Friday 14 February 2014

Day 6942

Believe it or not my hair is... Actually brushed o.o

And then I uh got a boyfriend....o.o Yesterday..... And today is valentines o.o ....... >.>....bacon heart? I don't know o.o..........

I has so many spots right now o.o and concealers doing... not a lot o...o Silly skin... Nothing to do with the amount of sugar I've been eating recently >.>....

O.o what clever thinking you have.
I've not...We've not really told people about it yet o.o I told Sarah o.o but yeah o.o In some kind of sick way I feel I'm betraying my ex a little....// Anyone that said they liked me since coming to uni o.O..... // The people I think may like me o.o..........Which is... Well, it's wrong. I don't owe them anything and if they can't deal it's not my fault O.o I wonder how many "friends" will disappear because of it.... Hopefully none o.oWe shall see o.o So o.o he gave me - enter whatever it was I was going to say... I got distracted ...- 


O.O I just told someone >.>.... o.o <.<.... >.>.....<.<... Oh gosh waiting for his reaction...
Whilst eating more birthday cake >.>..... >.>...<.<.... I love cake <3 o.o hmmm everything seems to have gone okay o.o .... I still have not told my mum o.o That makes a change o.o Normally I'm like,  "Hey, you're free right? Let me tell you all about my life" o.o I guess that's kinda what this blog has become O.o


We are flatmates and living together next year..... and still at uni.... Admittedly it'd have to last 3 years before the problem of the end of uni stuff but still......I mean I've already taken this into account and stuff I think he said something along the lines of not looking too far into the future o.o and I'ma follow that and yes o.o 


My window is leaking o..o Why is it doing this D: o.o

" just heard a very interesting rumour. Is there something you would like to tell me rosie?" o.o...............Well then o.o .... blog things it seems to be o.O so there are beans of humanity reading this? How strange o.o... and kinda hard to believe o..o Oh well.

On another note!

"It will be held on the 2nd of May, the theme being "Through the looking glass". As you may know, this is a multi disciplinary event, so, the talks can be related to the bigger theme (in our case - Through the looking glass) from different angles -psychology, business, marketing, society vs individual, mirror, women etc etc
Now, in terms of promoting our event, we need to create this intro video, 20-30 seconds (or more, depends on how much time you can put into it/how many ideas you have) long to relate to the theme and potentially include links to our university, Student's Union and the fact that we're near the sea - so including sketches of Spinakker tower for instance would be awesome as it will distinguish us from other cities in the UK.
The video should make people excited and want to come to see the TEDx -if it has any elements of fun stuff in there, it'd be awesome but then again, it's up to you how you want to make it look like. We can even link the intro video to Alice in Wonderland somehow!"

Alice in wonderland looking glass ted talk o.o

So I thinking maybe eyes or something opening and it all being black and white then a series of colourful things in an illustrative style forming and branching out, so the spinnaker and then it can be this slow opening, that then shuts really suddenly and all goes black then just have "Ted talks through the looking glass" or something o.o.... 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 6937

Ted talks o.o - What I have learnt from them

  • relevance - use tool from start - understand the message -  physical training - happy relaxed 
  • deconstruct ( know your goal and break it down) - learn enough to self edit - remove distractions - practice 20hours 
  • who they were - what they did - who they did it for - what those - people wanted or needed - what they got out of it
I am o.o Roseanna / Rosie
i create story ideas
for myself and people who felt like i did
when they want an escape from the mundane reality
to give them hope .....tolerance, imagination 
  • o.o It seems all these talks basically say... "help others to be happy" o...o 

BHF ... Was ... Eventful....

3 good things 2 bad.

1 - A little boy had a bag of pennies, his mother would give him a penny each time he was good o.o And he was going to buy  things for himself and so he gave me all these coins, so I snuck them under the counter when he passed them to me and then his mother paid for all of it and her stuff on her card o.o and I snuck the coins back to her when he wasn't looking >.>... That was fun :3

2 - A man bought a tea pot, and me being me I asked if he was a collector and he said no he just liked loose leaf tea and I was like >.> I'm starting a tea party society and he was like where? Portsmouth I said and he replied I'm a lecturer there of the philosophy and politics variety  and thus I have decided to invite him o3o Muhahahaha.

3 - Also met a man with an awesomes hat o.o He let me wear his hat o.o It made me happy o.o and he has a company in london selling hats o.o I have his card.... Somewhere O.o......

