Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 7499

Dragon dynasty

1) She gets dragon and breaks arm

  1. -World intro steam punk clock tower
  2. - Happy setting Inn, wanted poster for Rima and her friends, Tristain charasmatic with maya as she places down a drink
  3. -  She ends up in a rapid conversation with him, Intro to main character getting told off// Nicely asks her to finish something
  4. - Cleaning see ladies talking, into to emperors quest they also say about how its not safe even in the citys because apparently someone has found a dragon, also hints about the jewel in a newspaper on the side 
  5. - Inn keeper explain it to her, and tease her about never queen and also she'll express her want for power and to pay back parents debt - inkeeper we all have our debts to pay 
  6. - Night she has a moment where she looks to her parents photo..... Why did you leave me moment on the side is a newspaper with a cup of tea on top, the newspaper also has the jewel info and about bandits going around from town to town , there is also the note about becoming in charge 
  7. - Wrenched out of bed - room is ransacked, 
  8. - Standing with everyone else cue some bloody scenes with animals, - Gold, paintings, food all piled up in caravans, 
  9. - Inkeeper is being paid and given a horse, First person one of the ladies from before is about to be eaten, Heroic act, completely fails, to prove the place they feed her first, but she manages to escape from inside it's stomach using her mechanical arm
  10. - Start to loose consciousness as blood pools around her 
  11. - People start to panic more so, fire is everywhere
  12. - Her body being dragged away into the shadows 

 2) She meets mechanic man 

  1. Mechanical forest setting, show her inside of the tree glass tree, have a mechanical spider crawl over her arm and she goes to move it away 
  2. Basic mechanical arm now shown, also chains, as she is inspecting it show shadow figure in background that comes into focus, Tristain charasmatic
  3. She goes to speak and he comes in close and pulls her shirt up around her throat . "Technically, the last thing I want to do is hurt you.... But it’s still on the list... So no talking now." Takes off glasses and cleans them on her collar 
  4. She, looking over his shoulder and seeing skeletons and such head buts him, he gets knocked out for a little bit, she grabs the keys (in an almost drunk state) and unlocks herself, and then chains him up (Upon touching him, she starts getting random facts of information floating around in her brain)
  5. Whole double page of all the random information entering her brain - include rima the revloutionist and the rose gem and basic mechanics/healing
  6. "" 
  7. Starts looking round, finds books on anatomy, and mechanics and jars of human parts, and not so human parts, she also finds things on dragons, notices her waist has been bandaged, hands float over coins and then go towards a diary,  
  8. She is sitting in a chair drinking tea reading his diary when he wakes up,  and walks over to him "technically, the last this I want to do is hurt you...Again... But it's still on the list so uh.. start talking now or I'll spread all your secrets to everyone" (take it from the above text box//pull what he said down and scribble it out) he replies, "oh like you can read?"
  9. "Yes, Tristain" I can "So do most people in this world, not everyone just skims through life looking at pictures" (look at reader raising an eye brow her back to him he is undoing himself using the mechanical spiders,  "technically a nice cup of tea would make this a little easier, yes?" Says the Mechanic as he rubs his hands   
  10. (Why did I turn away) internal thoughts of Maya mouth slightly open as she turns around, He is in kitchen and opens the curtains and you see the sky going past so he's like "as you can see I professor Tristain , Thay" am owner of this rather lovely moving vessel and this... Curtains open 
  11. "Is technically not where we want to be..."Jaw slack, large city about to crash into, he starts pouring the water for the tea "Oh my,,,"  
  12. Still trying to drink tea, and fix everything in the control room, last panel them about to crash into outer wall of Sygnette and a baby dragon flies onto the windscreen trying to get to Maya 

3) She gets her arm fixed, the French story is introduced and eye candy enters the party, baby dragon starts following Maya

