Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 6807

Beautiful and inspiring this is my post for today.

Jim Campbell - A 3D structure of lights and movement.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 6806

I'm not sure how to feel.... Or rather how I feel.... Like I feel normal then de energized then back to being me again.... I don't know what I'm going to do if Tom does break up with me... And with each lack of talking day it seems more and more likely. Yes okay life goes on... I will get over it.... As to how I'll get over it or how long it will take.... V.V I don't want to find out. Maybe I can become an emotionless recluse, concentrate on my work become an amazing animator and be loved by all my fans and have no need for a relationship........ Or a  cat lady..... I do like cats.

So many angsty worried posts O.O well if I did have any readers they are gone now.

Maybe I am feeling mild depression.... Or I could just be tired from a long day~

Keep wanting to text him :/ then I'm like... Nope don't really want to..... V.V Am I meant to be like a good girlfriend and believe he will like me, or is that just rose tinted. Or should I not get my hopes up and just start tricking myself into forgetting him....................................................................................................................................... These dots could go on forever... I'm not going to get an answer.

On the plus i've gone from my nose being wrong, to my throat being sore, to an idiotic cough in the space of 3 days! It shall be gone soon! Probably....

Maybe if I make myself look all cute and amazing... I will feel it?

Day 6806

Random Rosie Ramblings from a cold infected girl.

Maybe I need to be in a relationship where they like me more than I like them.... Would I be happy then? But in turn surely that would make them sad....
Or rather the relationship shouldn't be measure in how much we like each other, but the amount of effort...
They say money is meant to be a major reason why people break up.... I think time is also a major one.

Fortune cookies!

1) Don't lose your aim.
2) -
3) You can get everything with politeness

Yes I had 3 cookies over the past 3 days :P and lost one.... If it turns up I shall update aha.

Learning animation o3o so much fun~ People get paid for having stories o3o and making them and adding quirky back grounds and making things blow up or look all smokey or just O.O its insanity :3 - The good kind.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 6804

Boy conclusions

He doesn't want to break up with me, doesn't want to put the effort into a long distance relationship// Worries about the amount of time and money it will take up.

I have given him  choices

1) Come see me with my stuff that's at his house and break up with me in person.
2) Come see me with yellow roses to say sorry and we will work things out
3) Do nothing and I will come to a decision.

He has till the end of October. Well till the 25th.

I've given him my time table so he knows when I'm free and details of where the coach would go (£10) and the train (£18) and he knows where to go if his mum is driving.

I'm also not going to contact him till he decides, if he talks to me I will respond but I won't start the conversations.

If he does decide to be stay with me and sleeps over, we will not be doing sexual things -.- no more than cuddling anyways.

I'm not sure what I will do if he breaks up with me o.o or how I will feel........ It'll either be tons of body wrenching sobs, or I'll become emotionally distant from everything.

One thing I do know is if we break, that's it. No getting back together.

We shall see.

Friday 27 September 2013

Day 6802

Thing of today ^

Thing I made today v

More on the link.

Poor sad drachorn :(

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day 6799

On another slightly less angsty note and before I forget. 
Shake away! Am making it my goal to try all of these at least once. Over the next 3-4 years at Portsmouth. This could cost a lot.

if it is striked through then I've tried it

Just a stike = it was probably okay just nothing amazing.
Italic = Didn't really like
Bold = Liked a lot would recommend
Underline = Had hot

Total money spent so far - £9

amaretti • bourbon biscuit
chocolate chip cookie • chocolate hobnobs
chocolate milk digestives • custard creams
ginger nuts • gold bars
hazelnut choc chip cookie • iced gems
jaffa cake • jammie dodger
malted milk biscuits • oreo cookies
party rings
milk or white choc covered oreos



apricot • banana • blueberry
(when available) • carrot • cranberry
fruit cocktail • ginger • grapefruit • kiwi fruit
lemon & honey • lemon & lime • lychees
 • lime • mandarin • melon • passion fruit
 • peach • pear • pineapple • raspberries
 • rhubarb • special K • strawberries
(when available)
sweet plum tomatoes

topping of granola 49p


black jacks • bubblegum millions
dolly mixtures • fisherman’s friend
flying saucers • fruit salad chews
haribo starmix • jelly babies • jelly beans
jelly tots • liquorice allsorts • love hearts
maoam stripes • marshmallows
parma violets • refreshers
sherbet fountain • skittles
soft eating liquorice • sour cherries
starburst • strawberry laces • 
strawberry millions • lime & orange tic tacs
trebor extra strong mints
trebor spearmint softmints • vanilla fudge
vimto chew bars • werther’s original
wham cola • wham original raspberry
wham sour apple


aero mint • after eight • boost • bounty dark
 • bounty milk • bournville
cadbury's caramel • cadbury's creme egg
cadbury's fruit & nut • chocolate • crunchie
curly wurly • daim bar
double decker • ferrero rocher
fry's orange cream • frys peppermint cream
hersheys cookies 'n' cream • kinder bueno
kit kat chunky • lion bar • maltesers
peanut m&ms • mars • milka chocolate bar
 • milky bar
milky way • minstrels • reese's cups
revels • rolos • smarties • snickers • starbar
terrys chocolate orange • time out
toblerone • turkish delight • twirl • twix
walnut whip • wispa


apple • apple & blackberry • apricot
banana • blackcurrant
blueberry (when available) • cherry
coconut • cranberry • fruit cocktail • ginger
grapefruit • kiwi fruit
lemon & lime • lemon curd • lime • lychees
mandarin • melon
passion fruit • peach • pear • pineapple
rhubarb • strawberries (when available)


apple pie • bakewell tart • battenburg
birthday cake • blackcurrant cheesecake
cadbury's chocolate mini roll • caramel
shortbread • carrot cake • 
chocolate fudge brownie
chocolate muffin • fondant french fancies
jam doughnut • jamaica ginger cake
strawberry cheesecake • syrup sponge
toffee cheesecake • treacle tart


black forest gateau • cinnamon sticks
green & blacks 70% cocoa chocolate
green & blacks 85% cocoa chocolate
green & blacks milk chocolate
guylian belgian chocolate sea shells
white chocolate lindt lindor truffles
milk chocolate lindt chocolate truffles
roasted hazelnuts • tiramisu • vanilla pod
english cream tea made with scones,
strawberry jam and cream


choca mocha • chocolate pop tart
coco pops • crunchy nut cornflakes • custard
farleys rusks • honey • horlicks
maple syrup • marzipan • nutella • ovaltine
peanut butter • rice pudding
snowball • strawberry trifle • sugar puffs
toffee popcorn • weetabix