Thursday 3 April 2014

Day 6990

Fringe is back!
Finished season 1 of Game of Thrones
Finished season 1,2,3 Walking dead. Now on season 4 episode 10....

Room has been blitzed and sorted for what I want to take home
Enough food to last at least a month.... Myself and Isaac spent near enough £90 V.V....Shopping.... For 2 people O.O mostly little things o.o but still 3 pairs of boots O.O 

May get some new boots soon.... When I have completed all my work....Which could take a while >.>'' Aha.

It will be done :3 And comic shall start soon :3 I keep starting and stopping because it's not really my work but I think I'm finally gathering a story that will work. Now just to make it. 

Had a hiccup with the tea party but will see what times things are free tomorrow..... We shall see o.o 

Saturday 29 March 2014

Day 6985

~Meal plan~

  • Chicken Kiev
Chicken Kiev - 2for £1 from co-op
Bag of mixed veg 4 packets for £1 from co-op used 1 packet
Fab ice cream 10 for £3 eating 2
Roughly £2 / 30mins
Tasted nice but needed something more as wasnt very filling

  • Chicken Pie
4 Chicken pies - £2
1 Bag of mixed veg 25p
Mashed/Baked potatoes.....Roughly 50p
Roughly £3/ 30 mins
Filling mostly because of the pies, tasty pies, potatoes didn't really work....
  • Soup
Soup around £1 each
4 slice of bread and butter 50p ish?
Roughly £2/10mins
Filling because of the bread, tasty and quick - Looks pretty with a little pepper on top. 

Stir fry
Rainbow pizza
Chicken breast
apple and walnut pasta
pork batons with cream cheese or pork belly rashers

don't care if you don't want me to change the text colour because i always gets what i want ;) <3


Scrambled egg/ bacon

Day 6985

And so the Easter break  begins

Game of thrones is starting up soon o3o

Am applying for the cleaning job over the summer, so need to hand that in

  • I think my main aim is to get everything up to standard work wise 
  • Re watching all GoT would be nice but isn't a must do 
  • Blitzing my room also would like to do 
  • Piano learning - Frozen..... 
  • Started creating sims houses... Would like to finish that 
  • Maybe work on the comic
  • And Timmy the reaper 
  • Also to watch some Japanese TV shows in the hope I can start picking some of the language up

Uni is open 8.30 - 5
So I'm planning on going in 9/10 - 5 

Will be cooking for myself ( And Isaac for the first week :3 ) So meal plans shall be made ^^

Image of today:

Now to watch some GoT :D!!!!

Friday 28 March 2014

Day 6984

The grand total of three

- Most recent, account on facebook was hacked it seems.... Well 3 people got a message saying " I know your secrets/sex/-" followed by something along the lines of this account has been hacked around 1am. Also there was a fire alarm at 3am today o...o but yeah.....

- Had a dream where i was a cow and wanted to be a human. The keeper of the cows said i had to stop thinking like a 4 legged and start thinking like i had two. I managed to become a young girl and started working at a company as a sort of runner. One of the printers ran out of ink so I had to go upstairs to find more. inside the office I discovered something I shouldn't have and quickly ran out. The owner of the office found out her secret had been discovered and rightly concluded it was me who new the secret. She gathered people under the pretence of me being lost, when really she wanted to find and then silence me. But by the time that she had gathered people and started looking, I'd simply turned into a cow again and walked away.

- Mad hatter's tea party went ahead...It was okay I guess o.o I had fun........8 payed 12 attended o.o On with the next one! Little disapointed with the turnout :/

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sunday 23 March 2014

Day 6978


Went to the zoo with flat, did lots of drawing :) not very good drawings... but towards the end I was being more confident in the lines I was putting down so I guess that's something. Back are always easier to draw aha,

The penguins were super cute and you could get insanely close to them. You could probably touch them if you didn't mind the possibility of having a finger bitten off.

Giraffes were kinda cool, one got in the way of another pair that were eating from a hanging basket thing... Just stood there, didn't give a damn.

Bat house was...  Dark. Unsurprisingly... So much so that you couldn't see the bats so perhaps not the highlight there, but after that and looking at the tigers it started to hail, so we went inside and checked out the mongoose collection. So cute <3 They were like tiny foxes all scurrying around.

It wasn't too busy which was nice... Still screaming running around children... but all that bad.
We had a packed lunch, SO much food... We gave some of it away at the end, at first they were like "thank you :)" which tuned into .."you just don't want to carry it do you....." o.o..... Meh.

Ocellets are so cuuuuuuute <3 Some people were like " aww look at the baby leopard cubs " .... -.-..... There were signs O.O

Bat eared fox was next on the walk around, which is a point my feet kinda hurt...Need new shoes.... But yeah it's ears were so straight, pretty much a triangle face... And it was sleeping, so ... Was very fun to draw :L

Found a koala! Drawing..... On a wall.... ......

Jungle book snake also made an appearance in the reptile area, all grinning and curled around itself. The enclosure for reptiles was next to some.... Weirdly sitting wallabees, which you got to walk through.

I think the stick insects were my favorite just clambering all over each other, I enjoyed that area - trying to find the insect/small creature hidden in it's habitat.

Snow leopards were... For the most party very lazy ( easy to draw ) but then they were play fighting and doing the tail wiggle thing and then pouncing on each other XD was very cute.

Followed by some owls, they had the dead chicks out to feed them which was... Interesting I guess, but the best part was an owl that had really low eyebrows and puffy cheeks and a mustache of feathers that covered it's beak... It looked so pissed off XD

There was more :)