Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 6908

Daily mugshot:

Thing of today:

I've spent today reading manga and filling my head with delusions of romance. And I feel pretty bad. I think, when I make a comic, the romance in it.... I'll keep it more realistic than my thoughts/ideas, and base it on real life things....

She has negativity to motivate her, to better herself and achieve. I just want to tell stories.... Think animation is the most versatile way of doing that..... I enjoy stories as they take you away from the mundaneness of the world. They can transport you into your imagination, but then when it all comes down to it, when the fiction ends and reality sets back in..... It leaves you feeling kinda bad. So maybe I'm not going about this the right way. I still want to tell stories, or be part of a group telling them.... But perhaps escapism shouldn't be the reason why.

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