  1. Jacque and Lissette are in the mechanic shop, being all sexy and lovey dovey and whispering names to each other etc. 
  2. Someone crashes into the shop saying about the crash out side of town, the words are half jumbled and in the next shot they are gone with the words following them out the door.
  3. Jaque squints at the word bubbles and then sighs, as Lissete kisses him on the cheek and slips away 
  4. Jaque shows up on a horse and cart (now with glasses), with all manner of odds and ends and now he's scratching his chin and looking at all the debris and rubble, have the smoke from the final shot be drifting through all three previous ones 
  5. Tristain and Maya emerge from the wreck, Maya's arm has become unhinged and Tristain has several pieces of glass sticking out of him (under nails, and in eyeballs) his mechanical structure underneath is now showing with half his face peeling away, Maya holding her side the stitches loose and she's bleeding again.  
  6. Tristain notes Jacque and Leo in the crowd of gawking humans "Oh how kind of you to meet us" "sorry about all this mess" Takes a sip of tea from his now very broken tea cup. Maya is rubbing her mechanical arm that is hanging and broken, a few sparks fly out 
  7. "Jacque my dear be a good man and help this one up for me , pushing Maya forwards  " Technically not much you can do for the brain but the arm should be simple enough, and just tighten those stitches" he leans in to say in a false whisper and drops some coins into Jacques hand. He goes to embrace Leo, then stops just as he's about to touch him reconsidering, he looks at the fine suit and says "ah aren't you well dressed, Ball tonight?" Leo looks back astonished "Any luck with the pirates? No? Well anyway I'll see you there" He walks off his parts sparking. (No one else has said anything and all are speechless) 
  8. Jacque raises his fists and shouts after Tristain "If I were you I'd" *CLANG* Maya was messing with stuff in the cart trying to fix herself and many things fall out. Leo puts his hand on Jacques shoulder "Have f-f-fun ;) ) 
  9. Evening at the castle with lots of carts outside, Jacque detailing next Lissette how he'd had to work on Mayas arm and give her a dress and then a dragon had started chasing her when she'd left the shop and how it was all so Bizzar. With Lissette putting make up on in sexy Lingerie (they just had sex kinda bed in background and stuff, a few tissues some sweat patches both half naked) 
  10. "Bang" on the door and Lissette hides Jacque away. Leo opens the door and seeing Lissette smiles. "Ah.. Soon we are to be married" he saunters over and pulls her in close hands groping her butt. He smells the oil from Jacque and notes the evidence on the bed, pulling her in and holding her by her throat. "You know, I'm willing to oversee your many lovers, I think your experience is a charm, but this will not continue!" She try s to deny but he grabs her outside. 
  11. Holding her out over the balcony of many dancing people below, by the throat, "You may not love me but you will obey, obey..." "understand?" She is clawing blood out of his hands but it doesn't work, she looks down to the great fall below and meekly nods yes. He smiles and lets go "I'm glad we have an understanding" Pulling her back up onto the balcony 
  12. Switch to Maya and Tristain. (general chatter in background of a grand jewel being transported on the glass train) Maya is sneaking out of the ballroom (In background you see the two of them up in the balcony with Lissette hanging out still) She reaches a horse and is about to steal it when a dragon fly's up behind her. "Technically that is stealing you know?" from Tristan "It's borrowing to get away from that thing" Final shot is a cute image of the Dragon drooling a little and licking it's lips.

 4) They decide to rob a train and the gun girl enters the story

  1. Maya and Tristain are arguing and the horse runs off, the dragon looks at it sadly, then a carriage hurtles towards them
  2. Lissette and Tristain and riding hard in the carriage trying to escape, but see the people standing in the road and have to come to a hard stop. They shout at them for being in the way and whilst that happens the horse disappears and the dragon becomes rather fat....Dragon is fat and has eaten the escape horse used by Lissette and Jaque, Tristain witty remark
  3. Dragon burps up a few bones. Jacque fixes up the carriage to the dragon and they start to fly away but it's slow going and Leo is catching up to them on the distance, Lissette simply explains that she has to leave! 
  4. I'll see you at the city of towers - Jacque and they fly away into the moonrise. the angry mob held at bay by an explosion Jacque sets of. 
  5. Awkward moment of staring at each other not saying much, awkward conversations 
  6. Montage of day break, with them going lower and lower you can see the train, the dragon looks super worn out 
  7. They pull up by the train and just as it's about to leave, landing on top, Maya scrabbles and undoes the dragons bindings to which it flys off into the distance..."good riddance?" only to hear a click as someone pulls a gun on her (this happens just as she undoes the last strap with a "Stop") 
  8. She turns around and see's sky pirates ontop of the train, three others plus Rima "You get that dragon back here" Maya holds up her arms and is all like "Give me a break " she notes where Tristan is, and using the mechanical arm pushes him into them
  9. He falls and grabs onto them, she ducks as one of the other pirates guns goes off and see it embedded into her arm, the others are dazed from touching him, all grabbing their heads, Rima is the last one standing, as Rima turns to look at her friends Lissette grabs the gun and pulls her arm back behind her, the coat she is wearing opens up a little revealing that she's still in the lingerie from earlier   
  10. She fishes in Rimas jacket and starts throwing guns and then a jewel onto the floor, chucking it over to Maya, she finds a crumpled up picture of a Rima and is all like oh, hey Rima, so what you doing on the train then?
  11. Was planning on stealing this and making a quick get away till you guys wrecked out transport out, Lissete pulls out a big shiny red button , Rima is all like O.O Don't push it!!!! 
  12. Question to the viewers. Push the button? Yes or No,   

