Sunday 10 August 2014

Day 7119


18p noodles, with slices of hard boiled egg, brie, bacon + chorizo(which we fried together in a pan). Prepared the toppings first, cooked the noodles and there flavourings then added the toppings.
We had these for lunch and they were very, very filling.   

Mince cooked with an egg, some chopped up tomatoes, a little mozzarella,  a little tomato puree. Then we put it all in some peppers and left it in the oven on 200 for around 40 mins.  Boiled the carrots for around 20 mins (added cheese to the tops of the peppers) then drained them added butter and a little caster sugar and caramelised them....   Cleaning the pan has been a hassle though.....
Very filling, surprisingly so. It might not look much but once you start on the pepper you realise just how much meat is in there. A lot of oil builds up in the peppers as is from the meat. So carrots are good for soaking that up.

Pork belly rashes, we had two each. One was soaked in maple syrup whilst it cooked and one was cooked in it's own juices. Maple one was heavenly <3 Cooked some oven chips on the side and then had a mix of, Lettuce, Avocado, Cucumber and mayonnaise... Very un healthy salad :P
Would recommend only one pork belly thing. This was very filling and the fattiness was almost too much.

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