Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 6772

High tea, tea, and a long gone trip by the sea. Perhaps even a tiny bit of university...

Boyfriends grandma's birthday the other day and we went to an ascot place to have high tea. And I must say  it was delicious <3 perhaps not the tea ( I choose coconut) Which was mostly an aftertaste of coconut but otherwise was just warm water, but they had the most adorable and tasty little sandwiches <3 and little scones and little cakes. I think I would rather like to have a high tea party on my 19th :L Perhaps make everyone dress up as an alice and wonderland character aha.

Then still on the subject of tea my mum got a whole TON OF IT O.O from freecycle. So it's all for free, and there are so many random flavours aha, most are loose leaf tea so that shall be interesting but yes it's going to be interesting trying those :L

And I realise I haven't made a post or even mentioned it, but before the trip away with boyfriends family, myself and my best female friend went to the seaside for a couple of days on a camping trip. It was genuinely so much fun and out of all my friends I think she is my closest female one that I've had since... Well forever. Don't get me wrong I've had female friends in the past and still have numerous ones but never that close, or we end up falling out with in a month or two.  Probably more to do with me than anything but yeah....ANYWAY was an awesome trip with marshmallows, sun and sea <3  and being read to aha :3 Yay for the book thief.

University wise I think I've figured out what I'm most worried about, it's not so much the people that I will meet but the people I may not get to see, or if my boyfriend breaks up with me, or if I simply lose touch with friends.... As we will all be starting uni and... Hmm yes well.... Whatever will be will be?

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