5) There is a house that burns and peoples ties are put to strain

  1. If yes, the train blows up and they all fall into a lake/hot spring with rubble falling down if no then Rima takes the button and explains everything, she then joins the party, 
  2. no = they go down collect parachutes and escape, yes = they wash up on the sure, a very bedraggled Rima saying "I told you not to push that button -.-''" Reveal a  birthing scar over her stomach , tristain witty remark
  3. They walk up to the house and Maya checks everywhere, Lissette is like what are you doing? And Maya says "Ever since I read that note things keep happening, it's like I've become the main character for some messed up plot" "Don't worry dear you don't really look like a main character" Rima knocks on the door and it swings inwards "creepy"(may be too self reference)  
  4. They go inside and realise no one is there, they all dry off and get a fire going, huddling in some blankets that are found. Tristain starts making some food from a crate that landed and they all sit down at a table and eat Maya still looking sketchy, Lissette now in a dress, Rima having retrieved her gun is now cleaning it, Tristain is reading through a map they start drinking and then explain each others storys, each one becoming more exaggerated and one upy from the other as they get more and more drunk  
  5. Tristain explains about how he is on a quest for knowledge and how Maya crashed his island with her dragon "Technically you are in charge of that dragon you know, what with it eating you and all" 
  6. Rima explains about how her team mates left her, the dragon landed on the escape route hatch destroying it , and her now dead friends, how she'll never see her son again  
  7. Lissette briefly goes into the psychopathic husband to be and how he threatened to kill her, how she can't be with the one she loves  
  8. And Maya..Just mumbles about wanting to be rich to pay of her parents debts .... Lissette snorts and says she defiantly isn't the main character they all become good friends by the end of it 
  9. Rima and Maya get very close, with Rima comforting Maya, Rima kisses Maya and Maya blushes and gets all startled and says she's going to get some water, Lissette laughs and says it's probably her first kiss, Rima says "her?" And Lisstte and Tristain just look at her like O.o well yeah duh.... "Fair enough," she says touching lips her lips with a quirky smile 
  10. Maya grabs some water and see's the dragon outside, she tries to shoo it away but it keeps coming back, the dragon huhs a small fire and she quickly puts it out with the water, "bad dragon!"  she heads back inside and locks the door 
  11. She gets back to the room and everyone is asleep, so she adds a little more wood to the fire , and falls asleep 
  12. She wakes up in a cold sweat, saying she thought that the house would be on fire or soemthing to test their ties, the others look at her bemused and say come on, there is an oasis near here we can go get some food and such! They head off into the sunrise  

 6) She is in a market and has a conflict with the prince

  1. Make it to the oasis 
  2. Gets all dressed up by Lissette, Tristan is charasmatic 
  3. wanders off then hears prince saying shit
  4. Conflicts against him telling him to shut up 
  5. She walks off then he realises who she is 
  6. Chase seen 
  7. Rides dragon away from him and make it back to her friends 
  8. They get the map and start towards the city via underground 
  9. old skeleton scares Lissette and she drops the map 
  10. They wander aimlessly
  11.  Dragon gets hungry and looks like its about to eat them and  Maya manages to get it to go find out 
  12. Dragon makes out of a flying whole they have no way to get out 
  1. Shes about to run away// he grabs her hand// her head crashes into the wall "well aren't you just the little escapist"// 
  2.  Her eyesight blurred slightly you see it from her pov // She slaps him revealing the tattoo of magic ness on his head // he glares at her and grabs her hand, " And a violent one at that"
  3.  She is walking happily carrying the food close to her chest shadow person in foreground// a man rushes past her // making her spill her food  it falls out the panels
  4. He pins her arm above her head and leans in closely "stop drawing attention to us, or else" // Show her look of utter fear but looking really cute at the same time, her mouth frozen slightly open as if about to scream she glances from side to side // Some people run past on the other side " can you see him? Where did he go?"
  5.  He grabs her chin // kisses her // her eyes wide as she goes to slap him again 
  6.  he pulls away and grabs her second hand in one move // "don't" he looks all glaring and staring at her // Show her slumped against the wall eyes shut closed, half hidden in the street light, some people running off in the distance
  7.  He falls to the ground a small pool of blood the girl just stands close eyed // she opens her eyes and begins to run away // then looks over her shoulder a worried expression..*Muttering under her breath*"Are you....Okay" 
  8.  Sweat drips of the man's nose his face mostly hidden by his hair, his lipped turned into a vicious smile "Just peachy... now *Pants* run a long would you?I'm a little busy" // She looks back towards the light once more then sighs // turning back to the man she rips some of her skirt and wraps it around his bleeding arm. 
  9. The man looks at her, teeth gritted " are you insane?" // she runs a hand through her damp hair "probably..." // She uses a potion on him, which she had bought for herself and her side now healing but still somewhat pained. 

