Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 6804

Boy conclusions

He doesn't want to break up with me, doesn't want to put the effort into a long distance relationship// Worries about the amount of time and money it will take up.

I have given him  choices

1) Come see me with my stuff that's at his house and break up with me in person.
2) Come see me with yellow roses to say sorry and we will work things out
3) Do nothing and I will come to a decision.

He has till the end of October. Well till the 25th.

I've given him my time table so he knows when I'm free and details of where the coach would go (£10) and the train (£18) and he knows where to go if his mum is driving.

I'm also not going to contact him till he decides, if he talks to me I will respond but I won't start the conversations.

If he does decide to be stay with me and sleeps over, we will not be doing sexual things -.- no more than cuddling anyways.

I'm not sure what I will do if he breaks up with me o.o or how I will feel........ It'll either be tons of body wrenching sobs, or I'll become emotionally distant from everything.

One thing I do know is if we break, that's it. No getting back together.

We shall see.

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