Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 6925

If you freeze at 0.47 and go high definition and look towards the back and see the blue lady o.o That is me o3o

The Battle of Nantwich 2014

Weekend Shenanigans o3o

More details

Day 6925

This.... Does the image outside my window no justice at all..... Either way the clouds and sea are so so pretty right now o3o

75 more days and I'll be 7000
44 more days and I'll be 6969

.... So all in all the 62 days worth of anime that I've watched isn't that much >.>.....

Will be doing acting today O.o.....What's the worst that can happen...ALSO O.O Finished the Frozen thing ideas last night and so o.o will do that soon :3 Aiming to get it done for March ( DvD Release time) o.o

Monday 27 January 2014

Day 6924

Back in Portsmouth!

Okay, so... What I'm about to say may just sound like a lot of complaining... And probably not very fun... But I had so much fun! So o.o Yes. 

- then a new day happened because rosie fell asleep....// was doing so much washing O.O- 
'nyways on with the blog! 

So went to Nantwich o.o 
I was a water carrier the outfit I was borrowing is so so so awesome <3 it's this white flowy sleeve top and this corset blue waistcoat and this really long skirt that is high waisted and amazing and then a blue jacket that is also very cute o3o

And so o.o I gave water to people and then they would be running into each other and all like "FIGHT" O.O and then they'd slowly drift towards us and we would back up pretty fast o.o was very very fun o3o

And I stole some peoples hats o3o and o.o later that night drew lions on lots of peoples hands :3 o.o am hoping to go back soon o.o but not sure when o.o


It was amazing. and everyone that I went with, I had a really fun time o.o o.o o.

Thing of today

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Monday 20 January 2014

Day 6917

High noon - Black heart by stone temple pilots. 

0-5- Money into the jukebox
6-8- Shows the song being played
8-15- Mouse view away from box to the door - show room, bar tender washing a cup, others playing cards...

Black heart's comin', he’s a cold machine
15 - 19 - Hand on the door, open door
Cuts like a knife, gentle and clean
19-20- Scroll up his body shows gun, 
20-23-  Shows bandit scarf
Face like an angel, mind of a killer
23-25- Smoking cigarette / stubble 
25-27- Blows smoke from cigarette travels up to his eyes cast in shadow from his head.
Nobody else gonna love her better
27-30- Drops cigarette to floor - hands drop - fall mid air 

Lay down, now stay down
- Steps on cigarette, twists foot 
Took her life with a quick pull trigger
- Finger twitch
- f'lips coin on trigger 

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- watch as the coin spins through the air
Well I don't mind, I don't mind
- Bartender catches with a smile
- Coin flash
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- Spin
Said I don't mind if you don't mind
- Drink man rolls eyes
- Everyone stands up

The color is all but faded
- Slo mo fade as there bouty signs release over there heads
Out of a dead man's eyes
- Fade
Down to his blackened heart
- Camera shows black hearts bounty
- rips through the sheet 
- music drum beats random colour

Black heart's kickin' like a beating drum
- Kick table of cards into camera
Shooting her down the sound of his gun
- slowly gets out gun
No compassion, hard as an assassin
- someone tries to escape
- shoots at the man behind him without even looking
Falling deeper still in that reckless fashion
- slow mo jump into the ar
Lay down now stay down
- Cool effect blood splatters

Deeper and deeper with a blind man's passion
- blood splatters drip down into pouring a drink
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- 3 bounty hunters faces fill screen
Well I don’t mind, I don’t mind
- Bartender sighs, 
- bartender shakes head
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- Split screen again, pulling out all different kinds of guns
Said I don’t mind if you don’t mind
- BEV freeze frame, maybe some casual smoke filtering through the screen, or some light shining from a window
- Shoot/recoil
- Follow the bullet

The color is all but faded
- Two bullets miss and smash into the glass
Out of a dead mans eyes
- Bullet hits him in the chest
Down to his blackened heart
- Blood drips  over the cards ( King of hearts?)

Rescue me
- one of the 3 guys falling
- blood 
- hand to light reaching

(If you don’t mind)
- When music changes have him silhouetted and being shot
- Gunpowder smoke
- Blood on his face

If you don't mind
- sits to drink
The color is all but faded
- Slow blink
Out of a dead man's eyes
- Into his eyes
Down to his blackened heart
- travels to heart
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- heart beating, slowly stops
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
- bleed to black 

Day 6917

- casual glasses stealing >.> shhh they'll never know - 

"Wise" ramblings from Rosie - Cats
I came to the conclusion that being a cat wasn't that bad... Sleep lots, be petted, be able to explore random places.... But then there would be no tea or cake. The inability to tell stories would also not be that great.
So I've decided maybe it's not that good a thing. o.o

Reading week! ( Freeish week) Think of all the things I could do, finish my book, finish anime, catch up with anime, learn piano, finish frozen plans, finish storyboard for paint, finish comic,  finish bioshock..... Or... Finish High noon.... On Maya..... TT_TT I could do that as well.... O.O MAYA WHY DO YOU HATE ME D: ..... Just.... Spend more time on it... I'm sure... One day... I will be adequate at it o...o.
>.>.... So yeas~

Saturday 18 January 2014

Day 6915

First day waking up with a really bad a headache...In a long time.  Admittedly I didn't take tablets.. Because I was tired and wanted to sleep....

SO YESTERDAY. Friend walked back from town - drunk. Around 10ish..... Other people were like o.o Is he okay? >.> Myself and another friend who hadn't gone out tired to check on him ( His door was locked ) We banged pretty hard on it... She called his phone, couldn't hear it through the door.... o.o We decided to go look for him, got about halfway to town, the last bus drove past. No one had heard from him, his phone was still ringing but he wasn't picking up...We decided to go the whole way! ( Because logic) So o.o We went in to town ,and back... at midnight.... walking for around 2 hours.... o.o
So we made our way back, a security guard let us open his door just to see if he was in there, because we are his friends and were so obviously worried o.o and he was o.o and thus all was well and he is still alive and I had such an awesome trip! ( sarcasm there...)

o.o He apologised by giving us both cake/chocolate o.o..... So o.o Is all good, not that it wouldn't have been good if he hadn't given us sugar things but o.o That was nice. o.o

>.> Is strawberry and white chocolate >3> I keep looking at it like... I want to eat you O.O and then.... Don't really want to eat it o.o.... It's very confusing.

When we came back I was still quite o.o... Awake o.o So I drew this:

I'm thinking I should stop wearing fake glasses.... I like how I look in them... But with animation my eyes will get screwed up as it is from looking at computer/lightbox things all the time so... Maybe I shouldn't potentially make it worse prematurely?

o.o I've decided to eat the cake o.o

I think after my birthday o.o I'll start eating less o.o and be healthy for a couple months o.o