Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 7228

It's all over now 30/07/2015 update~

Missed 7227 by one day :<

Cartoon animation - I don't know what I'm handing in....

Visual research - Owl and the Pussy cat pre production

- Book of ideas/techniques
- Storyboard
- Character design

Group project - Lost name finished
- Finish animating
- Textures
- Render (lighting)
- Timing
- Facial expressions

Group project - Tiger finished

- Animate the tiger....

Production contexts - 1000 word research report

I would like to turn a written series into an episodic animation. What catches a viewers attention and stops them from clicking away /how long you have to make an impression

Openings on different mediums what makes people want to keep watching/reading past the initial click away TV, YouTube, Online, Book, Comic, Games console, Game hand held.

9th Jan
Sound and Visualization - Man who mistook his wife for a hat
- Rotoscope man
- Animate few sections
- Put it all together

Disney Drawings done
Disney Drawings painted

Flip books done
3D 10 min scene for Isaac

Friday 14 November 2014

Day 7215

Long time no see! It's going to stay that way until christmas at this rate o...o SO MUCH WORK D:  I'll probably make another post so.... Complaining again....Or with a list... Or both... As you do o.o

Getting ready to get christmas presents....Going to London tomorrow so hopefully will get it all sorted then ^3^ I may start posting about the shenanigans from DnD as they are so fun that happens and Tuesdays and Sundays :P

And below is basically an update on everything I want to do! Sent this as an email to my person tutor o.o..... I wonder how much sense it makes.... I don't really know what area of animation I want to go into o.o

okay sooo~

The things that I like are 

Organising events (not people) 
Helping/serving people (not children)
Planning ideas
Learning new programmes
Learning new techniques
I like sfx but don't really know much about it 
I like animation over all because you can pretty much do anything with it
Flash, Maya, Premier are the programmes I like the most

Then I have loads of things I want to make.... >.>.... And not enough time :<

(*) to get my website up and running and have a looping gif under each heading and have good stuff to put up onto it

(*) Timmy the reaper - A series written by Tyler gates about a young reaper called timmy, it's got really dark humour and is quite twisted with two written seasons. I see it being an online/YouTube series around 12 episodes long and 5-6 mins per episode. 10 Mins for the first one. 

(*) Then there are two trilogies that I really want to see made into films. The wind on fire and Magicians guild.

(*)I also want to make a game, which you choose either left or right for a series of paths and then you reach a different ending. Each time you get to a new scene it would show a new animation around 10 seconds long and once the initial story was made making it open source so other people could add their own stories to it.

(*) I also want to make two comics
Dragon dynasty and seeker,sonar,keyara 
They will each be 12 chapters long with 12 pages per chapter.
My current chapter break down are below and reading through them now they probably won't make much sense.

Dragon dynasty (Romance/Adventure/Action?) is essentially a king needs an heir for his throne and says someone that can  control a dragon can rule his kingdom. The way to control a dragon is by offering parts of your body. It's a kinda steam punk world so bits can be replaced by machines and such.

Keyara seeker sonar (Romance/thriller?)  is more a world with demons and angels and all that jazz are up and about and then this girl starts of as a kinda slave then ends up destroying the kingdom that's pretty much based on slavery.... 

(*) I'd like to sell at an art fair and if all goes well sell at London expo

(*) Then animation wise theres songs I really want to make music videos for. I don't have plans for all of them but some of them I do
- Nothing wrong with a little bit of paint
- Game of thrones
- Jelsa 
- Magpie
- Down to the river
- Punk rocker with flowers in my hair
- Where is love

(*) then just general animation wise I want to make
- You are what you eat (featuring animals as what they eat)
- Koala adventures ( A very, very random tale of a koala that I might use as the game plot) 
- Death falls in love ( Death finds a love book and takes it very, very literally I'm thinking about doing this for my next years project)
- Poi lessons
- Red riding hood (this is a take on depression that both Angie and I came up with)
Tedx into the waves (which you've already seen and i've not changed the fish)
Tea party join us video
- Low poly night to day scene in the woods with a campfire 10 min

So this is ... the things I want to do the most but there is other stuff as well and I don't really know what kind of job that I want in particular . One that will pay enough so I can buy Maya, Premier and flash and a cintiq.... and food and internet and oven, hot shower, tea and cake sometimes o.o These are my priorities.  Something that's not entirely time consuming so I can work on my own projects and also I'm not doing the same thing year in year out I want to be learning new things and working on loads of different projects.

o.o......Yeah.... o.o

Thank you o.o
Sorry if it doesn't make much sense

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Day 7197

Many things to update about but oh well~

Yesterday did the motion capture for some of Jelsa :D Going to work on it every other week I think. Still working on the 3D model slowly but surely.
Think I've worked everything out now so I have time to do things! We shall see how stressed I get over the next few weeks.

