully that will be coming along by the start of next year. It's a little annoying as most of my work has been the pre production side of things so I don't have much to put on a show reel. 

Another really annoying thing is internships are Pixar, Disney, Area net, Blizzard and Square enix are all in America for 12 months.....I basically  would like 1 year to learn all the programmes and work on my own projects and another year to work with other people on industry projects and try different areas and get a feel for the sort of thing I'd like to focus on. Right now it's gearing towards 3D but that's more because of jobs and games and it's what I'm currently learning.

Health - 7/10 It's been an interesting couple of weeks, I feel like after I recover from one cold I catch another one o..o So much sneezing and coughing and then headaches and then random aches and tiredness and well you get the gist general cold symptoms. But hey, if I'm dying and these are my last words, good bye world it was nice knowing all you guys and you guys know who I love :) 

On a side note my hair keeps getting so matted D:

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Everything is on the blog for my essay hand in
2) Started the animatic though it doesn't need to be in today so I'll do it later when I'm not rushed 

3) Tiger animations....
- Play 
1) Watched Guardians of the Galaxy, good film... A little generic but funny at how the characters comment on that fact. 

2) DnD game - which was awesomes and I've finally made my character :D! I don't have much of a backstory for her but I know what she looks and dresses like so it's all good ^.^
3) My book is soooooo goood! I'm listening to the last mistborn book and I'm like o3o feed me more of this ear porn. It's a really good story, I'm also reading another book for when the computers crashing(flash) and on the bus etc. and it's very interesting, it's fantasy but with a different kind of culture, not perhaps as good as the mistborn one but still rather good.  

Thing of today: 
This is a picture that I did and perhaps one of the few that came out okay from my pre production shenanigans... But hey it's early in the morning who knows this could be replaced rather soon.
To do list:
  1. Wrap christmas presents 
  2. Buy secret santa gift
  3. Start essay
  4. Finish tiger 
  5. Finish "yung luv" 
  6. Finish Rotoscoping for sound and vis 
  7. Finish winter anime 
  8. Disney drawings 
  9. Brush out the matts ^_^ so much FUN!!!!!! D:< 
  10.  -  

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