Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 6908

Ahhh I did productive stuff, and feel happier and thus all is good in the world of Rosie.

Was helping out at BHF and a fair few army guys came in and bought dresses to go clubbing in XD.... I was so awkward when they asked if I was going to Liquid..... Strange men <.< Lovely men, but strange.

And all my room is tidy and my rose is still alive and the flower head has been there for.... Over 4 weeks now O.o Which seems a little strange. Still haven't gone food shopping so my life of soup shall be continuing.

ALSO I found some more people who go to the uni and are first years :3  And they said they'd be interested in tea and cake.... and vodka O.o and yeah o.o

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun

Thing of today:

(Skip to 1:30) 

Totally not stalking this guy.... Well I kinda am I guess O.o He's the head of anime society and and and he has awesomes eyes and wears scarves and would make such a cool comic character >.>...Aha... My days I'm weird....
Either way how awesome is this programme things and stuff !!!!

Yes o.o

2 animation ideas... I say ideas.... It's basically just already existing things that I want to copy O.o... So... Yeah. Start somewhere?

1) Video people walking, then rip the screen into an animated world of.... My brain O.o - camera vs pen
2) Jack frost + Elsa , two ice worlds and they meet at an ice world and fall in loves and stuff and yeah - draw with me

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