Tuesday 19 August 2014

Day 7128

Background story for Jaque/Lissette/Rima

Based on Aphrodite and Adonis

Aphrodite was Adonis' lover and a surrogate mother to him. Cinyras, the King of Cyprus, had an intoxicatingly beautiful daughter named Myrrha. When Myrrha's mother commits hubris against Aphrodite by claiming her daughter is more beautiful than the famed goddess, Myrrha is punished with a never-ending lust for her own father. Cinyras is repulsed by this, but Myrrha disguises herself as a prostitute, and secretly sleeps with her father at night.
Eventually, Myrrha becomes pregnant and is discovered by Cinyras. In a rage, he chases her out of the house with a knife. Myrrha flees from him, praying to the gods for mercy as she runs. The gods hear her plea, and change her into a myrrh tree so her father cannot kill her. Eventually, Cinyras takes his own life in an attempt to restore the family's honor.
Myrrha gives birth to a baby boy named Adonis. Aphrodite happens by the myrrh tree and, seeing him, takes pity on the infant. She places Adonis in a box, and takes him down to Hades so Persephone can care for him. Adonis grows into a strikingly handsome young man, and Aphrodite eventually returns for him. Persephone, however, is loath to give him up, and wishes Adonis would stay with her in the underworld. The two goddesses begin such a quarrel, Zeus is forced to intercede. He decrees that Adonis will spend a third of the year with Aphrodite, a third of the year with Persephone, and a third of the year with whomever he wishes. Adonis, of course, chooses Aphrodite.
Adonis begins his year on the earth with Aphrodite. One of his greatest passions is hunting, and although Aphrodite is not naturally a hunter, she takes up the sport just so she can be with him. They spend every waking hour with one another, and Aphrodite is enraptured with him. However, her anxiety begins to grow over her neglected duties, and she is forced to leave him for a short time. Before she leaves, she gives Adonis one warning: do not attack an animal which shows no fear. Adonis agrees to her advice, but, secretly doubting her skills as a huntress, quickly forgets her warning.
Not long after Aphrodite leaves, Adonis comes across an enormous wild boar, much larger than any he has ever seen. It is suggested that the boar is the god Ares, one of Aphrodite's lovers made jealous through her constant doting on Adonis. Although boars are dangerous and will charge a hunter if provoked, Adonis disregards Aphrodite's warning and pursues the giant creature. Soon, however, Adonis is the one being pursued; he is no match for the giant boar.
In the attack, Adonis is castrated by the boar, and dies from a loss of blood. Aphrodite rushes back to his side, but she is too late to save him and can only mourn over his body. Wherever Adonis' blood falls, Aphrodite causes anemones to grow in his memory. She vows that on the anniversary of his death, every year there will be a festival held in his honor.
On his death, Adonis goes back to the underworld, and Persephone is delighted to see him again. Eventually, Aphrodite realizes he is there, and rushes back to retrieve him. Again, she and Persephone bicker over who is allowed to keep Adonis until Zeus intervenes. This time, he says Adonis must spend six months with Aphrodite and six months with Persephone, the way it should have been in the first place.

Lissette was Jacques lover and a surrogate mother to him. Cinyras, the King of Cyprus, had an intoxicatingly beautiful daughter named Rima. When Rima's mother commits hubris against Lissette by claiming her daughter is more beautiful than the famed goddess, Rima is punished with a never-ending lust for her own father. Cinyras is repulsed by this, but Rima disguises herself as a prostitute, and secretly sleeps with her father at night.Eventually, Rima becomes pregnant and is discovered by Cinyras. In a rage, he chases her out of the house with a knife. Rima flees from him, praying to the gods for mercy as she runs. The gods hear her plea, and change her into a myrrh tree so her father cannot kill her. Eventually, Cinyras takes his own life in an attempt to restore the family's honor.Rima gives birth to a baby boy named Tristan. Lissette happens by the myrrh tree and, seeing him, takes pity on the infant. She places Tristan in a box, and takes him down to Leo so Maya can care for him. Tristan grows into a strikingly handsome young man, and Lissette eventually returns for him. Maya, however, is loath to give him up, and wishes Tristan would stay with her in the underworld. The two goddesses begin such a quarrel, Rui is forced to intercede. She decrees that tristan will spend a third of the year with Lissette a third of the year with Maya, and a third of the year with whomever he wishes. Adonis, of course, chooses Lissette.Tristan begins his year on the earth with Lissette. One of his greatest passions is hunting, and although Lissette is not naturally a hunter, she takes up the sport just so she can be with him. They spend every waking hour with one another, and Lissette is enraptured with him. However, her anxiety begins to grow over her neglected duties, and she is forced to leave him for a short time. Before she leaves, she gives Tristan one warning: do not attack an animal which shows no fear. Adonis agrees to her advice, but, secretly doubting her skills as a huntress, quickly forgets her warning.Not long after Lissette leaves, Tristan comes across an enormous wild boar, much larger than any he has ever seen. It is suggested that the boar is the Jaque, one of Aphrodite's lovers made jealous through her constant doting on Tristan. Although boars are dangerous and will charge a hunter if provoked, Tristan disregards Lissette's warning and pursues the giant creature. Soon, however, Tristan is the one being pursued; he is no match for the giant boar.In the attack, Tristan is castrated by the boar, and dies from a loss of blood. Lissette rushes back to his side, but she is too late to save him and can only mourn over his body. Wherever Adonis' blood falls, Aphrodite causes anemones to grow in his memory. She vows that on the anniversary of his death, every year there will be a festival held in his honor.On his death, Tristan goes back to the underworld, and Maya is delighted to see him again. Eventually, Lissette realizes he is there, and rushes back to retrieve him. Again, she and Maya bicker over who is allowed to keep Adonis until Rui intervenes. This time, he says Tristan must spend six months with Maya and six months with Lissette, the way it should have been in the first place. 

Rima Revolutionist has a child of of marriage to an unknown man, from the city of Surmise a very backward thinking place at the pinnacle of rhythm.

Rima is resting under a tree, having been fighting to earn money for her son to eat (he's around 2 and has a tough build)  She gives her son away only so that he might have a better life and vows to change the world in turn. Thus she becomes the revolutionist.

Lissette's parents whilst traveling come accross the child, her mother is heavily pregnant and they choose to take him in as a bodyguard/servant of sorts. As he grows they realise his talent and encourage his inventive ways.

Jaque and Lissette make to escape from the kingdom as Lissette is forced to marry Leo, they become separated as Maya enters the story and Lissette warns him that Leo is more dangerous than he appears (having been threatened the night before on the balcony by him)

Jaque being the brillient inventor that he is when faced with Leo's mechanical dragon thinks he can escape, ignoring her warning. In the attack at first he is doing well but then suffers a critical hit. He is heavily wounded and dies from blood loss.

Where he died Lissette turns the place into a garden and vows to never love again.

Upon his death he is turned into a blank character. When Maya hears of this she breaks out the panels and tries to draw him back in but can't get it right. Many versions of him appear and they all combine into a ghost image, he tells Lissette he loves her but to move on, says his goodbyes and then lives inside one of the flowers.

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