Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 6806

I'm not sure how to feel.... Or rather how I feel.... Like I feel normal then de energized then back to being me again.... I don't know what I'm going to do if Tom does break up with me... And with each lack of talking day it seems more and more likely. Yes okay life goes on... I will get over it.... As to how I'll get over it or how long it will take.... V.V I don't want to find out. Maybe I can become an emotionless recluse, concentrate on my work become an amazing animator and be loved by all my fans and have no need for a relationship........ Or a  cat lady..... I do like cats.

So many angsty worried posts O.O well if I did have any readers they are gone now.

Maybe I am feeling mild depression.... Or I could just be tired from a long day~

Keep wanting to text him :/ then I'm like... Nope don't really want to..... V.V Am I meant to be like a good girlfriend and believe he will like me, or is that just rose tinted. Or should I not get my hopes up and just start tricking myself into forgetting him....................................................................................................................................... These dots could go on forever... I'm not going to get an answer.

On the plus i've gone from my nose being wrong, to my throat being sore, to an idiotic cough in the space of 3 days! It shall be gone soon! Probably....

Maybe if I make myself look all cute and amazing... I will feel it?

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