Monday 11 August 2014

Day 7120

Isaac tried on my skinnies :L ... Henry seemed to like it.

Growing some chives and mint leaves...... Is going well.... Think I underestimated how much they need watering O.o

When I was younger I read a book series that had a place in it called Echo falls and I was really taken with the name. Found out that it was a wine, so Isaac and I decided to get the small bottles and try it out.
White 1/10 (it smells like cat pee... Imo)
Rose 4.5/10 (Isaac gave 5 I gave 4)
Red 4.5/10 (Isaac gave 4 I gave 5)
Wouldn't recommend o.o 

Sunday 10 August 2014

Day 7119

Internet at new house is rubbish, doors keep opening and closing randomly O.o Garden is full of weeds, room get's super hot.... ASIDE FROM THAT o.o It's beautiful, the bed is comfy and the oven is amazing and the extractor fan and <3 It's about 10/15 min walk to the bus stop and 20/25 to uni. Kinda wanna make it on sims....

Finally in a new area on the WvW GW2 and it keeps disconnecting me :< so annoying. Going to try on Isaacs mac o.o see If I can't get 100%! One things for sure is I won't be able to do any dungeons.

We've been cooking a lot which has been super awesome o3o

Got quite far on the fish.

Although I like the background going to get rid of it in favour of the first one I had, that and the blur of the big fish and I'm done with fish O.O then just the net

Going to do GoT in Maya and Tea party in flash. But will get some sketches storyboard style up so I can just trace over it and make it all a lot quicker.  (I hope) 

Day 7119


18p noodles, with slices of hard boiled egg, brie, bacon + chorizo(which we fried together in a pan). Prepared the toppings first, cooked the noodles and there flavourings then added the toppings.
We had these for lunch and they were very, very filling.   

Mince cooked with an egg, some chopped up tomatoes, a little mozzarella,  a little tomato puree. Then we put it all in some peppers and left it in the oven on 200 for around 40 mins.  Boiled the carrots for around 20 mins (added cheese to the tops of the peppers) then drained them added butter and a little caster sugar and caramelised them....   Cleaning the pan has been a hassle though.....
Very filling, surprisingly so. It might not look much but once you start on the pepper you realise just how much meat is in there. A lot of oil builds up in the peppers as is from the meat. So carrots are good for soaking that up.

Pork belly rashes, we had two each. One was soaked in maple syrup whilst it cooked and one was cooked in it's own juices. Maple one was heavenly <3 Cooked some oven chips on the side and then had a mix of, Lettuce, Avocado, Cucumber and mayonnaise... Very un healthy salad :P
Would recommend only one pork belly thing. This was very filling and the fattiness was almost too much.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Day 7115

Finished Elantris :< ... Very good book. Onto the next one!

2 days till 7117

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Day 7114

Moved into the new house!

All my stuff

My room now, with new mirror :3

The kitchen

The living room ^-^ 

Most of my stuff all in the kitchen, sorted through it all with Isaac yesterday and now it's all tidy :3 Just got to do the washing aha. We are going shopping today for a few extra bits :) It's so much nicer from my old place because it is so clean I think.

Also Tom is going to change the Gw2 Email for me and I've given him money to get a new account as he's going to start playing again aha. Maybe its the new story? Who knows ^-^ but I am so so close with that stupid map completion O.O ... One day o.o

Thing of today :

Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 7112

Sunday, dad's birthday. T shirt went down well :) Will post pictures later.... Ice cream dessert pictures will also follow... And the chinchilla breakfast. So many photo updates :L

Friday when we came home, saw two people Ellie and Collin.... Then saw Lewis on Saturday, reason I mention it is because I never see anyone at all when I come home and then it's like O.O well then.

On Sunday it was my dads birthday. 
Isaac Wesley Page and I fried him a chinchilla for breakfast, deep fried the ice cream for dessert, and gave him a trainception top designed by me~

Another annoying thing is I can't remember what I got my mum for her birthday and she can't and it's rather annoying o.o Yes.
I remembered! It was red headphones, red note book, red wrapping paper o.o yes o.o

Cooked up some chinchillas for breakfast!

My mum can't eat egg white so that's why this one doesn't have any

Deep fried Ice cream for dessert :3

Deep fried ice cream Recipe. 

£30 / 333 calories (121 grams) / 13 hours / 20 instructions


 2 (serves 8) Madeira cake/Pound cake
Ice cream Strawberry/Rum and raisinClingfilm
1 Cup of plain flour1 Egg1 Tsp of Vanilla extract200ml of cold water1 Tsp of Bicarb of sodaBread crumbs, toasted
Vegetable oil 
Strawberry/Toffee sauceStrawberries/Raisins and rumSquirty creamMint leaf


Insane shopping at Tesco buy absolutely everything:

Cake £1 Each, Could probably make cheaper? = £2
Ice cream x2  = £7
Cling fillm 60p = £7.60
Plain flour 45p = £8.05
Vanilla extract  £1.40 = £9.45
Bicarb £1.30 = £10.75
Bread 50p = £11.25
Oil £1.25 = £12.50
Eggs £1 = £13.50
Strawberry sauce £1.30 = £14.80
Toffee sauce £1.30 = £16.10
Strawberries £1.75 = £17.85
Raisins £1 = £18.85
Rum £9 = £27.85
Squirt cream £1.35 = £29.20
Water 17p = £29.37
Mint 70p = £30.07


Thing of today:

Thursday 31 July 2014

Day 7109

So, Isaac is coming down tomorrow, well I'm meeting him at the coach station in Guildford. OR SO I THOUGHT .... Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, he was going to surprise me and turn up today <3 but then >.> because I was working, and saying about doing uni work after work he was like <.<... stay at home and relax o.o which got me thinking maybe hes coming down and so I asked some questions and got more exited and then I kinda forced his hand and he told me he is coming :3!!!!!! So I get to see him today and it will be awesomes and in less that 6/7 hours he will be here!

Am super happy o3o Even if I don't look it in that photo XD

Thing of today/ Facebook shenanigans

"Today an 11 year old student said to his friend that he had a disability and should be treated specially. His friend turned around and said the greatest thing I've ever heard from a Year 6: 'Everyone has a disability.'
How right is that? We all have something that we feel handicaps us. There's always a mental or physical obstacle in our way of achieving something that, we feel, many others can do casually." - Tyler Gates :L