Wednesday 9 October 2013

Day 6814

Overview update of things.

Today, I forgot my purse, I had ordered soup ( very tasty soup I might add) And just as he was about to put the soup in the cup I realised I had no money O.O .... Yet, as you can probably tell from my comment on said soup, Mark let me have it for free o.o .... I will be paying him back tomorrow with a drawing saying thank you :)  But yeah o.o Very good soup - homemade soup. The owners are called mark and lin, I have have remember there names as there is a line to mark their shop o.o.... lin mark... yeah o.o

Also met Peter, he is homeless. I gave him a little money :/ but... I doubt that will change much.... WHAT CAN I DO D:< o.o he had a girl friend for 7 years o.o she cheated on him, and everything was in his name o.o so o.o.... he has no where to live :/.... But he is very nice o.o My new found friend Ford also talked to him and was told poetry :3

o.o Ford is also in the reenactment club, and on my course o.o and he is so awesomes o3o So I went to that, and it was like fencing... but not o.o.... IM GOING TO STEAL THEM INTO CHESS >:3 probably o.o

I have also found if my window is open at night o.o I get lots of little bugs o.o.... all round the light ~o.o~

and boyfriend has gone back to being so busy he forgets me o.o I'm not sure how I feel about this o.o.....

ALSO.... D:< the shoes I ordered that were perfect <3 o.o did not come,  so I emailed them  and because my paypal for some reason said to them that it wasn't payed they canceled my order?! They manually checked it found it was paid, they've refunded me... But they have no more of those shoes... So... Am on the hunt for cosplay shoes o...o yup.  

We won a piggy bank :3 student finance union people were in the food hall and if you filled out a questionnaire you could win a piggy bank. So now o.o when we have leftover money from takeaways we are putting it in the piggy bank and then we will all buy stuff with it :3 

Sunday 6 October 2013

Day 6811

After all those tears and unsteady feelings, it seems Boyfriend and I are staying together, Till next October it should be all okay... After that will be a little more difficult.

We shall see o.o Now to clean everything!


Everything is clean and... I look 15.

Video photo thing of my new hair..... I am so self centered ~o.o~

So, for cosplay of tsukumo.... I cut my hair, I now look 15 and because I have thin hair the fringe keeps parting weirdly o...o oh well till October 28th! 

Movie nights in my room.... 8 people.... in this little room o.o.... It's kinda impressive in it's own way :) Makes the room feel much bigger when everyone is gone aha.

Will do a room video whilst it's tidy in the near future me thinks.

SO many little fricken BUGS D:< o.o and thus the slaughter of bugs continued in my room. Glade "Relaxing Zen" Sending the little critters to an untimely demise. Yeah.....

Friday 4 October 2013

Day 6809

Losing hope with boyfriend, losing patience more so.

Made more dragon things cups this time.

I'm really enjoying university.... and I don't much miss home,  I miss talking to my mum and sometimes my dad but my room/bed, not so much.

Found two other people who play GW, wonder if I'd still be able to play if I broke up with Tom... I HATE THIS NOT KNOWING -.-...... Shitty situations.

Also found people who like chess, so may make a chess set cake thing... Would be fun.

Or arrange a big kinda people piece chess set o.o? Like Wizards chess... But cheaper.  Would need 32 people.... And space.... Possibilities o.o

Like this but not o.o

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 6807

Beautiful and inspiring this is my post for today.

Jim Campbell - A 3D structure of lights and movement.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 6806

I'm not sure how to feel.... Or rather how I feel.... Like I feel normal then de energized then back to being me again.... I don't know what I'm going to do if Tom does break up with me... And with each lack of talking day it seems more and more likely. Yes okay life goes on... I will get over it.... As to how I'll get over it or how long it will take.... V.V I don't want to find out. Maybe I can become an emotionless recluse, concentrate on my work become an amazing animator and be loved by all my fans and have no need for a relationship........ Or a  cat lady..... I do like cats.

So many angsty worried posts O.O well if I did have any readers they are gone now.

Maybe I am feeling mild depression.... Or I could just be tired from a long day~

Keep wanting to text him :/ then I'm like... Nope don't really want to..... V.V Am I meant to be like a good girlfriend and believe he will like me, or is that just rose tinted. Or should I not get my hopes up and just start tricking myself into forgetting him....................................................................................................................................... These dots could go on forever... I'm not going to get an answer.

On the plus i've gone from my nose being wrong, to my throat being sore, to an idiotic cough in the space of 3 days! It shall be gone soon! Probably....

Maybe if I make myself look all cute and amazing... I will feel it?

Day 6806

Random Rosie Ramblings from a cold infected girl.

Maybe I need to be in a relationship where they like me more than I like them.... Would I be happy then? But in turn surely that would make them sad....
Or rather the relationship shouldn't be measure in how much we like each other, but the amount of effort...
They say money is meant to be a major reason why people break up.... I think time is also a major one.

Fortune cookies!

1) Don't lose your aim.
2) -
3) You can get everything with politeness

Yes I had 3 cookies over the past 3 days :P and lost one.... If it turns up I shall update aha.

Learning animation o3o so much fun~ People get paid for having stories o3o and making them and adding quirky back grounds and making things blow up or look all smokey or just O.O its insanity :3 - The good kind.