1 - Finally sold one of the love hearts!!!! Accidently said they could send a photo of it to the person.... Turns out the person was dead and it was a "we miss you" note.... Think I passed it off kinda O.o...As she replied "we don't have a camera, aha" .... but... Yeah.... Those love hearts o...o I will be so much more careful from now on.

2 -  Now... This I felt bad about for a bit but o.o Now I just feel pissed off. A woman  asked me to hold something behind the till ( A ring holder with a square base ) whilst she went to go get money.... That's fine I had no problem I said I'd keep it for her. 30 Mins before the shop closed she hadn't come back this was... Now I originally thought it was 3 hours but I think it was more likely 2-2.30 hours as I started at 1... Anyway this is after I'd been holding it for 2 hours and she hadn't returned. So I  put it back out... It sold pretty quickly.... And then she came back.... I explained that I hadn't thought she was coming back, that we were shutting soon, and that it had been sold .I apologised and then she went very angrily. Okay that's fair enough I'd be kinda pissed off to, but..... Ultimately... She said she went to get money, it doesn't take that long and I had no way of knowing if she was coming back or not, very often people don't.

She then called the area manager and complained... Or to someone, who then called my manager, who agrees with me and I can see why my manager thinks we shouldn't hold things by... I think. From now on if I do... I will clearly explain to the person I'll keep it for "set time depending on circumstances" and after that I'll be putting it back on the shop floor.  Or I just won't put things by.....¬.¬.... So. Now. It's going to go through all the offices this complaint............................. I feel bad in hindsight and should have kept it by, but at the time ... 30 mins to closing she hadn't come back I was clearly wrong in thinking she wouldn't come back but I feel my choice was an acceptable one. If anything my major error was saying yes in the first place, or not stating it would be going back out if she didn't return within a time limit.

o..................o Grrr. Humans....... o.o What's worse is now my minds got all these things that I should have said ¬_¬..... Like explaining it to her quicker....

On a side note I really like everyone here o.o I think at first... I was kinda off o.o They were different from Camberley and I wasn't to sure about them but o.o After a couple weeks o.o They are all really really lovely o.o and not scary and o.o a real pleasure to work with o.o So if anyones looking for some lovely employes... Well I guess they have jobs o.o but yeah o.o Portsmouth and Camberley BHF Ladies ( and gents as there are a few ) Are wonderful people o.o

The tea at bhf is also great o.o even though.. I mostly make it myself o.o so .... is mostly me I'm complimenting in that >.>''... Perhaps the freeness of the tea is what I mean o.o yes o.o.....

Eidetic memory - this.. I would so like to have o.o

Friday 7 February 2014

Day 6935

I  can play teh fiirst bitoffrozen :D

Day 6935

Poster creation ness o.o


Looking at other posters.

Hmmm Just found out the are all in black and white... 50 A4 o.o......Probably all the same.....

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Day 6933

:< Headachey Rosie has been very much unamused with her body.

I've drank lots, eaten normally, slept plenty and even done a fair amount of walking >.> which is basically my version of exercise...... THE POINT being I see no reason for my head to be hurting....

Monday :< was horrible. Tuesday.... Was bearable... But I thought after a good nights rest it'd be gone o.o but no. Then I didn't take pain killers till I got home.. Which was silly. They really do help, can you imagine living in a world without painkillers....

My life o.o - Met up with awesomesauce friend from the past in bath. Save it's not really a past friend... He is still a friend O.o.... I don't even... But yeah tha was cool we got tea :D and saw "Dick Danger" jump into a bucket of water from very high up. Sundays - Bath - Worth a watch. 

Deli too is back!!! :D So foods <3 Lunch is sorted :D

I've a lot of work to do..... o.o I enjoy it.... But then... I want to do other things <.<....

Also double movie night of Zombies o.o I feel .... I would be eaten if I was in a zombie movie... Or horror movie for that matter o.o 

No real thing of today.. Or relevance... So I give you cat! 
- stolen from imgur - 

Saturday 1 February 2014

Day 6929

Colours! Let's see if I can do this.... SO.

Saturday the 1st = Finish red

Sunday 2nd - Saturday 8th = Blue

Sunday 9th - Saturday 15th = White :3

Sunday 16th - Saturday 22nd = Black

Sunday 23rd - Saturday 1st = Green

o.o I wonder if i have that many clothes....
If there are clothes left... I think I'll consider donating them away... Or having a clothes swap?