Monday 24 August 2015

Day 7498


1) Underwater home invaded

  1. World intro zoom into caverns 
  2. Party seen everyone dancing drinking someone calls over to Keyara 
  3. She laughs and continues to play harp in the roof smiling and waving 
  4. Someone crashes in and there is blood, everything goes quiet 
  5. Torchlight fills the caverns and everyone evacuates into the underwater cavern, she closes it from the outside 
  6. She hides up in the canopy of spikes and see's the rest of her people killed as the fighters try and fight back
  7. Tears blur her vision, and she remains hidden as the men settle down and start drinking, her arms start to grow shaky and so she decides to run for it 
  8. She is just about to escape, hiding in the shadows as someone walks past, then as she makes a run for it Seeker catches her by her hair 
  9. He says the party's over and drags her up onto the ship keeping her as a prize with all the men jeering at her and filing onto the ship 
  10. As one goes past she grabs a knife of a passing man and cuts her hair to be released from the grip then aims it at the rest of the group who slowly circle around her 
  11. She lunges for Seeker and manages to cut his hand as he uses it to block her attack, his white blood turns to crystals as it bleeds out, she shows her fangs at him snarling. distracted she is knocked out by another crew member 
  12. She is tied to the mast as punishment but a storm comes and breaks it and she is flung into the water.

2) Transform and Time skip 

  1. Beautiful beach scene, you see some foot prints in the sand, then a girl has washed up 
  2. Her body is all cut up and there is black smoke rising from her wounds, you see Sonar make a it can't be helped face with an inner monologue of what if someone see's me helping her, in the end he shrugs and picks her up 
  3. She wakes up next to a camp fire, there is seaweed salves on her wounds and she see's Sonar approaching , he asks her questions and she answers with her name and that's all she can say as she is too disorientated,  he removes the salves and starts licking the wounds, she recoils her arm away but realises the wound has gone.
  4. He pins her and licks all of her wounds away and he kisses her, transforming her into a normal girl as he sucks all the black out of her.
  5. Years later she is travelling with friends (Older 22 now) and they are on a horse and cart journey her name is now Keira and they chat about the new jobs they will get over seas, One of the girls is reading a book on demons and they are in nuns outfits in training 
  6. The wheel in the cart juts and get's stuck breaking, Keyara looks down at it and says she will go on to get help, checking her watch and saying they have time, she is about to leave when Sonar, also older comes riding 
  7. They have a bit of banter and he being a gentlemen offers to give them a helping hand, other girls with Keyara all giggle and comment on how hansom he is 
  8. They go together to the port and race along the road,  until they reach the port (under a cliff view) 
  9. They enter port and Keyara is all newbie and enjoying the smells and tastes, Sonar guides her to a carpenter, she has a moment where she blanches looking over the edge of the pier down at the sea. 
  10. They enter the carpenter and it turns out that her purse had a hole in it and the coins have been dropped the whole way (you can see this if you look back in the panels), sonar saves the day and pays for her 
  11. They have a seen of all the girls at port on the same cliff and it's the beautiful seen, and Keyara pays Sonar back with an apple pie she's made 
  12. Only to see the ship they are meant to have boarded leaving off in the distance. 

3) They miss the ship so Sonar helps them, she finds out he's a demon

  1. She drops the bags in frustration and runs her hands through her hair, saying about how the next ship is in the following month, she looks at her pocket watch and realises it's the same time as when the carriage broke, Sonar offers them a lift, to which all the others girls are like OMG YAS and Keira is like O.o...Well thanks but no thanks
  2. She is drowned out and they are waiting in the tavern Keira mumbling over drink about they shouldn't be going, he has bought them alcoholic drinks and they are all a bit tipsy, Keira more than most. Her friends Leora and Trissa (Gender bent versions of Leo and Tristain) are tapping her on the shoulder and remaining about how they will be able to get jobs and explore etc. 
  3. Night comes and they are all a little tired, Sonar wakes up Keira who had fallen asleep the two other girls were playing cards, and make a fuss about how she was about to win and Sonar gently says that the boat will wait for no humans 
  4. They leave and are dragging their bags towards the dockyard, then look up to see a gigantic ship, their is a rope bridge leading up and two men carry her bag, she rushes on up after her bag and then reaches the top and realises there is also a gangplank to get onto the inner ship
  5. The world goes fuzzy and fear starts to take keira, the other girls swaddle past and say it's perfectly fine, and call her to take their hand but she is frozen solid and everything appears as if under water and they are drowning. 
  6. Sonar slings her over his shoulder and carries her across saying time to go, when he puts her down on the other side he rubs his shoulders where she was digging her nails in, he pops her down in one of the rooms and tells them this is their room for the journey and they must stay inside as it's not safe on deck. 
  7. Keira not having a chance to thank him and wanting to apologise about the clawing sneaks out when the moon is covered and it is mostly dark, She looks around the ship and see's some interesting crew people, then finally hears his voice saying good night to them and saying these three aren't like the others 
  8. She sneaks up unto his room, and is about to knock but then the door opens inwards, just as a moon beam appears and them BAM there is Sonar with black smoke coming out of the wound she gave him and tattoos all over his body  which is mostly topless and she's like...D-d-demon o.o?
  9. He drags her inside and slams the door shut complaining about the stupid lock not working and quickly putting a top on, then spinning round and saying why the hell is she out here? and she is like all shocked and says she's so sorry and makes to go 
  10. But he's all like oh no, now you've seen, promise me you won't say about this to anyone and she nervously promises but he doesn't believe her so he grabs her hand and starts dragging her out towards the mast 
  11. I'll tie you to the top of here if you say a word to anyone and by this point she is pulling and making him bleed more and there is black smoke coming out and his eyes are glowing a dull red and she breaks down sobbing and he has to support her from falling down and he whispers he's sorry and why didn't she just stay in her room.
  12. Then more ship mates join them and Sonar turns cold, this one tried to escape lock her and her friends up in the outer ship, her and her friends are taken to cages with many other girls and animals and people all in chains that are sleeping, they all try and fight and she ends up with a split lip and black eye and once chained they drug her and she falls asleep. Pirate and they steal the women and ships contents over to the mountain city.

