Monday 11 August 2014

Day 7120

NEW TAG : Game

Spent the best part of the afternoon working on this, made a paper copy to work it all out then Isaac helped me by putting it all onto excel.  

115 videos I think
10 sec per video

Every video will be followed by a choice, two choices and your good to go. 3 choices and only one of them will be a safe choice so you continue the rest lead to "deaths" where the game ends. 
The blue is just there to show that all of those options go through to the same next set of options.

Secret ending factor. A little hard to explain but I shall try. You will need to get to the end(biggest red square) at least once. In example if you reach it using the bottom path that will be recorded in the game, though the player won't know this. If you then play through again and reach the end through the bottom path nothing will happen, but if you reach it through the top half you will see a version of yourself already at the stage, as you will have activated both paths.
You will then fight the other path version of you. The winner will be decided by the opposite choice of the first path you took. So if you went left/up on the first choice then the right/bottom version would win, if you went right/down on your first choice then the left/top version would win

 Before you make your choice on each section you will be shown a 10-20second animation clip explaining the situation.

At the end of the game you will be told the total amount of time you played for and what you could have done instead with your time.

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