Friday 28 March 2014

Day 6984

The grand total of three

- Most recent, account on facebook was hacked it seems.... Well 3 people got a message saying " I know your secrets/sex/-" followed by something along the lines of this account has been hacked around 1am. Also there was a fire alarm at 3am today o...o but yeah.....

- Had a dream where i was a cow and wanted to be a human. The keeper of the cows said i had to stop thinking like a 4 legged and start thinking like i had two. I managed to become a young girl and started working at a company as a sort of runner. One of the printers ran out of ink so I had to go upstairs to find more. inside the office I discovered something I shouldn't have and quickly ran out. The owner of the office found out her secret had been discovered and rightly concluded it was me who new the secret. She gathered people under the pretence of me being lost, when really she wanted to find and then silence me. But by the time that she had gathered people and started looking, I'd simply turned into a cow again and walked away.

- Mad hatter's tea party went ahead...It was okay I guess o.o I had fun........8 payed 12 attended o.o On with the next one! Little disapointed with the turnout :/

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