 7) She reaches the kingdom everything is almost going to plan

  1. Tristain was picking up mechanics and makes an elevator to get out 
  2. They enter the city of towers, Tristan is witty
  3. Guards surround them and her dragon is caught under traps, tristain goes to push down arrow but they are caught with nets 
  4. Rima trys to shoot and Lissette pulls out some kick ass moves, they end of with black eyes and are knocked out  
  5. Dragged into the audience chamber, everyone is in chains, they try and get her to prove that the dragon won't hurt them
  6. fat king claps and says wonderful! you have passed the first test 
  7. They relax and go out drinking, Jaque finds Lissette and they are all lovey dovey 
  8. Rui finds out about Tristain and how he has mechanics and starts being all interested in them 
  9. They are all summoned and explained about the quest
  10. Maya flys off on the dragon with one of the guards to see the silken city 
  11. As she flys off Leo makes it to the city with his mechanical dragon 
  12. Leo and Lissette find each other, and Leo claims to want the Kingdom intimidating the king

8) The king puts trials in her way 

- Spiders (Isaac) Giant fury mountain, assumed to be moss, they touch it and it's just tons and tons and fricken tons of spiders. Inside is boss rock spider who has a silk armour thing they need to get for the king. or dress oor yes...
- Rima is resting under a tree, having been fighting to earn money for her son to eat (he's around 2 and has a tough build)  She gives her son away only so that he might have a better life and vows to change the world in turn. Thus she becomes the revolutionist.

  1. Rima a lot younger resting under a tree cleaning her weapons, she has a small pile of coins in a music box beside her, and a young boy runs forward from behind the bushes 
  2. She is about to raise her knife to him then realizes who it is and relaxes, he looks a little scared/embarrassed  but then runs up and hugs her, she strokes his hair, and looks to the coins
  3. Jacques fetch some bread, be quick and get a good price okay? He nods and runs off, she sighs and shuts the lid to the coins 
  4. As Jacques runs into the market everyone is sneering and turning away from him, he goes up to buy bread and the seller gives him the stale stuff quickly cutting off the mold before handing it to him for a few coins, Jacques notices that the table is sagging and fixes it with some random objects around,
  5. shop keeper looks surprised and gives him the bread for free, murmuring clever boy or something, as he got the bread for free he looks to the sweets/toys section, but then turns his attention to some bandages and healing salves and buys that instead. 
  6.  He returns to find rima talking to some nobles, he puts down the items as she comes back and brushes him off, handing him her last few coins in the wooden music box, she squeezes him and says she wants him to stay with the nice people always polite and she makes him promise her, then she watches as he goes away in the carriage  
  7. Dragon arrives at the silken city, mayas like okay lets land on the mountain, as they get closer she realizes it's not a mountain but lots of spiders, she's like oh shit not rock not rock, but it's too late and the dragon and her are sucked in under the spidery outside 
  8.  corpse hangs out with a cross bow that she gingerly takes, looking at the dragon that judges her and shes like whaaaat, she puts her hand on one of the glowing mushrooms and it oozes, dragon gives her another look 
  9. shes about to chastise again but then dragon takes her around the corner and they narrowly avoid a spider, but the spider webs get in the dragons nose and he sneezes creating a fire, she has to use one of the glowing mushrooms to put out the fire....and they are left in darkness
  10.  See her eyes in the dark...This time glaring at dragon...She starts heading up and then BAM nice opening shot show off all the city and spider legs etc. Meets the boss - Audience decide, sing for it, burn it, talk to it, fight it with the cross bow, offer the dragon to it for it to eat, she says now what? Looking straight to camera   
  11.  Audience decision happens epicness ensues 
  12. Triumphant leaving the city, on the dragon heading back into the city of towers, the dress/Armour flying through the air, some threads coming of off it as it flies (yes it's going to arrive in tatters)  

Lissette's parents whilst travelling come across the child, her mother is heavily pregnant and they choose to take him in as a bodyguard/servant of sorts. As he grows they realise his talent and encourage his inventive ways. 