4) Keeps Keyara~ 

  1. Waking up, groggily in the room, complaining about head, starts to get up and explores  
  2. All of the people have been handed in - Sonar to Seeker, Seeker dismisses him 
  3. Looks for a way to escape, finds some drawings of her, gets woozy from looking out the window  
  4. There's someone coming and grabs a knife from the food tray, Trying to attack  when he comes back 
  5. You're finally awake! We've met before, you've been asleep for a long time I hid you from the rest (He looks a little older) oh put the knife down Keyara 
  6. Then Sonar is like, I've kept some things from you, I sealed your powers when you were younger, you have scratches all over your body... I'm sorry I couldn't save more than just you...  You're friends...They... They were got to... But I couldn't let them find out what you were...Stay here and I'll go find them... Just don't go anywhere
  7.  Yeah... Sure .... Exploring - hope it'll go better this time, see it through the searcher spider in last panel
  8.  Seeker notices through the searcher spiders and "accidentally" bumps into her 
  9.  She tries to play it cool "Thinking oh damn he's cute, this really isn't the time for that brain >.>..." and brushes hair out of her eyes, she hasn't got the mark, how did you get in here jazz he takes her hand and she blushes like >.>... Um.. But then he digs his thumb into her and her blood comes out and some of it smokes.... 
  10. She runs away and he just watches her go.then starts typing stuff into a wrist band and sends a spider after him.....
  11. She ends up back in the room holding a knife and thinking Sonar was seeker goes to stab him, Sonar just disarms her like come on we did this a few pages back, I said I'd show you your friends but you have to be quiet, then he notices her hand and says about how the process reverses over time... and she lies about having seeker cut it 
  12. They crawl along a secret passage and she see's her friends ,they have scars on their hands and she has a moment of realisation, Keyara calls out to them and they look at her like they don't recognise her... Then shrug and hug her and one whispers "get out whilst you can" 

5) Sonar breaks a rule by doing this as she is meant to belong to the city not one person/She cuts him by mistake and his black blood is revealed to on of Seekers searcher spiders.

  1. Show how the rule system works 
  2. Happy memory 
  3. Show magnitude  of the city 
  4. How he can't help her 
  5. He starts making plans for her and her friends to escape on his next travels 
  6. Shows her maps of the underground passages 
  7. Takes her to a secret hideout 
  8. Tell her about her demon blood and cuts/bites her hand to show her he can activate it 
  9. Reason that she cuts him  in return is to see 
  10. Reveal to search spiders, were spying the whole time and Seeker noties them
  11. They start to head back but are surrounded by guards, they don't understnad so go along with it 
  12. She is captured in chains and taken away 

6) Seeker and Sonar dual, Sonar loses and dies. Because of the rules in the duel Seeker now "owns" Keyara

  1. Announcer shows her standing on a podium, blinding lights cover her and you see the large crowd around the fighting pit below 
  2. Two people about to fight the announcer still booming over them, stand out style 
  3. Back to Keyara trying to escape, the swords drag in the sand as they circle one another 
  4. Fight 
  5. Fight 
  6. Loose the sword/footing 
  7. Keyara manages to break the chains by tipping the chair, starts climbing down towards them 
  8. Seeker is about to kill him just as she reaches the ground, they say last words to each other 
  9. Full page Sonar death, stabbed through the heart - gore sprays everywhere and the black smoke rises 
  10. Seeker warns Keyara to step back once she pushes past he strikes her across the back and upper arms , he notices that her back blood is black and starting to smoke so pushes her down and grabs her face shouting into it that it's all her fault 
  11. Everyone else files out, he picks her up and wipes away the gore dragging her to a room, he chucks her in Sonars old room and locks the door.  
  12. He pins her down and apply the poltice and bandages her up "what are you"   

7) In the Same arena the next day Seeker fights Keyara (Testing scene) He trains her to be a warrior alongside her cleaning. After she was ambushed by people mad about Sonars death.

