Saturday 18 January 2014

Day 6915

First day waking up with a really bad a headache...In a long time.  Admittedly I didn't take tablets.. Because I was tired and wanted to sleep....

SO YESTERDAY. Friend walked back from town - drunk. Around 10ish..... Other people were like o.o Is he okay? >.> Myself and another friend who hadn't gone out tired to check on him ( His door was locked ) We banged pretty hard on it... She called his phone, couldn't hear it through the door.... o.o We decided to go look for him, got about halfway to town, the last bus drove past. No one had heard from him, his phone was still ringing but he wasn't picking up...We decided to go the whole way! ( Because logic) So o.o We went in to town ,and back... at midnight.... walking for around 2 hours.... o.o
So we made our way back, a security guard let us open his door just to see if he was in there, because we are his friends and were so obviously worried o.o and he was o.o and thus all was well and he is still alive and I had such an awesome trip! ( sarcasm there...)

o.o He apologised by giving us both cake/chocolate o.o..... So o.o Is all good, not that it wouldn't have been good if he hadn't given us sugar things but o.o That was nice. o.o

>.> Is strawberry and white chocolate >3> I keep looking at it like... I want to eat you O.O and then.... Don't really want to eat it o.o.... It's very confusing.

When we came back I was still quite o.o... Awake o.o So I drew this:

I'm thinking I should stop wearing fake glasses.... I like how I look in them... But with animation my eyes will get screwed up as it is from looking at computer/lightbox things all the time so... Maybe I shouldn't potentially make it worse prematurely?

o.o I've decided to eat the cake o.o

I think after my birthday o.o I'll start eating less o.o and be healthy for a couple months o.o 

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