Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 6787

Post no. 60!

Wow, just opened a card and have received £100 to use in case of emergencies. Insanity. Then there is the £1500 overdraft which in theory I could use. Just. Wow. So much money  O.O And spending so much also! University. Well I guess it's one way to learn a persons financial independance.

Man I feel like I have a split personality, one moment I'm like O.O YAY UNI the other I'm like... Everyones going to be drinking... They will all think I'm weird... They won't like cheese... I mean... So many  things can go wrong D: That said I do enjoy meeting people so. We shall see?

So uh... I grew some balls. Literally. Went to camden the other day with my friend, and there was a ball with these random balls in with a sign saying "touch me" So we did. Aha they are so weird. They are little plastic balls that grow from these tiny seeds into small marble sized rubber balls. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them but yeah there you have it. Aha.

Thing of today

This person's art is insanely awesomes! May try and do a few things like it :3 

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