Wednesday 5 February 2014

Day 6933

:< Headachey Rosie has been very much unamused with her body.

I've drank lots, eaten normally, slept plenty and even done a fair amount of walking >.> which is basically my version of exercise...... THE POINT being I see no reason for my head to be hurting....

Monday :< was horrible. Tuesday.... Was bearable... But I thought after a good nights rest it'd be gone o.o but no. Then I didn't take pain killers till I got home.. Which was silly. They really do help, can you imagine living in a world without painkillers....

My life o.o - Met up with awesomesauce friend from the past in bath. Save it's not really a past friend... He is still a friend O.o.... I don't even... But yeah tha was cool we got tea :D and saw "Dick Danger" jump into a bucket of water from very high up. Sundays - Bath - Worth a watch. 

Deli too is back!!! :D So foods <3 Lunch is sorted :D

I've a lot of work to do..... o.o I enjoy it.... But then... I want to do other things <.<....

Also double movie night of Zombies o.o I feel .... I would be eaten if I was in a zombie movie... Or horror movie for that matter o.o 

No real thing of today.. Or relevance... So I give you cat! 
- stolen from imgur - 

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