Tuesday 19 August 2014

Day 7128

Where to begin...

Good day? Bad day?
Both. Went to work that was fine, but had to say goodbye to Isaac on the bus so... He's gone, and he's left stuff here so when I came back it's like... His shoes were still there, and I know he's not here.. .But yeah. ANYWAY came back and saw Sarah and her boyfriend Luke who stayed over yesterday and today and made this weird concoction of leftover green food with pasta. So guacamole, cucumber, lime on the turkey breast  ... Yeah O.o and then they left around 4ish to try and beat rush hour. SOOO... Now I'm home alone.... Yeah.

Yesterday on the other hand was amazing all around. Went to work that was pretty good we've started doing the big clear out so all the rooms are blitzed for Septembers students. 4 Rooms in 4 hours. It's good, it's just the bathrooms that are sooo time consuming. Came home, just enough time to get changed and freshen up then Luke and Sarah came down :3 Think I might have hurt Sarahs ribs for a while >.> was a lot of hugging.

We went out for Yo-Sushi blue Monday, If you're up for spending around £10-£20 per head would recommend it.

 Went round the shops after, Sarah got me those snazzy earrings you can see above, and if you can't see they are little dream catchers  <3 Now my ears have healed up completely I'm starting to wear earrings again :)
Then we came back here and we had a plan to go to the beach but that kinda fell through, Isaac and Luke played fifa on the small TV (I won the rock, paper, scissors) and Sarah and I sang our hearts out to a variety of singstars on the big TV :3
And around 4am Sarah snuck a house warming card under my door XD Which we found this morning 030 was awesome.

On another note internet is being really slow today, like I reset it and it's working better but buffering anime... It's taking a while. Which is why I'm writing this, but yeah. Imgur gifs...Just are not loading....

Health 10/10 - Yup, I'm amazing right now. Like mentally I'm a little drained and sad, missing people and stuff, but all in all I actually feel amazing o.o and I haven't had a migraine in like.... A year now? And for the past month or so I haven't... Well I've hardly taken any Ibuprofen before going to bed.... How insane is that?!

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Cleaned the house.. kinda, more I put it back in order, need to do washing and my room but downstairs is presentable again :3
2) Cleaning work for moneys (Job)
3) Tea party plans for freshers fair.
- Play
1) Watched new sword art online episode
2) About to catch up on the new sailor moon episodes I've missed

Thing of today

o.o none for now

To do list......No.

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