  1. She enters looking haggard having had no sleep at all, escorted by two guards, looks at the black blood stain and averts her eyes, she has no will, be back and upper arms have been bandaged  
  2. Seeker is training with the master swordsman Glistening in sweat, he stops to take a breather and hand gestures them to say words 
  3. Continues impossible flips and such Soldier reports the tests that took place over night basic rpg stats, seeker circles around them slowly getting closer getting caught up in the fight
  4. The guards move in front to protect her from the fight and she starts noticing the escape routes 
  5. She runs full sprint, at first they don't notice, then they do and start chasing after her 
  6. Seeker throws the dagger and it skims through her hair, ripping the page,  
  7. She uses it to jump and starts hanging there as they run towards her 
  8. She pulls herself up and starts heading towards the doors her back is bleeding again (red)) 
  9. They make it up there and corner her, against a door 
  10. One of the guards takes some rope and whips it out catching her, pulling her close and tying her off, she sits down and her blood starts trickling onto the floor she spits at seekers feet
  11. He slaps her, eye level lecture about the city and then sends her away 
  12. She gets taken and becomes branded. 

8) Seeker shows her the rooftop balcony and slowly she gets over her fear. Stockholm syndrome ensues.

  1. wriggles out of the bonds and , Gingerly looks at the branding, then starts to search for the mouse 
  2. Notices the breeze from one direction , Goes to his room and breaks one of the mechanical spiders as it runs for the door when she opens it, and searches for the mouse, 
  3. She grits her teeth, then hears someone coming so hides by the door, mouse now in hands  
  4. Tense moment as seeker enters and she runs away, she runs towards the exit feet bare feet slapping along the ground, 
  5. Seeker has a moment to realize, look of confusion, looking at the spider, then to were the mouse was, then it clicks, he is at the door looking left to right, you see him leave broken spider twitching
  6. Her face is full of light, and she is smiling, feet running faster, mountain view 
  7. moment of O.O as she almost topples over the edge. looking down to see a rather steep drop, she starts to fall off
  8.  as she is falling seeker,he starts to come to the entrance, she is falling, he spreads his arms andjumps down 
  9. Catches her in his wings, and you get another shot of the landscape, moving quickly and then they adjust  brief moment of staring into one anothers eyes 
  10. then he touches the burn and shes like ow and hes like oh shut up//she sees the slavers mark on him, maybe the wings ripped of the page 
  11. he explains everyone is a slave here, and if she tries hard enough maybe shell get her own wings, though first she has to work off breaking the spider and the wall  
  12. he lands back, drops the mouse on her head and walks away , sun setting in the distance  

9) Just as everything is going "okay" Sonar returns from the dead/ has enough power to affect the real world and destroys seekers searcher spiders. He knows about the past and has watched as they grew closer. He forces seeker to explain the truth and horrified Keyara runs away, when he catches up to her she full on fights him and tries to kill him, he has to retaliate.

  1. "okay montage random interactions between seeker and keyara throughout, mildly monotonous, in a cave down below and black swirling mist starts to form throughout the pages", fighting cooking cleaning eating, 
  2. starts to notice the seeker spiders and the bar codes everywhere, get's to know some people, 
  3. wins at 'chess', see's seeker working on spiders, cooking,
  4.  cleaning, eating, fighting - warned something is out there , 
  5. see's seeker working on spiders he notices her, wins game again this time wins money, more barcodes, 
  6. goes to open space and thinks about wings and the spiders,  uses money to buy parts and a new dress, 
  7. fighting, seeker invites to work on things explains somethings breaking them, they create a mecha bird together  
  8. eating, fighting with bird, bird flies off on it's own her and seeker follow 
  9. leads to dark caverns and there is sonar, all dark and gloomy, and then she starts to hear him and runs off 
  10.  chasing after the voice twists and turns  this mechanical bird sitting on his fingers bits of scrap metal all around, and you just see keyaras face utter confusion and a little bit teary 
  11. she goes to hug him and he embraces her, but then it's all sinister and he's like how could you do that with my brother and then he breaks the bird and causes  it to be super sharp and holds it to her throat and he murmurs in her don't worry I won't hurt you but don't struggle accidents happen 
  12. seeker enters and then sonar is like uh uh not another step or I'll hurt her, I think you have some explaining to do brother,  dramatic posing ensues 

10) He catches her and locks her away. In the darkness Sonar comes and asks her if she wants to be a demon again. She accepts and has a fever, because she is ill they release her. When she awakens she is full of power and meets Seeker once again in the dueling ground.

11) They fight and she's about to kill him just like he killed Sonar but instead spares him like he spared her.

12) She released all the slaves and creates a great bridge so people can come and go as they please not being trapped, then she leaves.

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