Friday 10 January 2014

Day 6907

Daily mug shot :o at ... 3in the morning....

I fear my hair is going more strawberry blonde the more it is washed. Tragic. Really.  

My room is such a mess o..o I've done nothing on the comic.... Tea parties are no nearer to happening than before.... I drank all the tea.  :< #firstworld problems... 
Was called smart.... Forget what for.... Joked about blogging about it.... Am now blogging about it....Casually. 

I really have nothing of relevance to say O.o Even to myself o.O  

Either way 
Thing of today!!!! 

I just found this <3 I've listened to the song a fair amount but never watched the video, it's so good <3 It reminds me of kill bill so much, and the sketchy style <3 Aww man I hope I can make something like this soon.

ALSO!!!! :D Been using the syntec drawing computer amazing things <3 o.o I can draw straight onto the computer and.... Yes. So more drawings to come. Admittedly they have all been koala drawings so far.... My obsession has grown so much.... Think I may need to turn it down. 

Met a person today who didn't like koalas...... Was mildly shocked. Didn't know how to react. That aside the dude is lovely so, all is good. 

Okay no more brain cell killing for you non existent people :3

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