Monday 27 January 2014

Day 6924

Back in Portsmouth!

Okay, so... What I'm about to say may just sound like a lot of complaining... And probably not very fun... But I had so much fun! So o.o Yes. 

- then a new day happened because rosie fell asleep....// was doing so much washing O.O- 
'nyways on with the blog! 

So went to Nantwich o.o 
I was a water carrier the outfit I was borrowing is so so so awesome <3 it's this white flowy sleeve top and this corset blue waistcoat and this really long skirt that is high waisted and amazing and then a blue jacket that is also very cute o3o

And so o.o I gave water to people and then they would be running into each other and all like "FIGHT" O.O and then they'd slowly drift towards us and we would back up pretty fast o.o was very very fun o3o

And I stole some peoples hats o3o and o.o later that night drew lions on lots of peoples hands :3 o.o am hoping to go back soon o.o but not sure when o.o


It was amazing. and everyone that I went with, I had a really fun time o.o o.o o.

Thing of today

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