Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 7126

We went out for a meal round Mario's and Angie was there and Mario's flat mate called Alex was there, didn't ask him the 5 questions... :< We had a super awesomes meal, and ended up going out in ... Pretty much the same outfit XD As you can see from the photos above... Yeah......

Mario is the VP Activities (I think) EITHER WAY o.o he get's paid to put on events... How awesome is that o.o??? He's also working on the garden that the uni is doing and wants to implement a farmers market every Monday at the union which would be pretty cool.

He is also a vegetarian, so that's Elliot, Maya and Mario that I know.  Isaac and I were talking about it on the way home and are thinking of cutting down on meat. Not becoming vegetarian or vegan but just not buying it over much.

Also today we completed ninja storm 3! Next one comes out in September so a while yet. Though we are playing through dark souls at the moment. We have quite different styles, like.. I play shield and mace, wait for them to attack then retaliate Isaac just two handed mace takes them out hardly ever getting hit O.O Save when against rats, stupid poison O.O

Isaac also made me breakfast this morning :3 was super tasty <3 We have a pub just down the road that serves breakfast for like £3 and the plan was to go eat there.... >.>.... But I am super lazy.

Work tomorrow! Will be nice to go back and see everyone, read on the way there and then come back and see Sarah o3o o.o still haven't found somewhere for her to park...  

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