Tuesday 3 September 2013

Day 6778

Good day? Bad day?
Average to good. Been shopping, more things for uni! And I got a new hat and earmuffs :3 So kinda hoping it's a cold winter so I can make good use of them. For once my room is really tidy, because all of my stuff is in unorganised boxes down stairs aha.  Surrey reading challenge is well under way also I have 3 books left to read and then I'm done! I've been thinking about what I can spend the university money on already aha. Games I think are the main thing, aside from any things I'll need for the  course and all that jazz aha.

Games I want to own and play / complete ect. Dishonored, Bioshock infinite, fable 3, sims 4, Far cry 3, the last of us, final fantasy versus 13, Level 80 GW, The last remnant.  

Health - 8/10 I've had this ratty headache for the past couple of days, very irritating! And I feel soooo tired all the time. I do nothing I feel tired, I do stuff I feel tired. Perhaps I was a sloth in a past life.

Work vs Play
- Work
1) Nothing :L
1) Shopping
2) Finished the book thief, my days that's a depressing ending.

Thing of today :

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="344" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=TLMXEnuc6AQ8SxsKKjcX7AWPi7NcDXvCZF" width="425"></iframe>

I've been listening to this a lot recently so sure why not. I'll share it with you non existent people :L

UNIVERSITY IN 11 DAYS O.O also 11 days till I'm 6789 days old :L

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