Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 7126

We went out for a meal round Mario's and Angie was there and Mario's flat mate called Alex was there, didn't ask him the 5 questions... :< We had a super awesomes meal, and ended up going out in ... Pretty much the same outfit XD As you can see from the photos above... Yeah......

Mario is the VP Activities (I think) EITHER WAY o.o he get's paid to put on events... How awesome is that o.o??? He's also working on the garden that the uni is doing and wants to implement a farmers market every Monday at the union which would be pretty cool.

He is also a vegetarian, so that's Elliot, Maya and Mario that I know.  Isaac and I were talking about it on the way home and are thinking of cutting down on meat. Not becoming vegetarian or vegan but just not buying it over much.

Also today we completed ninja storm 3! Next one comes out in September so a while yet. Though we are playing through dark souls at the moment. We have quite different styles, like.. I play shield and mace, wait for them to attack then retaliate Isaac just two handed mace takes them out hardly ever getting hit O.O Save when against rats, stupid poison O.O

Isaac also made me breakfast this morning :3 was super tasty <3 We have a pub just down the road that serves breakfast for like £3 and the plan was to go eat there.... >.>.... But I am super lazy.

Work tomorrow! Will be nice to go back and see everyone, read on the way there and then come back and see Sarah o3o o.o still haven't found somewhere for her to park...  

Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 7123

New tag: 3333 

Using todays number and the number 1 in a number generator, I replayed it until all the numbers where the same, as such  my goal is to do:

3333 I lied I didn't get this number but I did get 33 and decided that was too small so decided to bump it up a bit.

Random numbers generated Aug 14 2014 at 22:46:9 by
Free educational resources for parapsychology and psychical research.

Drawings o.o
If I reach this goal I shall go on a hot air balloon ride as a reward o.o

Any drawing at all (from any project and what not), can be more than one but each post will count as one drawing, so 5 images in one post? Will only count as 1 drawing towards the final goal.

Deadline 3 years
3333 - Hot air balloon
2222 - See Lion king
1111 -

Day 7123

Jelsa is coming along o3o Soon I'll start animating!!!! :D 
Come into university to use the cintiques.... End up spending far longer editing than actually using the screen.
A fair bit better at using premier now mind you o.o  Such a good program <3
My days exporting takes so long though T_T




Day 7123

Sponsorship Letter Draft - Tea party society 
Dear Mr./ Miss./ Mrs. ___Enter name of owner/manager__ If not found then the company itself

Portsmouth Tea Party Society - of the cake and tea variety not the political.
Once a month we meet in Eldon cafe on a Wednesday afternoon.
Where we host a variety of events alongside different varieties of tea and cake! ( Hot chocolate and coffee are also provided)  Each event we hold has a different theme that is voted for on our facebook group by the members.

We are a newly founded but motivated group with just under 100 people in our facebook group and a regular attendance of 30 people who are mostly second and third year students. This being prior to freshers fair which is happening in early September where we hope to get even more members. I am therefore writing to you with regards to an exciting opportunity to be a part of our society through sponsorship.

We are looking to raise funds for better more durable equipment, packaging to help stop breakages, decorations for each event, consumables, prizes and to spend on further promotion. As such we would be grateful for donations to help us realise our goal of being a fully kitted out society.

In return we have a variety of ways in which we can promote you in our society

- Loyalty cards for our members. On each card will be 6 icons of a cup of tea, if they visit your cafe we ask that you tick of the card for us. Once the member has completed the card they can bring it to us and start a new one. Each month we will put all the cards into a pot and one member will win an assortment of goodies.   
- We can promote your logo on our facebook, twitter, at the bottom of our posters for each event, at the bottom of our society newsletter, and on the back of our menus for special events such as freshers fair.
- We can put a link to your website in the description of our Promotional YouTube video and your logo at the end of the actual video itself. (Still to be made)  
- We can try out things for you at our events.
- We can put your details on our facebook group with a link directly to your website, alongside our recommendations.- We can visit your shop as a society social.
- And you could attend any of the tea parties hosted at the university for free.

If you would like to be part of this exciting opportunity please get in touch with me via our email address :

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely
Roseanna Warr, President of UPTPS

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Day 7122

Jelsa work, Jack page 1, 2 more to go then start the actual animating 030

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Monday 11 August 2014

Day 7120

NEW TAG : Game

Spent the best part of the afternoon working on this, made a paper copy to work it all out then Isaac helped me by putting it all onto excel.  

115 videos I think
10 sec per video

Every video will be followed by a choice, two choices and your good to go. 3 choices and only one of them will be a safe choice so you continue the rest lead to "deaths" where the game ends. 
The blue is just there to show that all of those options go through to the same next set of options.

Secret ending factor. A little hard to explain but I shall try. You will need to get to the end(biggest red square) at least once. In example if you reach it using the bottom path that will be recorded in the game, though the player won't know this. If you then play through again and reach the end through the bottom path nothing will happen, but if you reach it through the top half you will see a version of yourself already at the stage, as you will have activated both paths.
You will then fight the other path version of you. The winner will be decided by the opposite choice of the first path you took. So if you went left/up on the first choice then the right/bottom version would win, if you went right/down on your first choice then the left/top version would win

 Before you make your choice on each section you will be shown a 10-20second animation clip explaining the situation.

At the end of the game you will be told the total amount of time you played for and what you could have done instead with your time.