Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 6790

See, that's just not as fun a number to start the day with.

 WHY AM I AWAKE because my room is so hot XD

ZOMG Talked to Tyler :D australian tyler :D the writer and stuff and he's awesome and has a mic now so I can talk to him o3o and that was a good start to the morning.

Shopping list

Bowl for balls
Bowl for keys
Small chopping board
Maybe some green ribbon?
Corner wood piece
Suction pad thing for bathrooms
Shower wiper thing
Cheap mirror?
A4 batteries
Big clock?
Kitchen roll washing up bowl

The curtain is also ripped >.>

Saturday 14 September 2013

Day 6789

Mundane thought. I keep turning to look at all the things I need to put away....Nope. Back to internet.

Day 6789

I'm here at Portsmouth uni. Not sure what I think of the room really, still trying to find a home for everything aha. Missing my room a bit where I had finally got it to my liking. Typical really that once I've finally got it right I need to leave.

I do have a very pretty view though, I'm on the 5th floor so I can see over the harbour :)

Have both guys and girls in my dorm which I'm glad about! And all are tea drinkers, speaking of which one moment I'ma go get mine.

Back with tea! Not that the time lapse would mean anything to ye non existent readers.

Anyway good things about the dorm its bigger than I was expecting. Bad things.... Theres a lot of broken things :/

The locked draw dosent lock, the draws get jammed, the handle on one of the cupboards come off, the hanger in my shower is broken, there is gum on the floor and stickers on the walls, the wood has dents in it and most of the paint work is chipped/ has random splatters on o.o.... And one of the plug sockets is broken. There is also rather a lot of dust. So I think I may be doing some winter cleaning in here ;)

I also don't have a hover... Not that I'd really use it but yeah o.o The lights they have provided really aren't that bright either XD

 I do have a massive notice board though, and bins and some loo roll was already here. So that plus the 11 koala cushel rolls I have should have me sorted XD

Knowing what to bring, how to get here, if I had the right things with me for signing up and making sure I hadn't forgotten anything was probably the most stressful part of this whole experience! XD  Ah I kinda miss my rents but not overly much they say home sickness normally comes in about two weeks.

So I wonder which will hit me first homesickness or freshers flue?

Will probably do a photo post soon :) I've made some really tasty foods ( meat cupcakes) and won an award ( Outstanding media) And of course my new room ( with its awesome view.)

So till the next time :)

Thing of today

Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 6787

Post no. 60!

Wow, just opened a card and have received £100 to use in case of emergencies. Insanity. Then there is the £1500 overdraft which in theory I could use. Just. Wow. So much money  O.O And spending so much also! University. Well I guess it's one way to learn a persons financial independance.

Man I feel like I have a split personality, one moment I'm like O.O YAY UNI the other I'm like... Everyones going to be drinking... They will all think I'm weird... They won't like cheese... I mean... So many  things can go wrong D: That said I do enjoy meeting people so. We shall see?

So uh... I grew some balls. Literally. Went to camden the other day with my friend, and there was a ball with these random balls in with a sign saying "touch me" So we did. Aha they are so weird. They are little plastic balls that grow from these tiny seeds into small marble sized rubber balls. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them but yeah there you have it. Aha.

Thing of today

This person's art is insanely awesomes! May try and do a few things like it :3 

Monday 9 September 2013

Day 6784

Camden trips are always fun, Flash animations that won't export on the other hand are not.
So yes, yesterday I was off to London with a few friends, a couple were hungover and not feeling too great but aside from that ( and the mild rain ) It was good fun. One thing that can not be unseen is the detail of the male horses...Brain bleach needed muchly!  It turned out to be a wee bit more expensive than I'd hoped but ah well.

I got new poi also! Which was cool so hopefully will be using them more :3 That said... They are white, so... Yes aha.

Today I have been trying to make a flash animation. It is both relieving and annoying when you find a solution for a problem that you have literally spent hours trying to sort! Why couldn't I have thought of that earlier D: ? Ah well, I won't be having that problem again.

And also today, my boyfriend has started his first day at a weeks trial for a job. So, good luck to him :) Wonder how it went aha.

But yes Prickalo and Dewliet the tale of two unfortunate hedgehogs. I'm not entirely sure this will be an animation I'll be completing but we shall see. I'll be posting a link in the next couple of days, and if I don't then it shall probably never be finished.

A playthrough of the story - which shall probably make no sense to anyone other than myself but oh well. :L

