Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 6909

I had a dream

There was a world in it, that was essentially this blog O.o... And it was mostly woodland but there was a stream running through the middle, and a little seat made of bark or something but it was all soft and you could bury yourself into it like a warm bath.

Then when I left this place it turned out my dad had cut my rose D:< Was so mad. He said he'd done it to prune it and that the flower that's been oon it for 4 weeks was in actual fact dead.. But yeah.

Okay so I never said the dream would be interesting or make sense.

Thing of today.
So much yes <3

I'm blogging kinda a lot O.o....Hmmm.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 6908

Ahhh I did productive stuff, and feel happier and thus all is good in the world of Rosie.

Was helping out at BHF and a fair few army guys came in and bought dresses to go clubbing in XD.... I was so awkward when they asked if I was going to Liquid..... Strange men <.< Lovely men, but strange.

And all my room is tidy and my rose is still alive and the flower head has been there for.... Over 4 weeks now O.o Which seems a little strange. Still haven't gone food shopping so my life of soup shall be continuing.

ALSO I found some more people who go to the uni and are first years :3  And they said they'd be interested in tea and cake.... and vodka O.o and yeah o.o

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun

Thing of today:

(Skip to 1:30) 

Totally not stalking this guy.... Well I kinda am I guess O.o He's the head of anime society and and and he has awesomes eyes and wears scarves and would make such a cool comic character >.>...Aha... My days I'm weird....
Either way how awesome is this programme things and stuff !!!!

Yes o.o

2 animation ideas... I say ideas.... It's basically just already existing things that I want to copy O.o... So... Yeah. Start somewhere?

1) Video people walking, then rip the screen into an animated world of.... My brain O.o - camera vs pen
2) Jack frost + Elsa , two ice worlds and they meet at an ice world and fall in loves and stuff and yeah - draw with me

Day 6908

Daily mugshot:

Thing of today:

I've spent today reading manga and filling my head with delusions of romance. And I feel pretty bad. I think, when I make a comic, the romance in it.... I'll keep it more realistic than my thoughts/ideas, and base it on real life things....

She has negativity to motivate her, to better herself and achieve. I just want to tell stories.... Think animation is the most versatile way of doing that..... I enjoy stories as they take you away from the mundaneness of the world. They can transport you into your imagination, but then when it all comes down to it, when the fiction ends and reality sets back in..... It leaves you feeling kinda bad. So maybe I'm not going about this the right way. I still want to tell stories, or be part of a group telling them.... But perhaps escapism shouldn't be the reason why.

Friday 10 January 2014

Day 6907

Daily mug shot :o at ... 3in the morning....

I fear my hair is going more strawberry blonde the more it is washed. Tragic. Really.  

My room is such a mess o..o I've done nothing on the comic.... Tea parties are no nearer to happening than before.... I drank all the tea.  :< #firstworld problems... 
Was called smart.... Forget what for.... Joked about blogging about it.... Am now blogging about it....Casually. 

I really have nothing of relevance to say O.o Even to myself o.O  

Either way 
Thing of today!!!! 

I just found this <3 I've listened to the song a fair amount but never watched the video, it's so good <3 It reminds me of kill bill so much, and the sketchy style <3 Aww man I hope I can make something like this soon.

ALSO!!!! :D Been using the syntec drawing computer amazing things <3 o.o I can draw straight onto the computer and.... Yes. So more drawings to come. Admittedly they have all been koala drawings so far.... My obsession has grown so much.... Think I may need to turn it down. 

Met a person today who didn't like koalas...... Was mildly shocked. Didn't know how to react. That aside the dude is lovely so, all is good. 

Okay no more brain cell killing for you non existent people :3

Thursday 9 January 2014

Day 6906

So.... Tried to dye my hair blonde yesterday.... It came out kinda strawberry blonde/brown.... Save when it's wet then it is more gingery... My face... And in the background my "wife" XD 

I don't look very happy >.>.... But look at the curls :D!!! Wonder if they will make it to morning o.o 
But yes, so brushed fringe all in place for photo

Fringe.... how it is normally o..o stupid gaps

and normal fringe with glasses...


On a side note, very good friend and facebook wife came down the previous two days which was lots of fun, we went to a star place and yeah o.o was all very fun aha. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Day 6903

Dragon dynasty.The drawings I did in the past. The drawings I'm not going to use o.o...... 

So that main girl is meant to be Alex. The bottom two panels showing a kinda steam punk world
Then she was meant to have been washing, but was asleep, and a speech bubble with her name being shouted was meant to be in the top right of that middle panel, then the angry man empty water on her head.... 

-missing page-
The ladies are gossing about a flier going round saying you could rule the kingdom if you tame a dragon
tristan appears with a .... bad arm and pulls out her hair
-missing page- 
She asks if he know's what they are talking about and he says oh this? 

- missing pages...around 10 o..o-

So much work for something I've changed so very much.

Day 6903

Let it go.