Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 6806

Random Rosie Ramblings from a cold infected girl.

Maybe I need to be in a relationship where they like me more than I like them.... Would I be happy then? But in turn surely that would make them sad....
Or rather the relationship shouldn't be measure in how much we like each other, but the amount of effort...
They say money is meant to be a major reason why people break up.... I think time is also a major one.

Fortune cookies!

1) Don't lose your aim.
2) -
3) You can get everything with politeness

Yes I had 3 cookies over the past 3 days :P and lost one.... If it turns up I shall update aha.

Learning animation o3o so much fun~ People get paid for having stories o3o and making them and adding quirky back grounds and making things blow up or look all smokey or just O.O its insanity :3 - The good kind.

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