Friday 3 October 2014

Day 7173

Good day? Bad day?

Ups and downs, nothing has gone wrong in fact everything that happened today was positive really it's just I didn't manage to get everything I needed to do done so it's become a little stressful.
There is a part of me that is starting to feel all this planning is more stress than help whilst knowing what I need to do for when is helpful I think I need to stop being so strict with myself and just get on with it as I go along hopefully that will be more fun!
I now know that I did not feel stressed before uni. I think lack of enough sleep is the reason and also maybe pre period mood swings? Is that a thing?

Health - 9/10 I don't think I've caught freshers flu yet. Had a few days after all the chaos of freshers and human chess ended where I felt ... Wrong? Is the best way I can put it. Like my stomach felt off and food wasn't that great and I've have this pathetic cough that comes up every now and again but as of yet have not been flooded by the actual cold.

Update on my life
- Radio show Breakfast with tea-party
- Applied for a telephone fundraiser job - find out on the 9th/10th
- Managing both uni projects
- Superhero Tea party is the next theme
- New phone, I can connect to internet!
- Cooking foods tomorrow
- Still to do drawings - Chrismas

Work vs Play
- 12 seconds of animatic done
- Radio show training done
- 1 storyboard done
- Spent time with Isaac
- Game of chess with Tom o.o I lost....

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