- Sun slowly setting over a back garden, the words "Prickalo and Dewliet" Appear in old fashioned text off center on the screen.
- The camera Zoom in on a pile of leaves by the back door
- Lo and behold a hedge hog comes slowly out of the pile nervously hiding inside his little den each time one of the disturbed leaves from said pile fall to the ground.
- BUT THEN a shadow appears by the door and it begins to open, each time pushing a little further on the pile with more force as the person tries to open the door.
- The person emerges and looks around for what was blocking the door,  seeing nothing he pushes it wide open sending the poor hedgehog tumbling out into the garden.
- The hedgehog tries to hide but there is no where to blend into, soon a pair of gloved hands reach down and take him from his home, placing him in a box,  as the box lids close everything turns to darkness
- Looking through the hedgehogs eyes the new setting is revealed at first appearing blurry but after a few blinks the inside of a car is in clear view.
- We then view the hedgehog looking longingly out the window, the reflection of a city turning into woods going by.
- Zooming out we see the car travel onto a dirt track road, stop for a moment, then speed off with a cloud of dust, leaving behind a box,
- The hedgehog looks out of the box, and a small white butterfly will land on his nose, his eyes will blink a morse code message, and he will then blow the butterfly away ( Hint, this is a lotr ref)
- He closes his eyes and sleeps, dreaming off home, wear a hedgehog with a dew covered petal in her hair is frantically looking around, when she can't find her husband a single tear wells in her eye and falls
- As it falls the dream scene fades and the drop lands on the male hedgehog, he opens his eyes and looks to the sky to see rain clouds looming and the occasional rain drop heading down. And above the clouds a birds shadow coming closer
- The hedgehog looks for cover and runs to the nearest shelter, just as a birds claws swoop past his head he makes it into the "forest" ( bushes)
- The rain subsides and a glint catches his eyes in the darkness, as he goes towards it the light seeps through and a treasure trove of bugs glistening and shining appear, he leans towards them wanting to stop and feed, but as he pushes a leaf away ( that just happened to be there) He notices a rain drop on the leaf and has a flash of his wife's hair accessory and speeds on past to the next obstacle
- A lake in the middle of the path ( a big puddle )  he grabs a leaf in his mouth from a nearby plant, curls onto his back and using the leaf as a sail and his body as a boat drifts across to the other side.
- Finally after trekking up a large muddy hill he makes it up, now covered in dirt he has to cross the road in front of him, it's getting dark and the car headlights startle him as he starts crossing the road ( Car won't see him till last minute because he's all muddy) , he gets knocked and rolls all the way to the other side, where he lies motionless. But not dead just dazed.
- Finally he awakens by a small ray of moonlight that falls on him, making it back into the suburbs near his house a cat appears and he goes all ninja/kung fu arms, then just as the cats paw comes down he curls back up into a ball all spiked up, the cat runs away, slightly limping what with the spiked paw and all.
- he continues running towards his home, passes some flowers, stops and goes back and takes one in his mouth, then goes under a fence hole and into the garden, then through a flower pot into a small opening in the leaves. ( his home) He drops the flower to the ground and looks around.
- there is no female hedgehog there D: Nuuuu
- Rewinds time back to when the female hedgehog has just cried her tear, then hands loom down and put her into a box, she goes off into the car on the same journey, but its darker now, and as the car swerves she sees a hedge hog get hit, and roll and to her eyes die.
- as she is put in the box in the field, everything turns to silhouette and she grabs a spike from her back and just as she's plunged it through her chest ( to kill herself ) the camera pans up to show the moon.

Then end.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Day 6778

Good day? Bad day?
Average to good. Been shopping, more things for uni! And I got a new hat and earmuffs :3 So kinda hoping it's a cold winter so I can make good use of them. For once my room is really tidy, because all of my stuff is in unorganised boxes down stairs aha.  Surrey reading challenge is well under way also I have 3 books left to read and then I'm done! I've been thinking about what I can spend the university money on already aha. Games I think are the main thing, aside from any things I'll need for the  course and all that jazz aha.

Games I want to own and play / complete ect. Dishonored, Bioshock infinite, fable 3, sims 4, Far cry 3, the last of us, final fantasy versus 13, Level 80 GW, The last remnant.  

Health - 8/10 I've had this ratty headache for the past couple of days, very irritating! And I feel soooo tired all the time. I do nothing I feel tired, I do stuff I feel tired. Perhaps I was a sloth in a past life.

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Nothing :L
1) Shopping
2) Finished the book thief, my days that's a depressing ending.

Thing of today :

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="344" src="" width="425"></iframe>

I've been listening to this a lot recently so sure why not. I'll share it with you non existent people :L

UNIVERSITY IN 11 DAYS O.O also 11 days till I'm 6789 days old :L

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 6772

High tea, tea, and a long gone trip by the sea. Perhaps even a tiny bit of university...

Boyfriends grandma's birthday the other day and we went to an ascot place to have high tea. And I must say  it was delicious <3 perhaps not the tea ( I choose coconut) Which was mostly an aftertaste of coconut but otherwise was just warm water, but they had the most adorable and tasty little sandwiches <3 and little scones and little cakes. I think I would rather like to have a high tea party on my 19th :L Perhaps make everyone dress up as an alice and wonderland character aha.

Then still on the subject of tea my mum got a whole TON OF IT O.O from freecycle. So it's all for free, and there are so many random flavours aha, most are loose leaf tea so that shall be interesting but yes it's going to be interesting trying those :L

And I realise I haven't made a post or even mentioned it, but before the trip away with boyfriends family, myself and my best female friend went to the seaside for a couple of days on a camping trip. It was genuinely so much fun and out of all my friends I think she is my closest female one that I've had since... Well forever. Don't get me wrong I've had female friends in the past and still have numerous ones but never that close, or we end up falling out with in a month or two.  Probably more to do with me than anything but yeah....ANYWAY was an awesome trip with marshmallows, sun and sea <3  and being read to aha :3 Yay for the book thief.

University wise I think I've figured out what I'm most worried about, it's not so much the people that I will meet but the people I may not get to see, or if my boyfriend breaks up with me, or if I simply lose touch with friends.... As we will all be starting uni and... Hmm yes well.... Whatever will be will be?