9) The characters start to fall for the wrong people
  1. Leo and king are discussing, leo trying to persuade him to let him rule, explains he has a mechanical dragon which fits what was asked, that he would make a wonderful ruler etc. etc. Rui sitting calmly sipping tea, quirky remarks that show all the flaws in Leos plans. 
  2. Maya arrives back at the city arriving in garden, her hair grown out, covered in threads from the gown which is now in tatters. She notices the king eating a cake with some ladies/Leo directly infront and laughs, ah well yes, my leige - and she bows handing over the silk dress. Cake drops from the kings mouth. 
  3. He quickly recovers and then looks at the dress, well that simply will not do. Be away with you, I'll think of something else, and take that rubbish with you.  Maya walks away rolling her eyes, bringing the dragon with her, restraining it from eating the humans and muttering how she should have wrapped it. 
  4. King leans over to Leo and says, well...I can't have "her" in charge, hushed whispers ensue. Rui puts down her tea frowning slightly. 
  5. Maya brings the tattered dress back to the room and Lissette forces her to wear it, stitching it up with a bit of silk from where it had become slightly too reveiling, Lissette has just the right shade of lipstick to go with it and says she will be right back! Hurrying away. Knock on the door, Maya says enter thinking it's Lis and Leo enters saying the king has asked for her. Is taken about by Mayas beauty, miner stammer. 
  6. Maya notices Lissette behind him and as he's about to turn she stands and falls to the floor, dress ripping somethwat, Leo stays look at Maya and helps her up, "I'll uh...Just get changed" thanks you... Lissette has rushed away and leo apologieses and says he'll wait outside. 
  7. King reveals a long long scroll with 5 plants drawn intricatly and showing where it is on a mountain, insists she must gather the plants before noon and she may not use the dragon but must rely on her own strength. Lissete gives her a potion that will help her "keep going"  
  8. Starts hiking up the mountain, stunning view of the city, notice how the towers and rock sides don't seem awefully stable, gets to the cave and finds a couple of the plants (already had the glowing mushroom plant from the spider cavern) Sun is still high and she sighs, looking up the winding path... still so far to go, mini montage of gathering next to bird nest and bird chasing her, diving into a pool and having seeweed/merman 
  9. Cut to her at the top of the mountian in a cave, gathering the last plant and crossing it off her list.Shadow figure looking and waiting for her to fall in trap but she misses. She looks at the sky and sighs better be heading back looking exhausted, takes a swig of the potion that Lissette gave her and starts getting swooshy, blames it on the tiredness,  figure catches her from behind and drags her away. 
  10. Puts up a fight but then is blindfolded and falls, onto some rope which was a trap set up that she didn't fall into last time. Is blindfolded, gagged and has hands tied, she realises they are walking down and starts "hearing" her surroundings. Underground? No one digs underground in this city.
  11. Is finally unblindfollded and tied to a chair, inside cave, small stream running through, old civiliaztion area with stone bed and table etc. Blurry image of leo, she says she's going to be sick and he reluctently unties her, she is sick and he pats her back, she goes to hit him but is too weak, starts throwing up again this time all over him. 
  12. He ties her to a makeshift bed, and when she wakes up she is partially naked/so is he with their clothes hanging up drying, fire crackeling, Leo snoozing in a chair. Still feeling sick but now able to move she goes towards the water and finds a sword at her throat. 

Upon not finding her, her companions search everywhere. Lissette happened to find out about the abduction but not wanting to be tied to Leo and seeing it as a good way for peace doesn't tell anyone. Jacque notices something wrong and presses for details but to no avail.
 10) The dragon almost kills everyone 

When Mayas dragon goes wild at her disappearance and starts destroying the city the emperor is forced to ask Leo to retrieve Maya.

Jaque being the brillient inventor that he is when faced with Leo's mechanical dragon thinks he can escape, ignoring her warning. In the attack at first he is doing well but then suffers a critical hit. He is heavily wounded and dies from blood loss.Where he died Lissette turns the place into a garden and vows to never love again. 

11) ending part 1 Leo obliges but not before tricking her into a contract where she can go and save the city but she is then tied to him for 6 months of the year. // Lissette notices Mayas feelings for Leo and pressures them to stay together.   
12) ending part 2 o.o
Upon his death he is turned into a blank character. When Maya hears of this she breaks out the panels and tries to draw him back in but can't get it right. Many versions of him appear and they all combine into a ghost image, he tells Lissette he loves her but to move on, says his goodbyes and then lives inside one of the flowers.

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