Oh I do a radio show now, 9-11am Friday mornings on Pure fm o.o is good fun ^3^ so feel free to listen non existent humans~

Working on a Tiger walk.... you can see it here o.o

Thing of today

Really like the low poly look :3

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Day 7177

600 days till 7777 :3
Technique brainstorm for advance visual research.

3sec x 60 = 3min = Time for magpie song.
4sec x 45 = ""
5sec x 36 = ""
  1. 3D
  2. Painting
  3. Graffiti
  4. Photo manip
  5. Pixel art
  6. Ascii
  7. Vector
  8. 2D
  9. Collage
  10. Drawing 
  11. Technical 
  12. Pointilist 
  13. Etching 
  14. Silk screen
  15. Wood block
  16. Scratch board
  17. Sculpture
  18. Graffic
  19. Chalk (floor)
  20. Stencil 
  21. Acrylic
  22. Watercolour 
  23. Crayon (melt)
  24. Pencil
  25. Charcoal
  26. Ink
  27. Oil
  28. Marker
  29. Pen
  30. Clay
  31. Paper craft
  32. Glass
  33. Buildings 
  34. Macro
  35. B+W
  36. Filter (sweet paper + textures)
  37. Reverse
  38. Projection 
  39. Multi platform 
  40. Shadow
  41. Face paint
  42. T-shirt printing/shoes 
  43. Stop motion lego 
  44. Felt/sewing
  45. Food+Tea
  46. Natural objects 
  47. Fireworks/fire poi
  48. Metal 
  49. Woodwork
  50. Plants 
  51. Negative space
  52. Illusion toys 
  53. Paper cut out
  54. Puzzle 
  55. Staple
  56. Magnets
  57. Play dough 
  58. Human body 
  59. Map
  60. Time lapse 

Total ideas

  1. 3D
  2. Painting
  3. Graffiti
  4. Pop art 
  5. Abstract
  6. Fractal animation 
  7. Photo manip
  8. Pixel art
  9. ASCII
  10. Typography 
  11. Vector
  12. 2D
  13. Collage
  14. Drawing 
  15. Technical 
  16. Pointillist 
  17. Etching 
  18. Silk screen
  19. Wood block
  20. Scratch board
  21. Sculpture
  22. Graffiti
  23. Chalk (floor)
  24. Stencil 
  25. Acrylic
  26. Watercolor
  27. Wax 
  28. Different paper types 
  29. Crayon (melt)
  30. Pencil
  31. Charcoal
  32. Ink
  33. Oil
  34. Marker
  35. Pen
  36. Rice paper 
  37. Clay
  38. Paper craft
  39. Glass
  40. Buildings 
  41. Macro
  42. B+W
  43. Blur
  44. Focus 
  45. Filter (sweet paper + textures)
  46. Framing 
  47. Reverse
  48. Underwater 
  49. Projection 
  50. Dead insects 
  51. Multi platform 
  52. Shadow
  53. Nail art
  54. Tattoo/body art
  55. Face paint
  56. Cut out box/ picture frame
  57. T-shirt printing/shoes 
  58. Stop motion Lego 
  59. Wire model 
  60. Felt/sewing
  61. Make up
  62. Food+Tea
  63. Natural objects 
  64. Fireworks/fire poi
  65. Basket/weaving 
  66. Jewelry 
  67. Metal 
  68. Woodwork
  69. Plants 
  70. Negative space
  71. Illusion toys 
  72. Zoe-trope 
  73. Paper cut out
  74. Puzzle 
  75. Staple
  76. Magnets
  77. Play dough 
  78. Human body 
  79. Photo within a photo etc. 
  80. Map
  81. Time lapse 

Friday 3 October 2014

Day 7173

Good day? Bad day?

Ups and downs, nothing has gone wrong in fact everything that happened today was positive really it's just I didn't manage to get everything I needed to do done so it's become a little stressful.
There is a part of me that is starting to feel all this planning is more stress than help whilst knowing what I need to do for when is helpful I think I need to stop being so strict with myself and just get on with it as I go along hopefully that will be more fun!
I now know that I did not feel stressed before uni. I think lack of enough sleep is the reason and also maybe pre period mood swings? Is that a thing?

Health - 9/10 I don't think I've caught freshers flu yet. Had a few days after all the chaos of freshers and human chess ended where I felt ... Wrong? Is the best way I can put it. Like my stomach felt off and food wasn't that great and I've have this pathetic cough that comes up every now and again but as of yet have not been flooded by the actual cold.

Update on my life
- Radio show Breakfast with tea-party
- Applied for a telephone fundraiser job - find out on the 9th/10th
- Managing both uni projects
- Superhero Tea party is the next theme
- New phone, I can connect to internet!
- Cooking foods tomorrow
- Still to do drawings - Chrismas

Work vs Play
- 12 seconds of animatic done
- Radio show training done
- 1 storyboard done
- Spent time with Isaac
- Game of chess with Tom o.o I lost....

Monday 29 September 2014

Day 7169

Thing of today:

Such awesome animated gifs, one of my tutors showed us today in class.