Monday 6 January 2014

Day 6903

Dragon dynasty.The drawings I did in the past. The drawings I'm not going to use o.o...... 

So that main girl is meant to be Alex. The bottom two panels showing a kinda steam punk world
Then she was meant to have been washing, but was asleep, and a speech bubble with her name being shouted was meant to be in the top right of that middle panel, then the angry man empty water on her head.... 

-missing page-
The ladies are gossing about a flier going round saying you could rule the kingdom if you tame a dragon
tristan appears with a .... bad arm and pulls out her hair
-missing page- 
She asks if he know's what they are talking about and he says oh this? 

- missing pages...around 10 o..o-

So much work for something I've changed so very much.

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