Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 7228

It's all over now 30/07/2015 update~

Missed 7227 by one day :<

Cartoon animation - I don't know what I'm handing in....

Visual research - Owl and the Pussy cat pre production

- Book of ideas/techniques
- Storyboard
- Character design

Group project - Lost name finished
- Finish animating
- Textures
- Render (lighting)
- Timing
- Facial expressions

Group project - Tiger finished

- Animate the tiger....

Production contexts - 1000 word research report

I would like to turn a written series into an episodic animation. What catches a viewers attention and stops them from clicking away /how long you have to make an impression

Openings on different mediums what makes people want to keep watching/reading past the initial click away TV, YouTube, Online, Book, Comic, Games console, Game hand held.

9th Jan
Sound and Visualization - Man who mistook his wife for a hat
- Rotoscope man
- Animate few sections
- Put it all together

Disney Drawings done
Disney Drawings painted

Flip books done
3D 10 min scene for Isaac

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