Friday 10 January 2014

Day 6907

Daily mug shot :o at ... 3in the morning....

I fear my hair is going more strawberry blonde the more it is washed. Tragic. Really.  

My room is such a mess o..o I've done nothing on the comic.... Tea parties are no nearer to happening than before.... I drank all the tea.  :< #firstworld problems... 
Was called smart.... Forget what for.... Joked about blogging about it.... Am now blogging about it....Casually. 

I really have nothing of relevance to say O.o Even to myself o.O  

Either way 
Thing of today!!!! 

I just found this <3 I've listened to the song a fair amount but never watched the video, it's so good <3 It reminds me of kill bill so much, and the sketchy style <3 Aww man I hope I can make something like this soon.

ALSO!!!! :D Been using the syntec drawing computer amazing things <3 o.o I can draw straight onto the computer and.... Yes. So more drawings to come. Admittedly they have all been koala drawings so far.... My obsession has grown so much.... Think I may need to turn it down. 

Met a person today who didn't like koalas...... Was mildly shocked. Didn't know how to react. That aside the dude is lovely so, all is good. 

Okay no more brain cell killing for you non existent people :3

Thursday 9 January 2014

Day 6906

So.... Tried to dye my hair blonde yesterday.... It came out kinda strawberry blonde/brown.... Save when it's wet then it is more gingery... My face... And in the background my "wife" XD 

I don't look very happy >.>.... But look at the curls :D!!! Wonder if they will make it to morning o.o 
But yes, so brushed fringe all in place for photo

Fringe.... how it is normally o..o stupid gaps

and normal fringe with glasses...


On a side note, very good friend and facebook wife came down the previous two days which was lots of fun, we went to a star place and yeah o.o was all very fun aha. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Day 6903

Dragon dynasty.The drawings I did in the past. The drawings I'm not going to use o.o...... 

So that main girl is meant to be Alex. The bottom two panels showing a kinda steam punk world
Then she was meant to have been washing, but was asleep, and a speech bubble with her name being shouted was meant to be in the top right of that middle panel, then the angry man empty water on her head.... 

-missing page-
The ladies are gossing about a flier going round saying you could rule the kingdom if you tame a dragon
tristan appears with a .... bad arm and pulls out her hair
-missing page- 
She asks if he know's what they are talking about and he says oh this? 

- missing pages...around 10 o..o-

So much work for something I've changed so very much.

Day 6903

Let it go.

Day 6903

Yesterday and then today...

I slept till 5pm yesterday.... And only woke up as a friend knocked on my door o.o....

I was up till around 7am playing gw2 <3 and before that had woken up at 3am o.o So o.o... It makes sense I'd sleep nearly 12 hours after being up more than 24. 

But I slept well an today is first day back! 
So shall see how it goes.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Day 6901

Back in Portsmouth.

When they checked the shower to make sure the hot water was back up or whatever they left the shower door open.... My shower drips......The whole of my floor is drenched the bath mat is drenched and my room smells of damp o...........o  So my window is open to try and get rid of the smell and my radiator is on full blast to try and dry the mat off.

My shower is also mouldy, one of the sponge squeegee things I have..Well had. That was part cloth and was hanging under the tap part has gone from a lovely blue to black.

Also one of the seals on my window has broken so water is leaking in from there.... Right were I left my pile of paperwork from last term...... Yay.

We also left a loaf of bread out over christmas... That's grown a whole civilization whilst we were away... In fact a fair few food products have

On the plus side my rose survived the journey home, and I'll be playing lot's of GW tonight so o.o Theres that as well.

Think I'll go with this template for the comic. 

Think ill draw it in flash at home then put it all together in Photoshop o.o 

Day 6901

Photo of today
Why can't my hair be like that naturally :o but more tidy... but still very flicky <3 
I'll need to brush this out soon....  Dear near future me "good luck!"

Alice and wonderland will be the first tea party I think.

On the 13th of march I will be o.o 6969
Now I just need... to get the stuff... and a venu o.o

Plans to have
  • Cards hanging from the ceiling 
  • Eat me drink me signs
  • Roses painted red
  • This way that way sign
  • Rosie's very merry unbirthday invites 
  • Pocket watches on the table - other clocks as well stopped at "tea time"
  • Clock plates
  • differnt colour tablecloths
  • lanterns hanging from the ceiling 
  • Upside down cups with plates in between to put food on 
  • some blue bubbles/ in a pipe 
  • Sugar mouse inside a teapot/toy mouse
  • cute napkins 
  • card cushions 
  • umbrella mushrooms 

    • Take me - jar of sweets // upside down jars with a cupcake inside
    • Tea // coffee // hot chocolate // iced tea
    • Sugar cubes 
    • macaroon tower
    • rainbow cake
    • Jam heart tarts
    • Salmon and cucumber // Cheddar pickle // Ham brie and apple // BLT 

    • Pin the tail on the cheshire cat/smile 
    • Flamingo croquet 
    • jabberwocky pinata this has....pretty much everything XD why couldn't i have found it sooner :L